
opposed diy Pearce and Henry - The motion was lost, (2) "Tl^at the conscientious Objectors were the real heroes of the last War"' proposed "by Jenkins & Sae, and opposed "by Ce Theunissen and Oliver, This motion was also lost. 10th August, Election of Officers for the second half. Secretar:;-; Good Jt, 1. Members for Via., iDyor and Burnett, " '' 71b. Punster. " " 7a. Ho Theunissen. " ^Po. L. Smith, ihfter the election of Officers there was a debate on the motion "That military service should be compulsory". King,seconded by Stocldll, proposod, and Blondin seconded by Punster, led the opposition. The motion was carried. 24th August. Pebate on the motion "Thai all motive power, except steam, shovdd be for bidden by law". K» Theunissen o-pened the debate and he was seconded by Askew, L« Smith and Ivletcalf led the opposition, 'The motion was lost, 14-th September. A debate on the motion "That Classics in music are worthy of more esteem than Jazz". Spargo and Morgan proxoosed and Thoma-s and Carr oxJx^osed the motion which was lost. o