
T'l -5-. boy? were received into full membership of the Methodist Church; Booth, G. Dimstor R.S. Eaton M. Jenkins and Poole N.C.P.Tho servico wa-s conducted by our Chaplain, the Rev, F» H, Orchard. THE COUNCIL. It is with regret that vra have to record the death of a member of the Council in the person of Mr. H. Hind, To his family we extend aur sincerest condoloncos, and have to acknow ledge a deep sense of loss for ourselves. Mr. Hind was an en thusiastic and a generous supporter of the School, and it was ho who made possible the extensions to the Preparatory building. He was a great Christian, a great business man, and a great be liever in education that moulds character as ■ well as imparts knov/ledge. His counsel and encouragement will be greatly missed on our governing body. Vife congratulate the Rev. H. V«. Goodwin who has ever been a staunch friend to us as a membsr of the College Council, on his accession to the Presidential Chair of the Methodist Conference, and we earnestly wish him a happy and successful year of office. ¥fe hope he will be able to find time to pay us the honour of an official visit before his term expires. Mr. Goodwin has left Musgrave Road on appointment to ffest Street Church. We regret to record the departure from Durban of the Rev. Allen lea v/ho was also a firm friend of the College as a member of its Council. Mr. Lea has left Durban to undertake particu larly responsible duties at the principal Cape Towm Church, and we hope he will be as happy and successful there as he v/as at West Street. APPOINTMENTS. PREFECTS; Head Prefect; Driman R.M. Others: Booth G.G. Doidge R.H. Nichols B. - Smith E.C.'Hittler F.G. Burnett E.R.Reeves N.