
—Z|,i2 IJDfjqysirf'T'rc:; tJ i, —1 ICBABSMx OOLL^G-E QI^D 5GYS' CLUE. The An.miB.1 Meeting nas held a-t Dho College on Satiirday. ])ri lost, after the E'ogger match with the School, it this meeting Kon. Secreto-rj^ and Treasurer. Ivlrc A-, T, Finship presentedtne Annnal Report, the sntstance of which was as follovjs;- The AniTJal Dinner was held at the Royal Hotel, Durtan on fi April, 1935* Unfortuna-tely it was not as well pAtsnded asin vioTis years, there oeing only ss'^enteen meiiibers present,lif'tor ner a, visit wa-s paid to Prince's Theatre where a good showwas oyed. This innovation is one which the Conimittee hopes will t with favonTr The nnniher of paid members, exclusive of Life Members, was nty-one. With regard to the Accounts, the ba-lance carried forward to t year was £36.l5c6, which is made up of Cash Account al Building Society'" Account Savings BarJo Account closed and transferred to the S.A.Permanent BuildingScciehy ithe sahe of the hi^er rate of interest. There nad been a good demand for the Club Blazer, the first gth of cloth being alreariy used up. Members requiring blazers obtain thera from Messrs Payne Bros Ltd., on an order from Hon. Secretary. A discussion ensued on the most suitable means by wliich the b could be of permanent and effective assistance to the lege, and it was ultimately decided that the Committee should w up a scheme for the establisbment of a bursary fund. Their orts have since resulted in the establishment of an Endowment d governed by a special Constitution, and particulars of this given below. ^KPARSITETY COLLEGE OLD BOYS' ERDO^MBRT PIMP. &I¥; This Eund arose out of suggestions ma,de av, the General