


SgHDDL riQTSS COKDOLEITCES. We regret to have to record that hereavement came to five "boys in the middle of the year. Hittler lost his Mother in June, anU Mason, Chick and the Baikie Brothers lost their fathers in Ju).:/. We assnre each of them of our sincere sympathy. Jrank Lands"berg, an Old Boy, also passed aT7ay in J'ol;/ after a few days' illness. To his father at Island farm, we offer orir sympathy. The School has lost another friend ia Mrs.JIindson who passed away in I}ur"ban in June. She was always interested in the activities of the School, and liad established and endowed the Hindson Memorial Prise for Literature in memory of her hnLS"band. We offer our condolences to her son and neigh"bour, Mr. E. E,B. Hindson of Mellgnards Kearsney. STAPE, ivir. J. E, Reece returned to the School, in March.after spending Christmas leave in England.On Ills retnrn he joined the rahrs of the motorists, and drives a. Eord Y-S Gcupe. During his absence, his work was taken by an Old Boy, Mr. J.L, from Hatal University College. Two ot'ner Old Boys from the same Colleae also joined the Staff for the greater part of Eebrnary, namely, Mr. K. Balcomb, 3.A. and Mr, A. S, The^missen, B.A. O'^ar Chaplain, Rev. E. H. Orchard and family left on lea,ve for England in August, They expected to be back in Stanger in December, but owing io Mrs. Orchard's illness, have had to delay their return until next Eebrnary. While Mr, Orchard was away , Mr. J, C. Haycroft was in charge of the work in Stanger and un dertook the Chaplain's duties at the College.He soon made friends with the School, and we are veiy glad to liave had him with us. The Rev. E. E.Barritt of limb-lali acted as Commissioner fur the ivlatricuLation and Junior Certificate Examinations inDecember. We are glad to Imow that he enjoyed his stay with us, as these words of his testify: "Ic has been my privilege, pleasure and profit to be resident at the Eearsney College for some nine days ^!I AIWJUAIr PRIZE-GIVIHC: Tbie ceremony was held on 13th December,

-2-.. in the College Kail. The Eev. H.'T. G-ooduin nas in the Chair, and the Hev. laii MacDonald of PietenriaritsDurg presented the prizes, jjHAMlJiiJiOKS. The School has again had a very successfnl year froii': the examir^.tions point of view. Matricnlation: 6 boys entered and 6 passed: 1 first, 3 second and 2 Third Class Passes. Junior Certificate: 11 boys entered and S passed: 5 first, 1 second and 2 Third Class Passes. One boy won a Government bursary. Only one bursary is allotted to State-aided Schools on the result of the Junior Certificate Sxamination, and Kearsney has won it in each of the four yea^s in which it has been available. C. 7 boys entered and 6 passed. One boy won a Government Bursary. GHriPjjjL. Tne new Methodist Fymn Book ?7as introdiiced at the beginning of this year and is generally felt to be an improve ment on the former one. Twenty-three of its new times 'were learned dming tne year and soon became popular. The Choir worked enthusiastically and fittingly crown ed its efforts with a finely smg carol service on the last Sunday evening of the year. Tiie keenness of the Basses and Tenors to sacrifice their spare time for practices deserves the acluiowledgment of having theirnames recorded, so here they are Basses; Burnett, Good, StockLl, Eaton, Tenors: Christie, Iyer, Henry, Gilliat (until June). jJATAL SYITOD. The Fatal Synod met at the College from July 20 -23 and all its members seemed thoroughly to enjoy being back at School again. ¥e are glad to know that they found the corpoiate life, short though it was, of great value, and an aid to efficiency. One eveningras devoted to a discussionon "The Chui in relation to Education", which Messrs, Gram and Eeec e Oj.'enea «vxtn tnoughtiul and interesting speeches which imursssed

all present with the importance of -che subject and its tion to the needs of the Kearsney College, jpJ.j.Ccl— The general results of the Synod from the College point of ■view may be said to be twofold: First, the whole ITatal Connexion now tnow -^diere and what Kearsney College is, and has received an insight into its aims and ideals; and secondly, a definite for'ward educational policy will be more and more insis tently demanded from Conference-, Th'us the invitation of the Stanger Circuit that Synod should meet here proved to be a happy inspiration from our point of view.- CO'UhCIL. A Council Meeting -^was held at the College on ?nd Oct. permission was given to Mr. Oraim to undertake a tour to Johannesd.irg and Pretoria on behalf of the College, THB ITBIV SGHBMS. It is more or less generally known that we are desirous of moving the College to a more accessible spot. The reasons that are influencing the Council are : (a) Tlie difficTilty of persiaading people who live at a distance that we are and have always been free of malaria. i^) (c) (e) The fact that we no security of ten-ure and do not even own the property. here The unfortunate and underseirred reputationStanger hs.o in ITatal for hear. O'ur distance from other schools and its effect up on the number of inter-school games we canarrange. The difficuj.ty of getting outside help, mainly in the ray of lectures or tuition in special subjec:ts (such as the violin) because of our distance from a large to?ra. The possioilities of a move are being investigated; prov isional plans have been prepared, sites are beiUig inspected and financial campaign is still under consideration:. a

-4-. SFQET. BtigEy: The 111 Tf;on nine out of ten matches. Those won included the Old Boys (24 - 3) the Old Crocks (19 - I7) Cricket; The XI won four and lost two out of eleven matches. Henry made a score of 107 irot out against Mai-ist Eros (St. Herury's) on huvember Ibth, A team from the Durban Athletic Club vis ited us on Se-otember 28th, The .Annual Sports Meeting v/as held on the last day of +-erm5 Th-orsday, 3"h October. Mrs.k.J. Williams presented the prizes. The sport was of an excellent standard. Two School re.cords were broken and one was equalled. These successes were achieved by Coutts A, vmo tiirev; the discus a distance of 119ft, thus improving his last year's performance by 2Sft, and Thomas d, who broke a long juinp r9cord__ that had been standing since 1925 by sending it up to 20ft 1-yins. Eeeves, using the spectacular American roll, equalled a long-standing high-jump record of 5ft Sins, In the Junior events, Bazley was outstanding, Tt:0 innovations - :e introduced this year. Music between the different items on the programme together with the resxilts of the events were broadcast from a travelling loud speaker unit hired for the occasion. This gave an unaccustomed air of festivitj- and ease and a.dded considerably to the en joyment of the day.-. The second innovation was the division of the school into tv;o Houses, Athlone and Clarendon, Each fought strenuously fc" points, and as they proved very evenly matched until near the end, their rivalry created much excitement. Ultimately, Clarendon won by 21 points, their victory being largely due tc their successes in the half-mile event and in the tug-of-war. Bacley secured most points for Clarendon,gaining 42 ^vhile Reeves hicught Athlone House 43 points. EHTERTAIISIMEM'S- The Bioscope shows continue to be popular, and tv;o or three were given each term. The Debating Society also got through a useful programme. Ti'ie Annual ?1a-=y to loave been Sneridan's '"The Rivals"

