
arms as frequently as their feet, the anthropoids proceeded on their quest. They had established n) superiority over the rest of the wild, each man was ready to strike or run, according to the nature of his opponent. Rapidly Wog strucaknd struck again. Second only to Gur in strength,and superior to him in cunning, he had found meat while the others had failed. Beating on his gigantic chest, he sum moned his kind to help carry the two horse-like creatures back to the caves. Unaided he heaved one of the animals to his should ers, and his lips curled back from his handsome protruding teeth in a smile of triumph as he led the way home. The caves were reached, and the women screamed for a portion of raw meat, But the males, forming a ring round the car casses, gorged themselves on the uncooked flesh.How and agai n some morael would be thrown over their shoulders to appease the still shrieking women and children. log, the strong and handsome hunter, saw that Kuri the beautiful young girl of his choice, was still hungry.' She screamed savagely at him, but he knew that she also loved him. Against all precedent, he seized more than his share of the meat so that Kuri could be aware of his affection. Gur,tiie leader also desired that meat, but log refused to cede the stolen portion. Bestial passions became enraged. They fought. The Taggan formed a circle round the combatanls• Impassively they watched the struggle. Not a sound escaped from the ring of faces as the conflictbetween youth and age progress ed, theconflict which would end only when one was dead, the qther supreme, and leader of the Clan. Next moj-ning, log, the new Chief of Taggan, was resting af ter his battle. He was happy for Gur was dead, and his strength had vfon him the heart of Kuri. He washed the marks of Gur's teeth with water from a hollow in the rocks A curly leaf fell into the pool, and floated on the surface. Child-like, Wog .^touched it - it still floated. He had to pressit. before, the water rose over the edge, and Wog tried 'the simple experiment with a twig. It sank with .a light touch but it al ways rose again. Within a second the great Idea had been born-