
-40-. llfE5MVfeD£;BaTmG jQCIPTy, The following was the programme for the half year; 11th Attgust. Election of Officers. ^n. Secretary & Treasurer; Nichols B. Coimittee: Doldge, Schofield, Dyer, Tedder, Raw D. 2hth August. Debate on motion that "Thd^ increasing Industria lisation of South Africa is to be deplored". The proposers were SHis and Larrington, and Reewes and Hittler F. opposed. The motion was lost. 15th September. 'The object of this neeting was to instruct the house in the holding of public meetings, the Chairman's duties and the method of dealing with motions aid anendments. That the meeting was enjoyed was evident from the fact that a motion for the closure was defeated. The following were some of the motions debated; ^|That this House deplores the monotony of life at Kearsney". That dancing lessons should be introduced, and Seniors should hold dances". "That the three term year should "be adopted". "That this House notes with approval thesuccessful attempts to improve the diet of the inmates of the College".... an ^endment was carried to replace the word "inmates" by scholars". ' "That with a view to encouraging the Team Spirit, no obsta cles should be placed in the way of co-operation durim Prep". ^ Other items on the .Agenda successfully carried through were the presentation of an Illuminated address to Mr, Schofield fas a popular author) and of a Tin Medal to Mr. S. Thomas (as astrong silent man):. , . \