-5-. "bp-t the epidemic of m^umps causea the aDandonment of rehearsais. On April 30th Miss Syhil Hulett gave a very interesting lectm-e to the School on her recent to^or throngh Europe and E^ypt. Her accounts of the palaces of Berlin and of the Oherammiergau Passion Flay nere especially apprecis.ted. On November 30th the school enjoyed an excellent concert provided by Mr. Jack Fowler and Mr. Orant (of Durban) and by Miss C. O-reig of LMilali, and also by Miss Fraser and some of her piano pupils. Of the latter, the following contributed to the programme; Love A, Clayton, Christie A.F. Stockil,Smith L and Fing, All these acquitted themselves nobly, and pleyedwith surprising confidence. MWiPS. Our long record of freedom from the vario'os epidemics that often afflict schools has been broken at last, for at the end of May mumps made its appearance and spread rapidly. Over forty boys, two of the Staff e.nd- several of the servants went down vdth it, so the work and sport of the School was d-isorganised for the time beii The a.nnua,l Play and all outside activi ties were, of course, cancelled. To afford recreation for those pho were fortunake enough to keep healthy, a tennis doubles toiirnainent wa,s arranged for koe afternoons. Every couple played every other one over a series of nine games and all available boys were roped in. Several of them appeared never to have played tennis before judging by the way in which the windows of the neirglibouring btd-ldings were sometimes endangered Jubilee day. The jubilee of King Ceorge V and Queen Mary was celebrated by the grant of a free week-end extenddng from Friday afternoon to Jubilee Lay itself, Monday, May bth. APPOIITMEHTS. Prefects: Head Prefect: Others: GAPTAIH OF pTJCrBr : CAPTAIH OF AliiLLTIOS; Reeves H. Larrington J,E.G. iver S.J. Coutts Christie M.J, Good Ma,son Ti',P..P. Burnett E.E,. T, :'ingT;on -j.E.O. Beeves iT.

I CAPTAI2 Oi' -6-. Bmriett E.R. F-UG-BY COLOUKr.i: Have Been awarded to; Stockil, Lowe A.P. King, Lamster, Thomas J* and Olivier L.J. P;aG3Y HOSiOLiE CAPS: Rave been awarded to: Larrington J.S.C. Reeves IL Mason l.E.-P, OBICKYT' CQICuRS: Have been awarded to: Gilliatt, L.H. Brirnett E,R. ATT-ILLTIC CCLOLTP.S: Have been av?a;:ded to: Reeves IT. Ojiristie M.J. Thomas J, StccKil A.N. Oor-tts J.Q.A. TS3I'/IS; COMMITTEL: The Head, Mr, Reece, Larrir^ton, Dyer, Bnrnett. 1st -ierm: 1st February- 12th April. 2n.d tenn: 24th April - 27th June. 3rd term: 1st A-ugust - 3rd October. 4th term,; 16th October 13th December

j. c. MAIiaiC: ITirst Class: Second Class: TMrd Class: First Glass: Second Class; Third Class: Burnett S.B.. rjrer li.B!'. G-ood J.L. King J. si* ''after one year ccnrse only). Christie M.J. Coiitts J.G.A, Ahrahain Ih G. (Bm-sary) Askew A,O.K. Haw J. D. Hocinson ¥.L.S. Thennissen Z» 3. Jacods G.C. Blondin "~.R,G, C}is.rter J.H. HQER TAALBOiiB: LAHIH TAALBOhl): S'nrnett 3.B.. Good G.L. Coutts -j. G. A. Dyer K.W. Abraham T.G. Theunissen R. Hohinson ¥. pearce F. H.C. S3ITI03 CEHTIFTCATS: "" Heaves K, (Scokireeping, English, Afrikaans, Com. ilrith). Jenid-iis H.C. (English, irfrikaans, Com. Geography). Larrington J. (English, Afrikaans), EATIOIIAL COtMSHCI.Al CSRTIPICATS: Vheunissen C.H. (Distinction in BootAeeping). Dunster, Hern-y, Stockil (BoolmksepingJ, E.G. PRELIhllAHA CERTIEiai-TE: Carr, Balcomh G. (Bookkeeping), PEiMiiHJ oOHOOL CEHTIFICATE; hrmro D, (B.ursary) Hock E.H. Smith H.E. OluAstis A.E. Baday G. C, Steel D. 0.

: I r i i!i W] 1; I'' M' j I ^ I 1;'' i. ii: r i '7\ "T" r~('T -5 \V 5'oiTn 6a: 1: Gill.iat I).H. Cane ?eb 1531'; 3rd class J.C.1933; Ist'Xl I934 and 1st ri Colours 1935; ift XV 1934-5, Sub-Prefect I935. aF.ii5S-S.ijLu-' Came Pel;.193l; 3rd Class J,C.1933; Hot :cm 6L: j-laaon li7i»R,p, Csm.e 1st TT Colouxs prefect 1935: l^t XI Colours 1934-5; 193A-5; and Honour Cap I935. Howland C.S. Eae_Js Ct PoiTi- 5a: Came Pe-b.1933. Came PelD«j.935* Poria l"v'» Hulstt W.C-iH. Came Peb. I92S; left Dec,1929, He-entered Pebrimry,1931, Hittlar p.T, Came Ieb.1933, Hul,ett L»BcEl Porm 5b= Patchelor B.¥. BaiPie A>L. Williams JcM. Game Pebol935Came Peb...I935. Came Peb„1935. Porm 111. Eulett S-C. Came Peb,1932i> :J Came Pebo 1932. Preparatory. Baikie E.L. Hulett R.T. Came Peb. 1935» Came Peb. I933. December 1935. Porm 6a. Braaiettjl^. Came Peb.1927, 1st class J.C.I933 (Major Bursary); 1st; Class Matric.1935; 1st XI I934-5 Colours. Prefect 1934-5. Hoer Taalbond I935. Cnri_stie M.J. Came Peb„1929, 2nd class J.C.1933; 2nd Class Ifetric 1935; Prefect 1935. 1st XI 1935; 1st X7 Colours193^ 1935- Athletic Colours I935.

Coutts J.G-.A. Good J. L. Torm 6"b« Eingon A.M. Form 6c. Jenkins H.C. Larrington J.E. Heeves U. -"9-. Came Fel3.1931. 2nd Class J.C.1933; 3rd Class Matric,1935' Laer TaalDond (Higher Grade) 1934; Prefect 1935; 1st XI Colonxs 1934-5; 1st XV Colours 1934-5; Athletic Colours 1935* Hoer Taalhond 1935» Came Feb.1931> 2nd Class J.C.1933* 2nd Class Matric 1935; Prefect 1935; 1st XI I935, 1st XV Colours 1934-5* Hoer Taalbond 1935* Came August 1935* Came Aiigust 1932. Laer Taalbond I934. Senior Commercial Certificate I935, Came Feb.1929, Prefect 1935; Laer Taalbond 1934, national Commercial Certificate (English and Afrikaans); 1st XI 1933, Colours 1934-5; Captain; fe t XV I934 CoIo^jts, 1935 Captain and Honour Cap, Senior Comradeship Medal 1935. Came Feb.1931; 3rd class J,C.1933, Prefect 1934; Head Prefect 1935; 1st XI Colours 1934-5; 1st XV colours and Honour cap 1935; Captain of Athletics I934-5, Athletic Colours I935, Senior Commercial Certificate I935, Form ^a. Blondin ¥.R.G. Came Olivier L.J. Came Form "^b. Barrett P.D. Came Carr E.J, Came Spargo A.A. Came Form IV. Feb.1934* .(Left in October. ■ Olivier C.S. Carie Feb.1935.

