
-24-. defence very much sounder. Always plays hard. Mason R. Centre and wing. A better wing. Very deter mined and fast. Has developed a long stride and hasproved the best scoring factor. Thomas S. Wing. Must learn to swerve and side step. Has pace, but does not think quickly enough. De fence improving. Dyer R. Centre. Very sound. Runs much straighten, aid has developed more pace. Powerful hand off. Spots a gap quickly. Especially good p}ace kick. Henry W. Centre end full back. Very light, but fast. Breaks very cleverly, kicks very well. Defence greatly improved. Reeves N. Scrum-half. Owing to illness missed the first half. Defence good. Is rapidly overcominghis tendency to break too much. Gives a long accurate pass. Gilliat D. Scrum-half. Played the first half, and acquit ted himself well in a new position. Acted as a good link, most unselfish. Booth G. Forward. Has developed into a real battler,and hasproved himself good in all departments but especially in the line out, Nicholls B. Forward. Inclined to be too "loose" at times Fast and strong runner. Has played some very good games. Doidge H. Forward. Honest, hard worker. Always in the thick of things. Is learning to pass before being tackled. Good L. Forward. Hooker. light. When given supporthas hooked well. An honest worker.