
-41-. burgh, and has returned to Durban for the Suminer vacation* D. Weir has been transferred from Harrismith to Johannesburg. Heis still with the Standard Bank. L. Weir is now working at the Prudential Building Society,Johan nesburg. C» Sparks has left Durban and has taken over his brother's stcre at Swinburne, and is getting on very well. E. Qarr is working in the offices of the Coronation Brick and Tile Company, Greenwood Park. R. Richards has secured a post with S. Peimer & Co., Smith St., Durban, Sister Edwards, although not an Old Boy (perfectly obvious...Ed) is still very much interested in the Old Boys, and they in her. This is our excusefor mentioning that at the beginning of May,she took three months• leave from the Kearsney Hospital in order to viiSit Europe with the British Empire Service League Pilgrims, According to the newspapers, they have had a thrilling time over there, and no doubt we can look forward to a most interest ing asoount of her experiences when Sister Edwards returns to Kears ney in August. . .i'.- "' - .'1 a