
-41-. 13th October. Tffo motions were debated. "That tennis should take the place of Cricket during the Summer terms". Proposed by Burnett and Dyer, and opposed by Coutts and Doidge. After a heated debate the motion was carried. "That too much importance is attached to examinations in South Africa" proposed by King and Driman and opposed by Abraham and Good. This motion was also carried. 2.0th Octobeft.. Mr. Campbell gave a very interesting lecture on ''British Territory in East and West Central Africa", and in the course of it referred to astonishing incidents that he had ex perienced of the "Bush telegraph". A most enjoyable evening : concluded with a hearty vote of thanks. 26th October. This meeting was devoted to a discussion on the allocation of funds and the subjects for essay competition, ; It was decided to vote £2. to each of the following; ' Essay Prizes, Books for Library, and the Annual Dinner. Subjects for Essays were decided as follows An Autobiography. The attractions of South Africa for Tourists. Sometime Perhaps ! An Ideal Educational System, I A detective story or a Ghost Story. 17th November. The following lectures were given;- Poole on "Some Customs and Superstitions". Paw D. on "Sir Ronald Ross". Lowe on "isandhlwana". Piper on "Limericks". Robinson on "Eating". Gates on "Admiral All". Charter on "Modes of Travel". Askew on "a Cricket .Match". Abraham on "The first-pn to rise into Space". 8th December. The Annual Dinner was held in the Hall, and was