
-36-. partake in or to witness the Annual game against the School. K thrilling encounter ensued, and even those Old Boys who are not playing regularly seemedto stand the pace extraordinarily well. The Old Boys were leading practically the whole way, and but for an unnoticed tardiness in the referee's watch,which resulted in play being extended in the secend-half almost to the point of darkness, the School would not have claimed the victory. As the sun sank, play grev/ ever faster and more furious as each side fought desperately to regain the lead, and the spectators fol lowed atta-ck and counter-attack with vrondering admiration. . The full time v/histle blew just after Driman converted the winning try for the School. In the evening, the Rugger Dinner was held in the Hall, and the customary toasts were honoured, Clark proposing that to the School Fifteen. A bioscope show followed, and a dozen Old Boys stayed over to spend Sunday at the College. FOUNDER'S DAY. It is proposed to celebrate Founder's Day by a visit of as many Old Boys as possible to the School on Saturday, 4bh August, and as Monday is a public, it is hoped that the visit will extend until then. The programme will probably include tennis matches and tournamont on Saturday and Monday, and the Durban group are hoping to present a couple of dramatic sketches (very dramatic, I expect .Ed) in the laallon Saturday even ing. The Staf-f will also assist the entertainment in a similar Tmy. The Head has kindly consented to the stage and its equip ment romainjiig up over the holidays for this occasion. HEW BLhZ.ER ■ The design of the new blazor was decsided at a meeting held at the School after the Rugger Match. It consists of maroon stripes on a craam background, and looks very smart. The price will be about 5o/~ and Payne Bros .eicpect to be able to supply it in September, An order from Mr, A, T- Yifinship, 207, Ridge Road, Durban, is necessary. FERSOaAL PARiVGRAPES. R. J. Crawford entered Cape Town University at the beginning of ^ i# . j