
Tf - ' -39— returned to East London where he has been successful in securing an appointment with the Prudential Assurance Com^ny. We hear that he is doing very well. F. Hill reappeared at 'Uie College with his sustomary cheerfulness Just after the term ended. He seems to be enjoying and making a success of selling motor cars, farming implements and rubber goods on the North Coast and' in Zululand. H. M. Pointer is reported by K. Piper (who still dn the Rail way shops at Uiteidiage) to be settled in California and to have married tlie runner-up in a Chicago Beauty Competition. He is working on the oil wells«, P. Slabbert is at Cape Town University -taking a final year B.SC. in land surveying. Af-ber June, however, he returns to Johannesburg, where he will sit for the final examination in September, and take the practical examinations in November and December.His present course is a difficult one consisting of Geodetic Survey ing and Astronomy. W. P. Bromiley, who was awarded a three years» Scholarship last year, is doing historical research work in London. He has chosen as subject for his thesis "The Development of the Euro pean peoples in Natal 1844 - 1882". In his leisure time he is exploring London and the surrounding country, and, in addition, seems to have a full programme of ooncer-ts and shows,lunches and dinners. He writes "^y time is fully occupied, and I am making good use of my period in England". Rev. C.E.Wilkinson has been moved- by Conference from Johannesbiirg to Durban,where he is to be assistant to -the President, the Rev. H. W. Goodwin. B» Peppier and A. Evans ■were still in Cape Town when last hoard We should be grateful if anyone can gi-ve us fur"ther news of them or induce ihem to wri-te us a line themselves. These who are in touch wi-th -them and read these lines, please note ! We extend our sympathy to P. Hind on the recent loss of his father. I. Marshall is working at one of the gold mines, and is doing