
-13-. I also notice an increasing dislike of learning "by heart, I am snre that at some period during the years "before the Junior Cer tificate we mast give more time to purely mechanical work at ^ithmetic and to orief periods of concentrated learning by rote. "I am definitely concerned at the ignorance of the youth of today of the Scriptures. Scriptural teaching is almost crowded out of the time-table and appeems on no syllabus for ai?^ exter nal elimination. I would gladly see one or more suitable booksof tne Bible s^ as optional set-works for the Ivlatriculation o r Jumor Certificate examinations, and I propose to ask our Chap lain to arrange his talks next year into a series of simple ex planations of the essentials of oiur beliefs and doctrines, "Hever was the denominational school more needed than it is today id never was the boarding school more needed. it is essential that in these days of small families boys should be givi^an opportunity of fighting their own battles. it is staking to note that we have here about a dozen only children and that nearly half the school have no brothers. These are the young men who must be sent out into a world that offersa sterner battle than ever it did, and the careful n-orturing of the average home IS no preparation for hthis fight. ^ "We are entering upon a new era in the history of Christian ity in South Africa, for three of the great evangelical Churches are discussing union. I rejoice in this and in the new opportun ities It will give to these Ch-orches to serve Cod, and l" feel deeply the^ urgent need that secondary education among the white races of the Union should be a definite feature of the great new 1^"^ development of this EaiZE LIST. rorm Prizes 111. 1 Clayton J, IV. 1 Munro D. Vb. 1 Metcalf R, Va. 1 Abraliam W.C. Vlb. 1 King J.B. j ■ Via. 1 Burnett E.R, 2. Carr J. 2. Askew, A.G.R. 2. Theunissen C.