
# . -35-. DLpBavs rioTEs. ANNUAL DINNER; The Annual Dinner was held on Saturday, 12th May, at the Royal Hotel and a very enjoyable repastwas provided for a modest sum. About twenty Old Beys attended, most of the Durban members being present, and also some from a distance, such as Clark from Zululand and Theunissen A,B. from Maritzburg. The usual toasts were proposed and replied to. After dinner, a business meeting was held, and the following officers were elected; President; ... The Headmaster. Vice-presidents; Mr.G.M.Oram, Mr.J.F.Reeoe and T.Jackson, Hon.Secretary & Treasurer; A. T, Winship. COMMITTEE; ... L. France, H. Middleton, W. C. Hopkins, T. Jackson and M. Foss. There was considerable discussion over the proposed adop tion of a new Club blazer, and it was agreed that a final de cision should be left to a meeting to be held at the College on the occasion of the Old Boys' Match. There was unanimity, hov;- ever, in condemning the present blazer, and desiring a complete ly new style. The position with regard to the Magazine was also discussed i and it was pointed out that there imc much dissatisfaction ov^ing to the excessive delay in issuing the various numbers.The Editor gave assurances that a change over from a quarterly issue to a half yearly one would considerably facilitate matters,and though such a decision did not really rest with that neetiiig, he would be glad to have their approval of the change. This was agreed to. The business, being concluded, the meeting broke up into conversational groups shortly before ten O'clock, ANNUAL RUGGER MATCH. Some twenty Old Boys visited the School on 16th June to