
-33-. and was carried. MAY 12th. Larrington and Coutts proposed the motion "That the modern girl is degenerate" and Ellis and Driman oppo&ed it.It was carried. Booth wa.s in the chair. MAY 19th. With Driman R. in the chair, Mr. CamEbell very kind ly gave a most interesting lecture on the Balkans,enlivening his topic with incidents from his own experience. The lecture on this (to us) little known part of the world, was keenly followed and thoroughly enjoyed. le are grateful to Mr. Campbell for the considerable trouble he took to prepare this treat for us• JuJilORDEBATlHG- SpClgTV. We have had two terms of keen debates, held weekly on Sat urday mornings. The standard of speaking has not been particu larly high, but something sensible has usually been offered by Whitelaw, Metcalf, Batchelor and Mark. Gradually the debaters are learning to keep to the point and spend less time on obser vations as to the character and ancestry of the opposing deba ters. DEBATES. FEBRUARY IQth and 17th. "That Morses are more useful than Dogs"., Lost 9-10. S-peeohee 69 - 59. FEBRUARY 24th. MARCH loth. APRIL 7th and 14th. "That Natives should be Educated". Lost 6-12. Speeches 18- 35. "That Boarding Schools are better than Day Schools". Won 14-4. Spsches 28-8. "That the Tuck Shop be abolished". Ixast 3-17. Speeches 14 - 102.