
F-SL5;j- ■ r ■ i : "»3""• EXAMIHATIOMS In common with ms.ny other schools, our examinatior. results were exceptionally good this year. In the Matrie there were three first classes and four seconds, while the J.C. prod uced three first cls.sses, four seconds and three thirds'. ii'ae offer hearty congratulations to Barbara Matterson on se curing a first class in the Matriculation,and hear she is having a happy and successful time at Cape Tovm University. THE MimL PIAY. The annual Play was resumed this year v/ith a perfor mance of a three-act comedy entitled "The Rising Generation",and a larger audience tJaan ever crov/ded the hall for the occasion.We are indebted to Mr. Reece for an account of the event that ap pears elsewhere in this issue. The producers at first thought they had very poor material to work with, and as the play was in rehearsal for barely two months, there were times when they were very fearful lest the venture should fail to repeat the success es of the past. In the end, however, the actors acquited them selves splendidly, and the producers xvlsh to pay tribute to.the patience and willingness with x'diich they bore the arduous v/orkof rehearsal. They ungrudgingly sacrificed many an afternoon when the Rugger field would have called them, and they thoroughly de served their success. Larrington, assisted by SchofieId, worked hard in reorganizing and improving the lighting system;Booth and Ellis were meticulously careful and painstaking in erecting the "scenery",and Dunster, King, Poole, Driman 11 and Putterill gave invaluable (and noiseless) help behind sta"^ and so ensured the" smooth running of the show. VISITORS. ^ Visitors this half have been fev;, and the three noted below all came to us in the Second Term. The Bishop of Katal, Dr. Fisher, accompanied by the Rev. G. H. Mountford, Vicar of Stanger, visited us one Saturday evening, and was much interested