■•lO", vn) /lii» I'ershQuse BvJ. Cajne April I934. grenaratory^ ; ' . luri-Qws E.J» 'rilliams Ja A.'B. Came get. 1935. Came get. 1935. gonr 6t. Oliver T.M. (itartan); Eae J. C. (Durtan) August; Kingon A.M. jBS-Ja/ ■ ' Olivier. Ij,(r„ (Stanger); gorm St. . . Saikie A,L. (Boksturg)- Morgan ID.L.-(]n.a,gstaff) miliarns, J.M. - 'I (Joharuiest-urg); ¥ilkinson A.J, (Maritaturg) 7?ood J.V. (itoatikulu). gortn IV. ' ^ Steel D.C« (Burtan); Smith W.F. (Illovo) Olivier C.E. ?om m.T (Stangar). • .| IiJacDougall. J?, (Durbait); Brown S. C. (Maritaturg); EATOlj E.J, (Durtan)"-| Preiaaratory. :^ikie E.L. (Boksturg); Burrows E.J. (Benoni). Coutts I.E. (Johannesburg); 1711liams J.A.B. (Durban) April: Lowe E.H. iil 'V ' 4' Ii: .d

mhualPrize- biYZR IP At this gathering,the Headmaster presented the 14th Anrmai Report, of which the following is a stunmary. Some of the items included under "School Rotes" are not repeated here. The Headmaster referred first of all to the drop in numbers during the year, A most unusual set of circumstances made it necessary for over a dozen boys to leave in June and naturally they were not replaced in the middle of the year. There were no Staff changes to report, and the value to the School of possessing a Staff that changes so little was emuhasized. Dealing with the examination res-'olts for 1934,the Head said that oxit of a class of five in the Matriculation Form, all of •whom were entered, there was one first, three seconds and one third class passes. There were no failure. in the Junior Certificate Form, of ten boys, there were three first,two second and three third class passes. The only failure was a boy who had been ill for a considerable portion of the year.In the Standard Vl Jiixamination we liad our first failure for four years. The T^lbond and Rational Commercial Examination results were also highly satisfactory and proved of very definite value to the boys who were seelcing employment at the end of last year, Kearsney could oe justly proud of a feature that indicates that we are educating our boys and not merely stuffing them with a mss of half digested facts, and tliai is th-at when they go out into the world thejr make good. Those who have gone to the Univ ersities liave usiially more than held their own against men who had apparently done better in examinations at school. In other spheres there is hardly an Old 3oy who is out of employment,and all are making a success of their positions. With reference to tne Matriculation Examination Question, the Headmaster sadd "In agreement with the majority of schools we have little complaint against the I^atriculation as an en trance examination to the Universities, though in one or two cases — notably in Ph;/sical Science — some'of us take excep tion to the present syllabus, and we deprecate the fact that there is no system for preventing the large variation in the percentage obtained both in marks and in failures in the same

-12-, •t t subject from vsar to year. There are adopted in other parts of the vTOrld t Boa.rd mi^t reasonably institute. several admirable methods hich the Matriculati on- "If the Examination were retained as a.University entrance examination only, then either it oijght to be considerablj^ moredifficult or there onght to be an age limit for entrance to. the Jniversity. The boy of more than, average ability ~ and, after all, the University is for him — can reach"the present Matric ulation standa.rd Irithout undue v/ork before he is sixteen. "This is too youthful an age for a University student. "An age limit i7onj.d force the schools to provide facilities for specialisation — a compulsion which most wo-old welcome and which some would not need as they already provide a post Matric ulation course. A man entering Oxford or Cambridge"University has usually aoout three years study beyond the Matriculation standard before he enters his University. "If the Matriculation examination is to continue to be the doorway to most of the professions and to emplojnnent in gen eral, -bheh I welcome the suggestion that credit is to be given for all individual subjects in which a 40 per cent pass is ob tained, A glaring case, exposing the occasional injustice of the present system, occurred in this school a few years ago, when a boy sat for three sets of papers, passed in every subject once, in five subjects twice, in the aggregate twice, and yet failed to satisfy the conditions of any one examination. ^"I note withregret the emphasis that is being placedupon a wider and yet wider syllabus. The tendency is to make it so wide that it will be possible to pass the examination in a set of .subjects that may be narrowly vocatiorjal, and leave no room for education in its true sense whereby a pupil should be taught to live rather than Just how to earn his bread and butter. "In one minor direction I feel that we need to retrace our steps somewhat, For years there has been an increasing emphasis on interesting the pupil and in getting his logicalxacalties to develop. As a result there has been a neglect of the necessary? drudgery, I notice in mathematics an increasing inaccuracy combined with a, clear ruiderstancLing of the basis principles,and

-13-. I also notice an increasing dislike of learning "by heart, I am snre that at some period during the years "before the Junior Cer tificate we mast give more time to purely mechanical work at ^ithmetic and to orief periods of concentrated learning by rote. "I am definitely concerned at the ignorance of the youth of today of the Scriptures. Scriptural teaching is almost crowded out of the time-table and appeems on no syllabus for ai?^ exter nal elimination. I would gladly see one or more suitable booksof tne Bible s^ as optional set-works for the Ivlatriculation o r Jumor Certificate examinations, and I propose to ask our Chap lain to arrange his talks next year into a series of simple ex planations of the essentials of oiur beliefs and doctrines, "Hever was the denominational school more needed than it is today id never was the boarding school more needed. it is essential that in these days of small families boys should be givi^an opportunity of fighting their own battles. it is staking to note that we have here about a dozen only children and that nearly half the school have no brothers. These are the young men who must be sent out into a world that offersa sterner battle than ever it did, and the careful n-orturing of the average home IS no preparation for hthis fight. ^ "We are entering upon a new era in the history of Christian ity in South Africa, for three of the great evangelical Churches are discussing union. I rejoice in this and in the new opportun ities It will give to these Ch-orches to serve Cod, and l" feel deeply the^ urgent need that secondary education among the white races of the Union should be a definite feature of the great new 1^"^ development of this EaiZE LIST. rorm Prizes 111. 1 Clayton J, IV. 1 Munro D. Vb. 1 Metcalf R, Va. 1 Abraliam W.C. Vlb. 1 King J.B. j ■ Via. 1 Burnett E.R, 2. Carr J. 2. Askew, A.G.R. 2. Theunissen C.

il -14-. ij. i'r 'i i 't ii' i » Industry and progress. Prep. Beckett D. Williams B.. Y'b Wood J. Va Paw D;, Blondin E, Vlh Henry W, Dunster Pl. na Dyer K. W. Biology Pri?e; Christie M., Jo Music prizes; Smith L, Christie E. Delating Society Essay: {Eheurdi.ssen Eo Special Service Prizes: Reeves IJ, Stockil A. larrington J. Cricket: Batting; Henry Bowling: Coutts A. Yielding; Larrington J. Special Bat for scoring 100 inms: Henry T7, " " " services to the XI; larrington J, Comradeship Medal; Larrington !

