
-21-. line disorganidzed ran in for an easy try also converted. Mason, given his first opportunity, raced away and seemed a certain scorer, but the full-back just managed to check his. stride and the defence rallied. The best try was initiated by Booth and after five forwards had handled the backs carried on the good work, back to the fonvards again, and finally Mason dived over in the corner. Dyer goaled with a magnificent kick. Just on time Thomas missed his man and D.fl.S. scored their final try. The D.H.S. pack were a good deal heavier and certainly worked hard while their threes were very sound on defence. They fullv deserved their victory, KM: Christie, Mason, Dyer, Smith, Thomas, Larrington,. Reeves Driman, Booth, Nichols, Doidge, Good, Coutts, Burnett ■Hittler. Mgust 25th. ESHOHE. WON 11-3. fidJE. Ten minutes before half time Eshowe sconed as the result of a tantical error by Smith, who elected to pass instead of kick ing near his, line. The pass was intercepted and an easy try scored. Reeves elected to break, and seemed most disinclined to let the ball out, with the result that the line was starved. Mason Mde the most of the few opfwrtunities he was given and managed to equalise after a groat spurt ddiim the line. ^ Henry moved to the centre in the second half and there was" much more thrust. spotted a gap, and sped through, sold a neat dumny, and then swerved in to score a final try Dyer goaled. Thomas was slow in gathering the ball and lost several promising opportunities. Henry cut through again and handed to Mason at the right moment. He reversed to the forwards and one of them scored. The forwards were listless. Booth and Good worked hard, but the rest were most inactive. M: Henry, Mason, Dyer, Smith, Thomas, Larrington (c),Reeves Booth, Nichols, Good, Coutts, Burnett, King Lowe Christie. > 1st September. GlEPOOD HIGH 11. WON 21-7. ' HOME. The forwards again lacked fire. Glenwocd were the first