
SgHDDL riQTSS COKDOLEITCES. We regret to have to record that hereavement came to five "boys in the middle of the year. Hittler lost his Mother in June, anU Mason, Chick and the Baikie Brothers lost their fathers in Ju).:/. We assnre each of them of our sincere sympathy. Jrank Lands"berg, an Old Boy, also passed aT7ay in J'ol;/ after a few days' illness. To his father at Island farm, we offer orir sympathy. The School has lost another friend ia Mrs.JIindson who passed away in I}ur"ban in June. She was always interested in the activities of the School, and liad established and endowed the Hindson Memorial Prise for Literature in memory of her hnLS"band. We offer our condolences to her son and neigh"bour, Mr. E. E,B. Hindson of Mellgnards Kearsney. STAPE, ivir. J. E, Reece returned to the School, in March.after spending Christmas leave in England.On Ills retnrn he joined the rahrs of the motorists, and drives a. Eord Y-S Gcupe. During his absence, his work was taken by an Old Boy, Mr. J.L, from Hatal University College. Two ot'ner Old Boys from the same Colleae also joined the Staff for the greater part of Eebrnary, namely, Mr. K. Balcomb, 3.A. and Mr, A. S, The^missen, B.A. O'^ar Chaplain, Rev. E. H. Orchard and family left on lea,ve for England in August, They expected to be back in Stanger in December, but owing io Mrs. Orchard's illness, have had to delay their return until next Eebrnary. While Mr, Orchard was away , Mr. J, C. Haycroft was in charge of the work in Stanger and un dertook the Chaplain's duties at the College.He soon made friends with the School, and we are veiy glad to liave had him with us. The Rev. E. E.Barritt of limb-lali acted as Commissioner fur the ivlatricuLation and Junior Certificate Examinations inDecember. We are glad to Imow that he enjoyed his stay with us, as these words of his testify: "Ic has been my privilege, pleasure and profit to be resident at the Eearsney College for some nine days ^!I AIWJUAIr PRIZE-GIVIHC: Tbie ceremony was held on 13th December,