1,1"mRARV^iEBATTNGtqpCmiv. The follorang was the prograuame for the year;- 9th Fehrta,ry» Election of Officers for the first half. Hon. Secretary & Treastirer: Good J. L. Coinmittee: Bvxnett, Dyer, Ivlason, W. Rohinson, Metcalf, i Two Amendments in the Constitution were proposed:- (a) That the principal of the School shall always remain President of the Society, I (h) That the Vice-Principal shall always remain ViceI President of the Society. l6th Fehr-uary. The ameninents proposed at the previous meeting were voted on and hoth were carried. Debate on the motion that "¥e submit too much to the tyranny of Convention". The proposers were I^er and King,and Christie and Abraham opposed the motion which was lost. 2nd March. Two Debates. (1) On the motion that "Commonsense is better than learn ing" proposed by Haw D. and K, Theunissen and oppos ed by H» Theunissen. The motion was carried. (2) On the motion "The popularit:/ of the Cinema is to be deplored", proposed by Stockil and Tedder,& opposed by Dunster and Pearce, The motion was lost. 3th March. The following lectures were given (a) "Gold Mines" by Poole, (b) "The Moon" by Bnrnett. (c) "The prospects of the S. .African Cricket Team bv Mason.

(d) (ej (f) -lb-. ''l.ecent Fiction" by Coutts. "Feats & his Poetry" "by Dyer. "The Education of a hoy in Ancient G-reece and Eame, hy Batchelor, 21rd March. !Ihere were two debates 7T\ "lijar has done as much good as harm". ihe p-ouosers were Hohinson,D and Piper, and the opposers were Jacobs and Charter. The motion was lost. (2) That "The Paw Kaffir is happier than the lajlionaire" proposed by Metcalf and L. Smith and opposed by Parntr & Balcomb. Tlie motion \7as carried. 6th Auril. There v/ere a series of readings: a; ( (c) (4) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) "The Africa the Wiite man never sees" "The Menace of the Pat" "Of Limericks" "Pearls and Perils" "Our Cricket Match" "Ivlankind's brutal sports" "A Boll Fight" "Things money cannot buy" "A Selection from '1066 and all that" bj Burnett, by Christie, by Coutts. by Mefcalf. by Iyer, by Pobinson, by King, by Stockil. by Plondin. P7th Auril. Debate on the motion that gT p x fav urs the establishment oi state Lotteries in the Union of South Africa". Barrett and Coutts proposed and Reeves and Larrxngton op posed the motion. The motion was lost. 10th April. Miss Sybil Hulett gave a very^ ture on "A Tour through Europe and Perth iifrica. ^ ' H-uLett described the different towns in Cer^ny and also described part of the "Passion Play" whicn she at Oberammergan. nth Mav. Two motions were debated

opposed diy Pearce and Henry - The motion was lost, (2) "Tl^at the conscientious Objectors were the real heroes of the last War"' proposed "by Jenkins & Sae, and opposed "by Ce Theunissen and Oliver, This motion was also lost. 10th August, Election of Officers for the second half. Secretar:;-; Good Jt, 1. Members for Via., iDyor and Burnett, " '' 71b. Punster. " " 7a. Ho Theunissen. " ^Po. L. Smith, ihfter the election of Officers there was a debate on the motion "That military service should be compulsory". King,seconded by Stocldll, proposod, and Blondin seconded by Punster, led the opposition. The motion was carried. 24th August. Pebate on the motion "Thai all motive power, except steam, shovdd be for bidden by law". K» Theunissen o-pened the debate and he was seconded by Askew, L« Smith and Ivletcalf led the opposition, 'The motion was lost, 14-th September. A debate on the motion "That Classics in music are worthy of more esteem than Jazz". Spargo and Morgan proxoosed and Thoma-s and Carr oxJx^osed the motion which was lost. o

Se-ptemiber ggth. October 26th.. I jjovember 9tli. |: ,, -iB-e A lecture orx "A day's Hunting" by Mr. Milner, •was much enjoyed. Mr. W. Robinson proposed a vote of thanks. A debate on the motion:- "That the matriculation examination should be abolished and a Headmaster's certificate be issued in its place". King opened the debate, and was seconded by Kingon. Coutts & Iyer led the opposition and the motion was lost. A debate on the motion:- "That Schoolboys take their sport too serious ly". Pearce, seconded by Wood proposed and Henry & Wilkinson led the opposition. The motion ■was lost.

-19JSRi^W iloTTls She foil0-1Dg books were pirchased in STovember for the 11iry with siibscriptions from the Debating Society PICTIOH. Spanish i\Iaine John 0' the Green Ihe House of the Poiir Winds HEPBHSIJC5. Lawrence Land Lords, The Sea Haiders. Jack's Heference Book. How it is made. Recent Inventions. Daily Danger, Speed, Space & Time. The Search of England. o Wren. Parnol. Buchan, Robinson. Emden. Chatterton. Low. Chesmore. Sommerfield. Morton.

-20,- ATHL,£r'TlC5. 3rd Octo"ber, 1935. again the rreather v;as kind, foi' rain fall only after ■ent had heen comxDleted, A cross-wind militated it times, hut the standard was very satisfactory, i points were awarded, and a standard was set for each allotment was 5> 3s i? events having heats, and :or other events, while each hoy improving on the time or distance gained an extra point. This experiL a, great success and improved the general standard of Had Athlone House won the Tug-of-war, only one 1 have separated the Houses at the conclusion. nitstanding event of the day, and one which gained the le Hulett Trophy was Thomas' Long Jump of 20ft l-y ins. Jatal record for schoolhoys under 15-y years, Stockil ) sprints and the quarter-mile, his 220 time heing 3ec off the record. Love A showed good promise in the EVENTS. Cross Country, Miles, ■: L Christie, 2, H. Lunster, Time; 23 min, I5 sees, 13 Cross Country, 3'2 Miles. 1. Bazley. 2. W. Smith. Time; 26 min. 12 sees. 13 Cross Country, 1-^ Miles, V, Pershouse. 2. A, Munro. Time: 12 min, 52 sees. 3. H. Reeves. 3. Gr* Abraham, 3. B, Eaton. ng the Cricket Ball, open. Reeves. 2, Dyer. Dist; ng the Cricket Ball, Under I3. W, Smith. 2, Morgan. Dist: 100 yds. 3 S3 ft. 2 ins.

ISr-i -21-. 6. putting the Shot. Id Ooutts A. 2. Larrington, Dist: ' ?• High Jum-p. under 11. 1. Love A. 2. Munro A. Height: Sd Long Jum-p. under 1^. Id Bazley, 2, Morgan# Dist;' 9- 100 yds Under 1^. (h). Id Hotinson L. 2. Hock# 3. pe; Time: 13-4/5 sees. 10. Long Jump, ouen. Id Thomas J, 2, Eeeves H. Dist: c (He 11. High Jumn. under IS. lo Bazley. 2. Theunissen E. Height: ^ 12. 100 yds, under 1^ (S). Id RoLinson L. 2. Love A. Time; . 1 13. 440 yds. Q-pen. Id Stockil. 2, Christie 7. Hen Time: 56-3/5 sees. ^ 14. Relay Race under I5. 1. Amoiffl HOUSE ... Time: 55.; LIWCH IHBERVAL. , 15* High Jump open. Id Reeves. 2-. J, Thomas. 5ft' (equal r€ 16, Long Jump under 1^. Ij Love A. 2d Rock, Dist: 13ft 1?. 100 yds ouen (S) 1. Stockil, 2„ Henry# ' 3, Time: ll-l/lo sees.

