
lU -26-. present South African tradition), but a clear cut scientific exposition,in which H. Vi. Walker, who wore the green and gold in 1910, showed that even today he can use his feet splendidlyand was responsible for more than one fine dribble. All these old veterans joined in with a willto put up as fine an exposition of rugger as could be wished for - and a more than valuable lesson to the many keen youngsters who played and those equally keen lads who looked on from the touchline'*. The College side was very light but very keen and fought well throughout. There were two notable things to be observedthe very safe handling of all, forwards and backs, and the re- "markable accuracy of their kicking, of which, however, there vjas a minimum. l¥ith a little more weight in the pack, where the Old Crocks got the ball much as they wished, the College should be a formidable proposition to any school side today". Bill payn opened the score and then Nichols retaliated for Dyer to goal^ Miller scored for Bill Pa^ui to convert and then Dydr iiitercepted and scored cn his o^wi, also goaling. Alf Vfelkor scored, and then Thoiaas raced away for Dyer to add the third '' goal points. Bill payn coored a chai'acteristio try with six 'boys hanging on to him, and ji'c-t before the end' Wally.Clarkscn oa;ne through vvith -'he bail at his feet. The bounce favoured diidn and he fell over far out. Bill Payn added another goal kick. "OIO GPOCIS". Humphrey, Bill Payn, Wall;/ Claikcon, Ilodd,Ja.oques ^ gtiebelVrellows-Smith, A,?,Walker, II. W. lialker, 3.E.Vanderpiank, Norris (o), Odendaal, H, Miller, P, GwlLlam, Brookes. ,'.S .. "COfcl-EGB". Herj";/, Thomaa,Dyar, Smith, Christie,Larrington(c) Cilliab, llichcls. Booth, Doidge, Coutts, Good, Burnett, Ellis, King. ■(J lY V MARISTS, JUNE 2nd. UoT-e. WON 34 - 0. / Jumping into the lino Mason gave Thomas the overlap and soon after some iaiterpasaing ended in Mason diving full length for the second i-ry. Playing at full back Christie follov/ed up a short kick aiid scored. larringbon did some ivonderful side stepping and dummying and near their Ibie Coubts intercepted and