
-23-. 8th September. MARISTS U 17. WON 28-3. DURBAN. After some good forward play by Marists, L^rington effect ed a timely save by clever anticipation. The pack, with Booth ever to the fore, reserved the best effort of the season for the last game. Smith intercepted a bad pass, and raced away with Xing and Mason in attendance. Some short passing, and Mason scored between the posts for Dyer to goal. Shortly afterwards, Mason received and dived over in the corner Dyer just failed,The threes were kept busy, being generously fed by halves who were most unselfish. Mason and Thomas both had plenty to do, and did it well. Larrington made some very clever and thrustful breaks, and Reeves also broke cleverly and gave a very clean senrice from the scrum. Dyer drew the defence and unexpectedly reversed to Larrington who ran throutghhe gap and Dyer goaled. The forwards were everywhere, and the threes gave a most polished exhibition;Some of the movements were really brilliant.' It serves to show what can be done when there is determination to play an open game. Mason, Dyer, Smith, Thomas, Larrington, Reeves, Booth, Nichols, Good, Christie, Coutts, King, Lowe, , Abraham, Burnett. CHARACTERS. Driman R. Captain. Forward,. Sound on defence. Rather hesi tant about a decision. A good forward, but minor injuries have prevented him from giving of his best. Larrington- J. Yice-Captain. Fly-half. Fine anticipation. Un selfish, and can get the line moving well. Kicks well with either feet. Defence sound. Thrustful and clever. Smith E. Centre and full-back. Defence very sound. Breaks effectively at centre, handles well and has im proved his kicking. Christie M. Full-back and forward. Has lost his dash but