."22— 100 yds Under 15. (S). 1, Ba.zley. 2^ Morgan. Time: 12-]/5 sees. 3. Metcalf. Tlirowing' the Elscos. 1, A Go'atts. 2. Heeves. Dist; 119ft: Record. Parents' Walking Race. 1. Mrs. Stodkil. Mr. Payn. 220 yds under 15^ 1. Bazley. 2. Morgan. Time: 27-1/5 sees. 3c Metca-lf. 220 yds open. 1, Stockil. 2. Heniy. Time: 24-I/5 sees. 3, Thomas, Mils Open. 1, Christie 1 2. Reeves. 3» Lowe., Time: 5 min. 15-3/5 sees. Old Boys' 100 yds. 1. Jr Hopkins. Time: 2o S. Smith. 3* Boss. 11-2/5 sees. benior Relay. 1. ATHLOHE HOUSE. Time 49 sees. , SSO yds. Under 15* „ . 1. Bazley. 2. Abraham. 3* Smith. Time: 2min.31—3/5 sees. & Kingon. . Past vs Present Relay Raee. 1. PRESEHT. Time 49-1/5 sees. , Inter Eorm Relay Race. "1. EOEIjI VIB. Time 50-2/5 sees. , Tog-o-war. 1. CLAREHDOH HOUSE. HOUSE POIHTS;- CLilREEBOU 300. A.THLOEE 279«

-23-. VISIT Qg DTffiBiOSr ATHMTIC CLUB TEM - 2Sth Septem-ber,1935. On this occasion our "best athletes ran from Scratch,and onr visitors ran from "behind Scratch in all events excepting the ICQ yards. In the results "beltro, the distance conceded is noted in "brackets. Stoclcil won thr»e events and Bazley's win in the 880 was most praiseworthy., A& interesting medley relay race conclu ded a most enjoya'ble afternoon's sport, EVBIilTS. ICQ yds. 1. Stockil (7) K.C. 2, Calder (scr) D.A.C. 3.Eaaff (scr) DAC Time; IO-3/IO "sees, WON hy 2 yds. High Jumn. 1. Kay (D.A.C.) 5ft 6|ln3, 2. Reeves (K.C.) 5ft lin. 100 yds Junior, 1. Wayne D.H.S. 2. Mc.Ivor D.H.S. 3. Metcalf K.C. Time; 12 sei»i. Shot Putt. 1. Larrington K.C. 29ft 7^in. 2, Coutts K.C. 2gft in. 3. He Bufanos D.A.C. 32ft 7-|-in. (-5ft). 4. Roodt D,A,C, 3Tift. (-12ft). ^^lile. 1. Allan (-100) D.A.C. 2.Sel"by (-100) D.A.C. 3. Christie (scr) K.C. WON "by a yard. Time: 5 niin 14-l/5secs. Midley Relay. (ggO, 220,220, 44O). 1. K. C. (Reeves, Thoafcs, Henry, Pearce). 2. D.A.C. (-100), (Mnrny, Kay, Thompson, De Bvifanos). Time: 4 min I3-I/IO sec). ^£pwlng the Discus. XKhi"bition "by Roodt. ^rO yds. 1. Stockil (scr) 2. Raaff D.A.C. (-12). 3. Thompson (-J). Time 24 -5/lO sees. (Won "by 2 yds).

! -24-. SgQ ydsa ;! le Bazley EoC. (50) V'; 2, Murray D.A.C. (-55). ^ • 3., Reeves (scr) Time: 2 m" Won by 4 yis, 14.0 yds, 1. Stockil (scr) E.G. 2. Be Bufanos (-27) D.A.G. 3. Christie (scr) E.G. T1 Won by 6 yds. H20 yds. Junior. 1. Wayne, D.HcS. 2o LIcIvor D.H.S. 3* Bariley E.G. Won by a yardo

-25-v KL;PORj/jF-a RuGlEbYWATCH ty Aunt Priscilla. pit therefore j^aole to redrly £r'i;ed1n^ti°1i:3's^i''rt'J:^T I a time a man shouted "Herethey come •" Tbox.Mter Wasps , youass"/rL rid'lT^iH ""'r ?Masked. I °®^dn't see any wasps, or hees oJ hotin" Z®? glasses I I horrible striped ierA^s enfl ^ horne.s, hut a lot of men in 'the fieldo men tlaey hfd got on to vrfiatever the insects were one hi^- hZ^f wasps, or I at the others, ' ^ kicked a hall |reXBryS^°BeeSe^to ii'MckiS Sm *' srouiidand |h<«one thre» the hall SJ^a^r;J h. 77°°" ^ ="1 a lot of children. ^fought over it - likg :Stbpped^tL'^Lrhy''cL?LMliVo ^ lot and who O^e a man had the hall a^nnoZhST''^ ^ ^^®tle, ^®ry ungentlemanly. snatched it out ofhis hands S£5i°™":H~Si- ='i:'.ir„,'V •--5 "£ '"^6d nn+' "Kci WS.S rniinin^ S-wayfroiri ■f-'h(=» - not he so rough with him.Eventually oneTide JJ t know because they left the hZn ^ 4-u it for so lon^ tnn t !l-all on the ground is - ^rown mefV Z^ nephew ^ clof°Zr T Z Z^ehting about a small hall I ; l tiies and hob-nailed ho ts. DisgracSuT I ^ a d young ladies - hut theT the Lights in behaviour of this sort. 1 A, T. w.

-27-. ~T _J 1. R l\ ^..■■...Miy ICKBl FIRST TEHM, With ten of the old First XI hack - and that the most powerfnl XI on record - we felt Jnstified in facing the new season with greater confidence than ever before.It has been all the more disappointing,consequently, to have had to cancel almost all the schoolmatches through anoutbreak of mumps. In the matches that have been played,the team as a whole has not shown the form of last year, but this may easily be put down to lack of matches and consequent falling off in interest. From v.ime to time in mid-week, the batsmen ha,ve shown something cf their real form,but there has been a falling away in the deadliness of the bowlers. Only Mason and Coutts liave maintained their form in this respect, though by way of recompense, Oilliat has begun to ievelop a good, slo\7 off-break. The standard of play in the Al.phabets has deteriorated greatly, now that the run-getters of previo-os years have beenreloved. There have been some fairly large scores obtained by pure nitting, but these budding Jessops have found their run-scoring seriously curtailed when facing good bowling.A great deal of net 3ractice will be required before the end of the year if the 'Mtslen are to acquire the stroke play necessary against steadybowling. On the other hand there aippears to be some fairly goodbowl- ■ng talent here, notably in the case of Bazley, Thomas, W. Smith md Lowe. The Prep, have had their usual games, with one or two again st Stanger School. It is early yet to decide which of them will ultimately play for South Africa. Williams appears the most like- .y as wicket-keeper and batsman, lEir^pal Alnhabet scores:- Lowe (50,43,24) Thomas (69,44,30,28; Morgan (50), Pearce ^1), Bazley (3S.37), Piper (36) Tedder (33), llinf ng Alphabet: A (Lowe's), MATCHES. SI Stanger, Kear3ney v Stangs: Peb.Eiidn BMW.

