
-3-. of ba|s., andl^efgat been unknoym, while the Rugger Fifteen play§'d~a f^;^,'^ght game"throiighout. ENTEETAIffljENTS: ' . . : — ^ »« Saturday eirenings have been ^ given up as usual to Debating Society Meeting and Bioscopes, but two evenings of a different nature were arranged and each was very successful. ^ On Septenber 22nd, a concert that was thoroughly enjoyed ! WM held lit the Hall. Miss Fraser contributed pianoforte solas, j Mies Gascoigne (from Durban) sang delightfully, and Mr. Jack j Fowler (also from Durban) k0pt;us vastly amused-with a generous 1 selection of humorous songs and recitations. A member of an ; Athletic team from Durban also entertained us with some exceed- ! ingly clever ventriloquist turns. : to November 29th, the Rev. J. Glpdivr Davies kindly dame up j!from Durban and delivered a lecture on "Conditions In Europe"' . The fact that it was based on impressions gathered from a recent t visit and extensive tour,made the lecture all the more enjoyable l.and it was much appreciated,both by the School and visitors. :A NEW SCHEME: ; . ■ During the past year the conviction has grown among those ; Who are best acquainted with the position,that the time has come when the possibility of moving the School from Kearsney to some other district must be seriously considered, and as a result of Informal conversations, the Council has now given its approval to the^drawing up of such a scheme. It will be some time before any details are available, but this much can be said.namely that the object is to incye the school to a poiht somewhere on the main road between Druianond -and Pietermaritzburg. it is honed to raise capital sufficient to purchase at least one hundred'acres of land, and to erect modern buildings combining digniny and efficiency, and of such a nature as to*"iiiake"'the School at once one of the leading educational institutions of Natai,