
^ '-..M iMPDSSIBLIr CONVSRSATIONS. "please. Sir, won't you set our prep ?" "? know, I was thinking of letting you off? "oh I But Sir I you aiust think of our poor suffering parents. You know they don't send us to school just to be let off prep. Couldn't you set us a six-page essay on, say, 'The Causes Results and Criticisms of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars' ? "Vfell, yes, I could", "oh. Please do. Sir. You know it's simply ages since we did any vrork for you". "Well, all right. The prep will be as you suggest. By the way, you might just as well learn Bismarck's European policy for a test". "Certainly, Sir, and is that all ?" * "Yes, I think that will be quite enough for the present". ; "(jood morning. Sir". "Gkjod morning. Vvill you please sit down and shut your books. I hope you wcn't mind, but I want to test you on your prep? ""Excuse me. Sir, but would you mind tanning us if wo get more than twc mistakes, and keeping us in for a two-hour detention if we get only one ?" "oh! But I'd hato to bo so unfair to you, so I'll pass over that." "But, Sir, it isn't at all unfair; you set the xvork for us and we are supposed to have learnt it". "All right, then, but I hate doing it, so we'll comprcmise: If you get over three mistakes, I'll cane you, but not unless. Do you agree (Reluctantly). "All right, I suppose so. Sir But in that case, can't we have the detention as well as the tanning ?". *