-28-. i;angeT lo6 (miittaker SS, Hason 5 for 20) $arsney 94-8 (Larrington 3]., Mr, Medyorth 2/l, Reeves 20 not ont) Kearsney vs Stan^er. t Stanger. Ret. 9th. DSAW. !tanger 143- (Keightley '}(), jearsney ^S-0 (Burnett 29» S-illiat 2b). Kearsney vs Inyoni. ii, Inyonlo J'eb, 23rd. fRAW. liTyoni fielded a powerful side, incliiding D.H.Roll,Dr.3touto I. E= & D. Getkate. Kearsney viickets fell very rapidly until Henry arrived and played with great confidence, yuyoni. 96-8. (dec. E. Getliate 25), iearsney, (Henry 25). Tearsney vs Eshowe School. it Kearsneyo 0 Feb.16th. Eea.rsney, Burnett l.b.w. b Liversage. 6. Gilliat b Mr. Getliffe, 14. Goutts ct Getlcate b Mr. Feron. 7. Dyer not out 5^ Larrington ct Von K, b Mr, Eeron, 13. Jacobs ct Crawford b Von K. 0, Reeves ct Von K« b Getkate. 36. Henry not out 5. Mason l«b,w. b Getkate, 36. Extras. 10. Total (7 wkts dec). Illdraw. Christie & Good did not bat.

-29-. Powell Smit Von K. Getkate Mr.Peron Mr.Getliffe Liversage. Smith Drane Crawford, Mnnks ESHOTC] SCHOOT,. Run out ct Jacobs b Mason, l.b.w. b Mason, ct Reeves b Good ct Larrington b Mason, l.b.w, b Mason ct Burnett b Coutts ct Jabobs b Good b Coutts not out not out Eztras Total (9 wkts). BOWLIIJG. 0. 3. 1. 14. 0. 0. 40. 9. 12. 0. 0. 10. S9. Reeves Mason Good Coutts Gilliat 0 16 11 g 3 2 M 5 5 2 1 0 At Rearsney. I Chr■ Burnett Gilliat Coutts IVer Larringt Reeves Jacobs HenryMason R 43 13 19 4 3 istie & Good act bat. Kearsney vs. Marist Bros. March 29th. Kearsney. b Hughes ct Emery b Hughes not out ct Mc'Kay b Mitchell on ct Emery b Suirner b Kerr st Garcin b Proctor, ct Hughes b Proctor, not out did Extras Total (7 wjcbs dec).167 0. 56. 14. 27. 17. 13. 11. 19. 3. ■w. 0. 4. 2. 2. 0. WOE,

Hughes Smith Lorenzino. Emery Garciu Herr SuiTiuer Proctor Mitchell 1 ouiig McKay Reeves Coutts G-illiat Mason hyer Henry -3e-c Marjst.g, 0 Reeves b Coutts l.boW, b Coutts ct Coutts b Crilliat ct Goxitts b Ciiliat ct Jacobs b Mason l,b,w. b Mason not out ct & b Mason b Dyer b Couitts Bovlingc 4 0 0 3 iS ■z 1 17 2 2 9 ilKTRAS 10. I'OTAL 67. 0 M P. w. S 6 7 1 10 6 9 J 8 1 lb 2 6 2 8 -7 D 4 l 7 1 3 1 11 0 Jarch 3r(i. Latinites S3 •• 3 (leclared Mr, Reece 37)» Bookkeepers 97—9 (Gillia-t 4^ not oa.t)o Bookkeepers Won. March 22nd. ^ ■ Bookkeepers 62. (Henry 2g, Mr. Reece■b for-IS). Latinites 65 for 4. (Jacobs 2f). Latinites Won, >

-31-. FOURTH TEBlvI; It has heen a short term, Tjith the first and last weeks spoilt "by rain and trouble Tjith the pitch, le First XI has played six matches, losing the first two,drawing uiie Tjhird, and winning the last three.This is a poor record for a team that has "been almost unchanged for two years, nor is it im-- oved hythe fact hat the three victories were largelv due to le woric of one player, Henry. The "batsmen have unaccountablylost the scintillating form of last year, while the catching andfieldig has been almost too poor to "belrr/e. The bowlers - notably lutts - have worked hard, only to see catch after catch dropped at an average of over five a match. ' In a disappointing term the. real cheer comes from the ell- -ocmd form of Henry, the steady (out unluclcy) bowling of Coutts, batting forms of Jacobs, the od fielding and_catching of lyer, Reeves, Coutts and Good, and consistent brilliance of larrington behind the stumps, Henry's batting, in the second lialf of the term, both in rcnes and practices, was irresistible, and anything on the slow the boundary without mercy. Against Glenwood he 1 -t-diT I lor his second consecutive century, hut was unex- ] e ly howled at 80. With most of the First XI leaving us, it is at present ha-d ' shaLtfr.T'^ oowling in the V.4 ^ has been fairly steady, though not dangerous, but tho t -' scoreF, have t riiTip- AT V V{ whicn do not promise success against good t=d^sfgai^d^ I -^inguStockil,Tedder & Pearce,whose that points respectively, though it must be said a uoL dfa? is ^W.Robinson £ Dnnmnond) were absent fc m LtTl illness. The chief scores during the (76 4 pq^ (3S\33,24,23,) lowe 3 n ni,T T (44«20). Useful contributions have also 3 e Kaw, Robinson. W. Smith and K.Theunissen. ^ for ?i I has been performed by: W.Smith (7 for l6, )-or pi', 12, 5 for PS), Lowe (6 for (, 6 for Ob P7j and Bazley 5 for 11, 5 for PI 4 for ). ;herp'''^® Ptvision has shown more enthusiasm than sidli ^o>^insSS! batting and bowling by Steol, Rock! uiii.ams baus and xeeps wicket well. 26, but and

Najr.e. Henry G-ood Gontts Loto Beeves -32Mrsi; iCi. nverages. BATTIHG. Hanie. Innings. Hot Out. tlenrj;- 10 2 Cor.tts 9 1 Larrington in 0 Dyer 10 2 Reeves 10 1 Burnett 11 1 Good r t-v Q Jacobs 9 0 Lowe . 6 2 Christie 6 3 lOo n,0. 56 n,0. 35 53 n.0. 36 HQ n.0. 37 20 12 3 BOVaiHG, S2 23 123 40 lAO M, 14 5 43 15 42 120 67 23s 91 357 FiRST XI CHARACTERS. R"uiis. Average, 265. 136 164 129 121 9S 55 32 nT C.J 11 33^1 17.0 16,4 16.1 13.4 s.s 9.2 9.1 5.7 3.7 "tr. Average,, 21 7 20 i 17 5.7 9.6 12,9 13.0 21.6 I,--dSJCIingtoLiL 1935-34-35). Captain. Has kept wicket tlirough.- o-at the season v/ith consistent "brilliance. Maimged the team well, apart from lapses with his Dowling.Unfort'unately, has lost his cert ainty with the hat; scores very q[t;dciay, hut is unable to remain long at the wickets. Has been of inestimable service to the schoolcricket for two years. K. liver. 11934-35). Has failed to approach last season's form a a batsman., and has seldom got going. In the field .ha.s given a splendid display " at co/er joornt,p:. o.c'nng up and throwing in with

