
-t2-. Maria. Hcoded and shrouded,she has come to take up her abode among us. Far long we ha"we felt that something of this kind would be very welcome,and at last she is in our midst, very much a member of the community. It was not difficult to find a name fix her for this was an obvious choice. There is something in addition to the above name, but we would rather not mention that"out of consideration for her feelings. Feelings ? li'ilhy. Yes, certain ly she has sensitive parts. ?Ie have come to the conclusion that she has far too many. Her bonnet shows signs of much use, for her digestive organs are not what they were. I'Vhen age creeps on, then the youthful injuries are inclined to show. That these do so at unfortunate times,is true. She loves attention, and that is lavishly showered upon her, for she is well cared for and well fed at all times. On one occasion when something "mysterious" went wrong with the innards, a spec ialist was summoned to her aid. It was a longer illness than was at first anticipated,for she cleverly hid her complaint,blow ing smoke in the faces of the doctors attending her, and so con fusing them. Jjater it was discovered that her vitality spark was net functioning properly, but that it was shorting across her stomach. She demanded a night's rest,and this was gladly given her by common vote. In the morning she had been given a new lease of life and the battery of language that she greeteduswith was s-mething awful. However, we survived this successfully, and bi'ought her home. Many and varied are her whims. Vifhen she feels that she has done her share, she demands to be wheeled. Downhill she can manage herself, but just sometimes she needs assistance up the inclines. Even here we obeyed her wishes, though not without son© grumbling and secret amusement (one can have too much of this sort of thing too). She loves experts I Get a specialist to her, and she will soon show her teeth in winsome way. Take, for examplo, tho other evening. We had been for a most pleasant outing and she had given no trouble for a considerable distance, when she suddenly weakened, and fired all sorts of rude remarks, at us. We consulted, but she was adamant, she insisted on an