
-51-. OLD CHOCKS. Intil Won 15.17. ALKearpnej,. ¥e were delighted that our Annual fixture ao'ainst + >, Sianos of former days, took place after ^l7 ^ It was an epic struggle with the result in tv,« v i up to_tvhery last secondT for only i'srofuip tne yinning points. The large crowd of spectators weredeliSS^ witn the display and applauded alike the finesse of threes, Henry-s huge touches and Alf Walker-s gri^hoJ lea^ One of Henry's long touches put us on the attack anrl o imck wiovement on the left wing missed bv inSef Clarkson sectored and put in a powerf.fL r;an doS ihe linweit? the support but Piper'cleared. Tiie ball emerged from - massive scrum and away w nt the Old Crocks- a deft coSJerLr^^'IS a'S/"''"^-Mellow-Smith duly the O.C.s threes in mi o« ?oJ the'TfL"°°" again and miow-Smith was over in the cornerrwrsLSed'fron Hearour own line the ball came out from the loose nnfl we?t''''f r opposition out of position and aw^. he i:~-si:!~ i-?SES certain try when he dived for Clarkson a few varS^'f??? £ov; L°m hrought welcome relief to the tiring warriors hda useful"SS