-3?^- great accuracy. R. Etirnett. A« Coutts. liT. Henry. H. Reeves. Go JacotiSi Good. A. Lowe, Christie. Opening hatsman. Scores readily. hut has little defence and does not usnally las long. Developing into medinm paced howler. WeaJr in the field, (1Q34_35). Has howled consistently well, hut withatrocious luck. Missed catches have heen too nnrnerous to count. Improved hat, ^ played some patient long innings. Good xxeld, (1044-33'). Could not find his form till the close of the season, when he hatted and bowled hrilliantly. Very quick on the feet, ana ^xs merciless on slow howling; inclined^to take nxs GVGS off fast howling. Bowls a sready oa-lh on the leg stamp. Good catch hut poor ground fxeld. (1934-35 Has qxdte lost his howxxng^skill o± 1934 and is uncertain in length and directxon. Batting improved at the heginnionfg the year, hut faded out at the end. Very safe fxeld and good throw in, (1934-35). Ccxld not get going ax all txll the last two or three games, and then ret"xi-ned 0 hds hest form, thoi:igh made no large scores, plays a very strai^t hat. Slow field, oat su-i.e. Bowling has lost its accuracy so could not he used much. Played one good innings. Very sa_e catch. Promises to he a useful off- and leg-preak how ler, Will make runs if he can curh hxs desxre to slog every ball. Has had little chance to shxne. fielding fair. Ba,tting and

-34Eshoxre. vs. eshO'm: school. October 19th. Lost D7 1 wlckei Kearsney. Brubnett Jacohs Coutts iCrer Larrington Reeves Henry Lowe Good Christie Rohinson h Liversage ct Crawford h Maud ct Drane Liversage ct a,nd h Maud D Drane h Drane l.h.w. "b Draiie ct Mand "b Liversage b Drane not out ct Getkate b Liversage EXTRAS 2 39 0 3S 10 0 12 37 3 18 11 TOTAL. 178 Srnit Powell Von Keyssrlingk Getkate liversage Maud Bozas Draue Craivford Zing Munks Eshowe School. b Coutts ct Jacobs b Reeves ct Larrington b Lowe l.b.w, b Lo¥7e. ct Henry b Reeves ct Jacobs b Reeves ct Good b Reeves Run out ct Jacobs b Good not out not out EXTRAS 6 9 43 37 19 R 7 0 1 30 14 Bowling. 0 M ?1 7 TOTAL 18^ (9 wkts) R £q W. Av. L \1.2S

Lowe Biirnett Good At Kearsney, Burnett Coutts JacoDS LiVer Larrington Reeres HenryLowe Cliristie Good SoLinson Bowling (Contd), •35'-* 0 M R 11 4 29 2 g 4 10 0 S 2 24 1 14. 24 .PuJ^'ban High Gehnnl _ 2nd X] Oototer 26th. lok by 2 oiokeis;. Brank Dawler Ror-'.nlc H. Bullimore BairLurger ChettleLurgh Eorvik 2,A. Pohl Roach Brov/n Hearsnev. h Roach l.h.w. h Bro'wn h Brown rot out D Bullimore h Roach "b Roach h Rorvik h Rorrik 1.0.w, "b BrCtjn h Roach EXTRAS TOTAL B.H.S. h Coutts Riin mat h Henry ct Christie "b Reeves h Henr-^ t/ h Henry b Henry uot out h Henry uot out EXTRAS TOT^iL. (S wkts) 15 0 0 2S 13 11 6 1 2 9 1 12 98. 4 5 13 31 22 ci 3 0 0 19 99 k.

-36-. ves ttts re iry BowliBS0 19 IT 7 7 M R 1? S 30 1 S 25 1 2 12 0 n 16 5 Average 30 25 3.2 Stange^o Acutt Jackson IM-taker Logan Br.Collins Kidger Imberton vs.Stanger. Ifovem'ber £-nd. lEAWik ct ct S-banger. Christie Jacohs ct Esrer h Lo-we R\m out not out not out h h ■b Coutts Reeves Golitts hKTRAS TOTAL (5 -wickets). 29 65 25 1 1 7 2IL Rfeeves Coutts Henry Lcwe Burnett B-urnett Jacobs Coutts Larririgton Bowling. 0 15 14 3 5 1 Kearsney. b -VShitaker ct. Ritchie b Ifhitaker ct, liibger b -"i^hitaker ct. Smberton b Logan M R w 1 66 1 4 34 2 0 25 0 1 9 1 0 4 0 Average 66 IT 5 11 0 0 ■■m 9

Heeves HenryGood Lowe At Hearsuev. Smit Smith ■'.'"on Heyserlingli Getkate Munks Powell Zing Matid Drane Bosas Brighton Hjee-^res Henry Lpwe outts Burnett Jacohs Kenry H/er ■ -37". "b ivliitalrer ct li/hitaker h Logan not out not oiit IXLRAS TOTAL (7 wkts) vs Eshowe School. Hovemher gth. Ssho-we. C't Coutts "b Henry h Hee-^res ct Good h Henry b Henry ct & b Henry ct Christie b Lowe b Henry ct Good b Lowe not out St Larrington b Henry EX'IRAS tots Bo-irlii-jjg. 0 9 q 9 6 Kearsney. l»C)«Wr, b Getkate ct Getkate b Hunks b 'fcnJcs b M'jaucs 14 11 3 3 g -57 WOH AS HUITS. 2 0 0 32 11 3 11 0 0 0 0 s M R W 14 •1 4 15 7 4 20 (L 2 10 C Av. 14 2.1 10 14 15

-3Slarrington Reeves Ooiitts Good Lowe Christie Morgan "b Getl?:ate ct King i) M-unhs "b Mmdos l.h.w. "b Mnnks D Mnnks not out "b Ge"oha-te extras. 30 14 I TOTAL: 113 f ! in DurLan. Hvighes Yonng McEhy Haywood Barrat Emery Kerr Proctor Lorenzino. Balladin. Sumner Coutts Lowe Henry Reeves Good Burnett ■,I5yer vs. Marist Bros, ilovember l6th, Marist Bros. "b Goutts "b Lowe Run out "b Goutts L Goutts st JacoLs "b Good l.h.w. "b Goutts l.h.w. "b Burnett ct Reeves "b Henry st Jacobs b Good not out EXTRAS wmT S IIGRBTS. 1 0 42 0 1 s 1 20 IT 21 1 24 Bowling. 0. 23 7 10 2 4 4 5 M. R. w. 13 18 4 3 10 1 4 19 1 0 15 0 0 13 2 1 10 1 0 24 0 Av. 4.5 10 19 6,5 10

Bixrnett Jacots Henry Ityer Harrington Heeves Contts Good Lovre At KearsnevThorp Hell" Magnussen Hain Heron Scully Granger SaLniond Cortett Lindsay Brandon Coutts Reeves Keruy Good -39-. Kearsney. b Hn^hes ct Young b Hughes not out b Hughes ct Proctor b Kerr ct McKay b Emery ct Proctor b Emery ct Balladin b McKay not out extras S 20 IDS 5 2 8 7 3 5 -1^ TOTAL (7 wickets) ijg vs._ Glenwood 2nd XI. November 30th. ' Glenwood. St Harrington b Reeves b Reeves b Henry b Reeves b Henry b Henry b Henry b Coutts ct Harrington b Good not out b Good EXTRAS WON TOTAL: 1 7 12 8 10 0 16 13 7 0 0 -n Bowling. 0 M R w 14 2 32 1 10 2 21 3 8 1 14 4 1 0 7 2 ^3 runs. Av, 32 7 3.5 3.5

