
-45-. QBITUifflY. ^ It is with deep regret that we record the death of Yrank Landsberg who passed away in Jnlj^He was loved by all who knew him pecanse oi his absolute unselfishness, his never failing readiness to help others, and his nuiet and unassuming nature. He was a good sport, and a most loyal friend. He was laid to rest in Kearsney cemetery in the presence of a groat number of friends from all along the Horth Coast, who thus paid their last tribute to a fine character. The gathering also included many Indians and Satives who had much reason to be grateful to him ior his worm on their behalf at the Stanger court house,We extend our deep sympathy to his father and brother. • • * • MMRIAGSS. We offer cur congratulations to the following:- HOPKIHS, CEOFTOH, HULETT, CLAuHS, GEIPFTH, GSS-hjD, WILKIHSOIT, C.F. (EEV) BSCFJTT, TOM SPiffiHS, DAVID, March, in Durban. May, in Durban. June, in Kimberley. October, in Grahamstown. November, in Standerton. December, in Maritzburgc OLD BOYS ID J0HAiIME!S]3DPlG ilED PBBTORIA BEAHOH FOEIvlED Hj JOHAHESSBURG. by G. M. Dram. College Couiicil asked me to visit Joliannosbuvg Pretoria on behalf of the School, it was of course a great J. to use tne opportunity of renewing acquaintance with the uia j^oys in those cities, rnnv- Pretoria ngr Tufe and I net Brinslsy "Jhite who is •■"-ving a reputation in the Ctisterns and Incise Department;