
-25-v KL;PORj/jF-a RuGlEbYWATCH ty Aunt Priscilla. pit therefore j^aole to redrly £r'i;ed1n^ti°1i:3's^i''rt'J:^T I a time a man shouted "Herethey come •" Tbox.Mter Wasps , youass"/rL rid'lT^iH ""'r ?Masked. I °®^dn't see any wasps, or hees oJ hotin" Z®? glasses I I horrible striped ierA^s enfl ^ horne.s, hut a lot of men in 'the fieldo men tlaey hfd got on to vrfiatever the insects were one hi^- hZ^f wasps, or I at the others, ' ^ kicked a hall |reXBryS^°BeeSe^to ii'MckiS Sm *' srouiidand |h<«one thre» the hall SJ^a^r;J h. 77°°" ^ ="1 a lot of children. ^fought over it - likg :Stbpped^tL'^Lrhy''cL?LMliVo ^ lot and who O^e a man had the hall a^nnoZhST''^ ^ ^^®tle, ^®ry ungentlemanly. snatched it out ofhis hands S£5i°™":H~Si- ='i:'.ir„,'V •--5 "£ '"^6d nn+' "Kci WS.S rniinin^ S-wayfroiri ■f-'h(=» - not he so rough with him.Eventually oneTide JJ t know because they left the hZn ^ 4-u it for so lon^ tnn t !l-all on the ground is - ^rown mefV Z^ nephew ^ clof°Zr T Z Z^ehting about a small hall I ; l tiies and hob-nailed ho ts. DisgracSuT I ^ a d young ladies - hut theT the Lights in behaviour of this sort. 1 A, T. w.