
-49-^ I saw Mason in full crv fn- •n-.o . -motner three move •u1-j ^ lOx 1/I16 comsr! li© ciivGd ovpt' "Kn-r- 4.t the eST'aL^'LS'Lt'ftho" sped tliroueh a eaio and nf---/ • ? possession, ho eral attempted taehes, ho"scoreri LiSicmt^J,°wSi°®°%: and Egrer kicked a sulendid ^ool ^ Larrington mde a ™nderm but slii^ if aoment. Christie intereoptod cl^eSy Lt s,,-- ""J pace to score and the en-i n-f ^ ^ i j-m suiiicient wards. ^ splendid game came soon aftero^,, .. IlAfilSTS ■^oth May. Seniors won 14.6. juniors lost 6-18.^®"^^^ f3i°^ exception of Thomas and Metcalf tbo xf^St^brsLfS'tStTi"""® ice™ pl^od behind a most lifflLriet iffoSSr^^'SomaJf 'f'' iii%r2riiS ~ejfLfr°;ftiii b°°^ ^ more c-i -n t_-i. victory being unaoubtodly the "ua^biiffn Sx^-n.tir^''^ ^ii^soor^fSt tic tries (14-0). ® typical individnalisLarriSor''who waf desultory play, ihe ahsonce of as piSSs ieffJfen itiniir^i" 'f cnsidorably L??Ss~ptfSSiIS --r Hiis tra-s the last match nlaved fhi C3 +DTtm « aoaps unforlunatel.T nrevent.s „f! -fff , ™- ^ ^P^aemio of