
-4S-. SSilOR GAIffl; Within the first five minutes we were 5 points^aheadTs the res-alt of a fine ^ movecrowned hy Stockll slipping past Ms wing and dodging over for Iyer to goal. MHoS. replied soon afterwards with a try also goaled. Half-time 5-5• The - had plenty to do as the forwards well led hy Coutts secured mostly from the loose. Some bright movements were witnessed with Harrington varying the attack cleverly. Mason scored three excel lent tries of which Dyer converted two and Harrington dropped,a penalty goal from the touch line, after Reeves had hit the up right from a similar position. TEM;- Reeves, Mason, Iyer, Henry, Stockil, Larrington,lilliat,, Coutts, Lone, Christie M, Dunster, King, CJood,OlivierLJ. Poole. n-T.-RlTOnni high SCHOOL. ISth May. _ In Dorhan. Seniors won ?-5. Junior drew 3~3* JUKIOR C-rM-m: Very heavy rain made ground and hall slippery,.hut despite this, the handling hy hoth sides was remarkably good. In the first half we did most of tho pressing hut the tackUng was very keen. On one of the few occasions, the hacks saw tne hail, Thomas cut in and outwitted the opposition to score under tne posts, hut Jacobs mulled the goal kici. Blondin,Thomas, Pipjer , Metcalf and Bazley did some heroic defence in the second halfand I the forwards used their feet well hut could not finish off the mpvements. Piper, playing centre, hung on too long and Thomas did not get another opportunity, being too well marked. Glenwooci I sdored, after a good movement with several forwards up in support well into the second half. There was no further score in a very interesting game, SEHIQR C-AivTV,-- .Again we were outscrummed and saw little of the I hall from set scrums, h-ut Lowe, Christie and Coutts did verj'' good work in the loose. Reeves playing scrum-half saved many dangeri ops -rushes and gave the hacks all the opportunities given him. j pace v,as very fast thrcu^out and Glenwood forwards were al— ; Rays attacking, A loose scrum in front of our posts saw a Glen - I Rpod forward secure and dive over for a try which was converted. I ^ The score remained unaltered until ten mdnutcs from the end ihen Dyer came into the lino and gave Mason the overlap after a ii