
-44-. qiiarterljf or such larger sum as he may he ahle to contribute. (h) The Committee shall have power to accept donations or grants to the Fund from other sources. Il\IVE5TI€EliT; The moneys received shall he invest ed in a separate account from other moneys, such account oto he kept in a Building Society approved hy the Trustees, RULES: (a) Eo moneys shall he withdrawn from the Building Society account with out the unanimous sanction of the three Trustees. (h) The Capital invested shall not in any circumstances he drawn upon ex cept when a dissolution of the Fund takes place. This requires the ap proval of the majority of suhscrihers, voting hy post if necessary, (c) Eo moneys shall he applied to any objects except those stated above, and application shall he made only when approved at a General Meeting of the Club together with the postal votes of subscribers who are absent from such meeting. BALAECE SHEET, etc. Prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Club, a Statement of Income and Ex penditure and a Balance Sheet duly aud ited shall he posted to all subscribers and these shall be accompanied by a Report of theaffairs and progress of the Fund, signed by eenh of the Trustees,