-40". Etirnetb JacoEs Henry Dyer Harrington Eeeves Coutts Good Lowe Christie Eazley Kearsney. ct Granger D Lindsay ot Scnlly t Hain L Lindsay "b Magnnssen "b Magnnssen "b Magnussen ct Salmond L Heron "b Lindsay L Lindsay b Hain not out EXTRAS TOTAL 5 18 SO 19 0 0 21 2 0 1 9 9. i6o Thorp Fell Granger Magnussen Lindsay Heron Salirond Scully Glenwood: Rnd Innings. b Ooutts 2 Icb.w. b Henry 0 b Coutts 4 not out 32 ct Christie b Coutts 0 b Reeves 4 ct Burnett b Lowe 2 l.b.T/. b Good 3 EXTRAS 8. TOTAL (7 wickets) 6l Bowling. Coutts Heiiry Reeves Lowe Good 0 M E w Av. 7 2 22 3 T.3 6 1 16 1 16 3 0 9 1 .9 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 4 1 4

-41P-NNJR Nn'rri .... xj. J.X u..., i, L.J One very enjoyaTsle match was played against an IMilali Team arr^ged hy ^orp Hnlett. resulting in a victoiy for Burnett and Byer; Larringtonand Reeves• Jacohs and Henry represented the College. ' Cpe again we are indebted to Mr. Horace H-olett for kindlv supplying us with balls, free of charge. J^mdxy I C.Mj.'&y LorpsI1gyP"B I and place on Friday, l6th Hoveraber »d. He showed himseli satisfied vnth the quality o^ th- " Se"a?aLf" ^-1^= ^o^ol^Bion ol fittiS iinportance of School Cadets routine work in w?enl1aX Eie H, c. 0's were;- C.S.M. Sgts, H.C.O's. H. Reeves Burnett & Larrington, Coutts, Christie, I^-er & Good,

—Z|,i2 IJDfjqysirf'T'rc:; tJ i, —1 ICBABSMx OOLL^G-E QI^D 5GYS' CLUE. The An.miB.1 Meeting nas held a-t Dho College on Satiirday. ])ri lost, after the E'ogger match with the School, it this meeting Kon. Secreto-rj^ and Treasurer. Ivlrc A-, T, Finship presentedtne Annnal Report, the sntstance of which was as follovjs;- The AniTJal Dinner was held at the Royal Hotel, Durtan on fi April, 1935* Unfortuna-tely it was not as well pAtsnded asin vioTis years, there oeing only ss'^enteen meiiibers present,lif'tor ner a, visit wa-s paid to Prince's Theatre where a good showwas oyed. This innovation is one which the Conimittee hopes will t with favonTr The nnniher of paid members, exclusive of Life Members, was nty-one. With regard to the Accounts, the ba-lance carried forward to t year was £36.l5c6, which is made up of Cash Account al Building Society'" Account Savings BarJo Account closed and transferred to the S.A.Permanent BuildingScciehy ithe sahe of the hi^er rate of interest. There nad been a good demand for the Club Blazer, the first gth of cloth being alreariy used up. Members requiring blazers obtain thera from Messrs Payne Bros Ltd., on an order from Hon. Secretary. A discussion ensued on the most suitable means by wliich the b could be of permanent and effective assistance to the lege, and it was ultimately decided that the Committee should w up a scheme for the establisbment of a bursary fund. Their orts have since resulted in the establishment of an Endowment d governed by a special Constitution, and particulars of this given below. ^KPARSITETY COLLEGE OLD BOYS' ERDO^MBRT PIMP. &I¥; This Eund arose out of suggestions ma,de av, the General

-43-. I Meeting held at the College on 3rd August. Its details wore jliammered out at several Committee meetings, and it was estab lished and got going in October I935. The intention has been to provide Old Boys with an opportunity of effectively assisting the School through a scheme which will create a source of reg ular revenue from them in a form as little burdensome to them as possible. The moneys so received can be applied only according to a strict Constitution; and are subject to the fullcontrol of the Subscribers and of no one else. The Fund is therefore entirely distinct from any other fund either of the Club or of the School. The Committee earnestly hopes that as m^ry Old Boys as possible will join the Fund, and so make it one which can be of real and clearlsyeen assistance to the College in the future. it IS supported properly, it can do great things for the School, COISTITUTIOH; The following summary of the Constitution : make clear the nature and working of the Fund;- will OBJECTS: To establish a Capital Fund the interest from which shall be used to assist the College by providing (a) Bursaries and/or (b) Equipment of a substantial and per manent nature. pi!-t!IC.tuKSj_ (a) The Fund shall be invested in three Trustees who shall be the principal and Vice—principal of Eearsney College and one other to be elected annually by the Club Committee, (b) There shall be aTreasurer-Secretary who shall be elected annually by the Committee, SuBSCPJPTTOiMS; (a) Every Old Boy of the College shall be invited to siibscribe either one shilling xuonthly or one shilling

-44-. qiiarterljf or such larger sum as he may he ahle to contribute. (h) The Committee shall have power to accept donations or grants to the Fund from other sources. Il\IVE5TI€EliT; The moneys received shall he invest ed in a separate account from other moneys, such account oto he kept in a Building Society approved hy the Trustees, RULES: (a) Eo moneys shall he withdrawn from the Building Society account with out the unanimous sanction of the three Trustees. (h) The Capital invested shall not in any circumstances he drawn upon ex cept when a dissolution of the Fund takes place. This requires the ap proval of the majority of suhscrihers, voting hy post if necessary, (c) Eo moneys shall he applied to any objects except those stated above, and application shall he made only when approved at a General Meeting of the Club together with the postal votes of subscribers who are absent from such meeting. BALAECE SHEET, etc. Prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Club, a Statement of Income and Ex penditure and a Balance Sheet duly aud ited shall he posted to all subscribers and these shall be accompanied by a Report of theaffairs and progress of the Fund, signed by eenh of the Trustees,

-45-. QBITUifflY. ^ It is with deep regret that we record the death of Yrank Landsberg who passed away in Jnlj^He was loved by all who knew him pecanse oi his absolute unselfishness, his never failing readiness to help others, and his nuiet and unassuming nature. He was a good sport, and a most loyal friend. He was laid to rest in Kearsney cemetery in the presence of a groat number of friends from all along the Horth Coast, who thus paid their last tribute to a fine character. The gathering also included many Indians and Satives who had much reason to be grateful to him ior his worm on their behalf at the Stanger court house,We extend our deep sympathy to his father and brother. • • * • MMRIAGSS. We offer cur congratulations to the following:- HOPKIHS, CEOFTOH, HULETT, CLAuHS, GEIPFTH, GSS-hjD, WILKIHSOIT, C.F. (EEV) BSCFJTT, TOM SPiffiHS, DAVID, March, in Durban. May, in Durban. June, in Kimberley. October, in Grahamstown. November, in Standerton. December, in Maritzburgc OLD BOYS ID J0HAiIME!S]3DPlG ilED PBBTORIA BEAHOH FOEIvlED Hj JOHAHESSBURG. by G. M. Dram. College Couiicil asked me to visit Joliannosbuvg Pretoria on behalf of the School, it was of course a great J. to use tne opportunity of renewing acquaintance with the uia j^oys in those cities, rnnv- Pretoria ngr Tufe and I net Brinslsy "Jhite who is •■"-ving a reputation in the Ctisterns and Incise Department;