
-2-.. in the College Kail. The Eev. H.'T. G-ooduin nas in the Chair, and the Hev. laii MacDonald of PietenriaritsDurg presented the prizes, jjHAMlJiiJiOKS. The School has again had a very successfnl year froii': the examir^.tions point of view. Matricnlation: 6 boys entered and 6 passed: 1 first, 3 second and 2 Third Class Passes. Junior Certificate: 11 boys entered and S passed: 5 first, 1 second and 2 Third Class Passes. One boy won a Government bursary. Only one bursary is allotted to State-aided Schools on the result of the Junior Certificate Sxamination, and Kearsney has won it in each of the four yea^s in which it has been available. C. 7 boys entered and 6 passed. One boy won a Government Bursary. GHriPjjjL. Tne new Methodist Fymn Book ?7as introdiiced at the beginning of this year and is generally felt to be an improve ment on the former one. Twenty-three of its new times 'were learned dming tne year and soon became popular. The Choir worked enthusiastically and fittingly crown ed its efforts with a finely smg carol service on the last Sunday evening of the year. Tiie keenness of the Basses and Tenors to sacrifice their spare time for practices deserves the acluiowledgment of having theirnames recorded, so here they are Basses; Burnett, Good, StockLl, Eaton, Tenors: Christie, Iyer, Henry, Gilliat (until June). jJATAL SYITOD. The Fatal Synod met at the College from July 20 -23 and all its members seemed thoroughly to enjoy being back at School again. ¥e are glad to know that they found the corpoiate life, short though it was, of great value, and an aid to efficiency. One eveningras devoted to a discussionon "The Chui in relation to Education", which Messrs, Gram and Eeec e Oj.'enea «vxtn tnoughtiul and interesting speeches which imursssed