
all present with the importance of -che subject and its tion to the needs of the Kearsney College, jpJ.j.Ccl— The general results of the Synod from the College point of ■view may be said to be twofold: First, the whole ITatal Connexion now tnow -^diere and what Kearsney College is, and has received an insight into its aims and ideals; and secondly, a definite for'ward educational policy will be more and more insis tently demanded from Conference-, Th'us the invitation of the Stanger Circuit that Synod should meet here proved to be a happy inspiration from our point of view.- CO'UhCIL. A Council Meeting -^was held at the College on ?nd Oct. permission was given to Mr. Oraim to undertake a tour to Johannesd.irg and Pretoria on behalf of the College, THB ITBIV SGHBMS. It is more or less generally known that we are desirous of moving the College to a more accessible spot. The reasons that are influencing the Council are : (a) Tlie difficTilty of persiaading people who live at a distance that we are and have always been free of malaria. i^) (c) (e) The fact that we no security of ten-ure and do not even own the property. here The unfortunate and underseirred reputationStanger hs.o in ITatal for hear. O'ur distance from other schools and its effect up on the number of inter-school games we canarrange. The difficuj.ty of getting outside help, mainly in the ray of lectures or tuition in special subjec:ts (such as the violin) because of our distance from a large to?ra. The possioilities of a move are being investigated; prov isional plans have been prepared, sites are beiUig inspected and financial campaign is still under consideration:. a