
-45-. Why not make a big tree hollow like a leaf, for then it would float like the leaf and not sink like the twig. Could they not cross the river without getting wet, and could they not face the Ka on their own ground, and beat them into submission ? Idea after idea flashed on to his senses. Wog will beremembered for all time as the man who made the first ship, for no sooner had the idea been born than he brought it into effect. A tree was laboriously hacked down, and by brute strength was dragged through ihe gigantic fernasnd creep ers of the primeval forest, to the shore of the estuary. Here slowly but surely, the crude stone implements of the Ape-men scooped out the first dug-out. The boat was finished, and the crude trials completed. This new hand-made water beast would carry 10 men in the deepest water, and in some measure, it would obey their will. It was the marvel of the day. That night, in an ecstasy of pride at his success, Wog confided to the understanding Ruri, all his hopes and plans. With something more than affection they twined their long and hairy arms around each other in a crushing ape like embrace. With something akin to adoratim and pride, Kuri gently bit her hero's ear in a manner very akin to a human kiss. The hunters of Taggan had to leave their forests and turn boat builders. Wog would allow no shirking, and for six months he suppressed all risings and kept the males steadily at their task. By the end of the year he was content - Five ungainly dug-outs had been fashioned, and fifty of the strongest males of the iribe had become as proficient as it was possible for them to be in their use. their Chief, their military genius had outlined to each man his task, and they were prepared. Silently one moonlit night, the five unweildly dug-outs set out towards the Camp of the Ka. Slowly these first ships were punted across the estuary of the dwellings of their oppressors The first naval attack in history was being launched. Three boats returned - The attack had been a success,the men of Taggan had routed forever the tyrants of Ka, and had taken their women as slaves I ^ 3000 A.D.! Man the all powerful has conquered everything,