
-43-. I Meeting held at the College on 3rd August. Its details wore jliammered out at several Committee meetings, and it was estab lished and got going in October I935. The intention has been to provide Old Boys with an opportunity of effectively assisting the School through a scheme which will create a source of reg ular revenue from them in a form as little burdensome to them as possible. The moneys so received can be applied only according to a strict Constitution; and are subject to the fullcontrol of the Subscribers and of no one else. The Fund is therefore entirely distinct from any other fund either of the Club or of the School. The Committee earnestly hopes that as m^ry Old Boys as possible will join the Fund, and so make it one which can be of real and clearlsyeen assistance to the College in the future. it IS supported properly, it can do great things for the School, COISTITUTIOH; The following summary of the Constitution : make clear the nature and working of the Fund;- will OBJECTS: To establish a Capital Fund the interest from which shall be used to assist the College by providing (a) Bursaries and/or (b) Equipment of a substantial and per manent nature. pi!-t!IC.tuKSj_ (a) The Fund shall be invested in three Trustees who shall be the principal and Vice—principal of Eearsney College and one other to be elected annually by the Club Committee, (b) There shall be aTreasurer-Secretary who shall be elected annually by the Committee, SuBSCPJPTTOiMS; (a) Every Old Boy of the College shall be invited to siibscribe either one shilling xuonthly or one shilling