
COIfl)OIENCES: We regret to hare to record that the month of November brought the shadow of death close to the College in three in stances. Mr. Esece's father, the Rev. J. Sadler Reece passed away at Stoke-on-Trent after a long and painful illness, courage ously borne. We eitepd our sympathy to his son. In the same month Mr. Harry Foster, the College Carcenter , died in the Kearsney Hospital after a briefillness. He was a fine 'vorkmaii, a cheerful character,and a good friend to boys who . w^^ed to try their hand at "making things" in his workshop. We extend our sympathy to E- and I. Driman whose father died at Kearsney Hospital after a long illness. C. S. Campbell left us at the end of tlio year,so forms 'eui- arxl 'Three are likely to be combined again. At the beginnuig of December, Mi-. Reece left for England on thi'ee months leave. ■ He will be back again by the beginning of March. BXMIMATIONS AND.SPORT: Th.e year 1934, which has been a bright one £of the country geiieraliy, has been an excel'loennet for the school also, and much has been achieved, and enj'oyably achieved, both in the class-rooms and on.tiie playing field. The examination results were again excellent, four out of five candidates passing the Matric. in Decembe:*;, and the fifth candidate failed only sm one subject and qualified in February. In the Junior Certificato Form, nine out of ten candi,dates passed. Cricket, and Rugger, have been thoroughly enjoyed and have reached a high standard. The Cricket Eliven has done particular ly well, for the School h^ never befoA^^sseased such an array