
-27-. ~T _J 1. R l\ ^..■■...Miy ICKBl FIRST TEHM, With ten of the old First XI hack - and that the most powerfnl XI on record - we felt Jnstified in facing the new season with greater confidence than ever before.It has been all the more disappointing,consequently, to have had to cancel almost all the schoolmatches through anoutbreak of mumps. In the matches that have been played,the team as a whole has not shown the form of last year, but this may easily be put down to lack of matches and consequent falling off in interest. From v.ime to time in mid-week, the batsmen ha,ve shown something cf their real form,but there has been a falling away in the deadliness of the bowlers. Only Mason and Coutts liave maintained their form in this respect, though by way of recompense, Oilliat has begun to ievelop a good, slo\7 off-break. The standard of play in the Al.phabets has deteriorated greatly, now that the run-getters of previo-os years have beenreloved. There have been some fairly large scores obtained by pure nitting, but these budding Jessops have found their run-scoring seriously curtailed when facing good bowling.A great deal of net 3ractice will be required before the end of the year if the 'Mtslen are to acquire the stroke play necessary against steadybowling. On the other hand there aippears to be some fairly goodbowl- ■ng talent here, notably in the case of Bazley, Thomas, W. Smith md Lowe. The Prep, have had their usual games, with one or two again st Stanger School. It is early yet to decide which of them will ultimately play for South Africa. Williams appears the most like- .y as wicket-keeper and batsman, lEir^pal Alnhabet scores:- Lowe (50,43,24) Thomas (69,44,30,28; Morgan (50), Pearce ^1), Bazley (3S.37), Piper (36) Tedder (33), llinf ng Alphabet: A (Lowe's), MATCHES. SI Stanger, Kear3ney v Stangs: Peb.Eiidn BMW.