
(d) (ej (f) -lb-. ''l.ecent Fiction" by Coutts. "Feats & his Poetry" "by Dyer. "The Education of a hoy in Ancient G-reece and Eame, hy Batchelor, 21rd March. !Ihere were two debates 7T\ "lijar has done as much good as harm". ihe p-ouosers were Hohinson,D and Piper, and the opposers were Jacobs and Charter. The motion was lost. (2) That "The Paw Kaffir is happier than the lajlionaire" proposed by Metcalf and L. Smith and opposed by Parntr & Balcomb. Tlie motion \7as carried. 6th Auril. There v/ere a series of readings: a; ( (c) (4) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) "The Africa the Wiite man never sees" "The Menace of the Pat" "Of Limericks" "Pearls and Perils" "Our Cricket Match" "Ivlankind's brutal sports" "A Boll Fight" "Things money cannot buy" "A Selection from '1066 and all that" bj Burnett, by Christie, by Coutts. by Mefcalf. by Iyer, by Pobinson, by King, by Stockil. by Plondin. P7th Auril. Debate on the motion that gT p x fav urs the establishment oi state Lotteries in the Union of South Africa". Barrett and Coutts proposed and Reeves and Larrxngton op posed the motion. The motion was lost. 10th April. Miss Sybil Hulett gave a very^ ture on "A Tour through Europe and Perth iifrica. ^ ' H-uLett described the different towns in Cer^ny and also described part of the "Passion Play" whicn she at Oberammergan. nth Mav. Two motions were debated