
-52-. to IIS of five points, TTnr a snell the O.C. forwards decided to keep the Tncip to the scrnm partly because they had decided their threeb ^ere not tSusfful'eW!and partly because they felt the^^^^^^ +« as little running about as possible until the second rtnd° ^.ived. Some flSe wheeling and forward moves were seen, . hut onr forwards wore e^nal to the task and Lowe and Christie always prominent. Maintaining P forward the O.C's worked their way to our line a scrw, ha tttVippI heel and Pellow-Smith was over. Another long ic j SnS'and we^erfattacking. Pirst Thomas was nearly over then Reeves broke well but lacked support. The forwards carried p y to our line and from the loose, quick inrei-jaesing Alf Walker doing a spectacular dive in the cornei, g lead once more. The last five minutes we ^.itnessed some amid great enthusiasm. A long kick l:y ^er was ^ Stockll was up in a flash, booted ahead and "2^! up on the outside to foot further ahead and score ^ t?y which he just failed to convert from far BUI been ==trn^elirg hard on the wing but usually fownd himsei tdfh two or three hanging on. Jrom a , . set his teeth, handed off two wou].d he tacklMerds i"®J over in the corner with two hoys hanging on, A. ime ,Larrington, l^er and Stockil ended .hen Lariungton inches from the line, hands in the scr™ and ,penalty - the final whistle going immediately axcer,followed by much cheering fi"om the touch line. The forwards stuck to their heavjr task most i^anfully are to be congratulated on giving their threes so much of the ball from the loose. The threes well served by Reeves deserve 'praise for their very keen thruso and safe ing« TEAVIS7:- OLD CROCKS: Stirling, B. Payne, 1- Clarkson, Pascoe, I Duffield, P.. Stiebel (c), H, Fellow-Smirh, A.P.Walker, H.W.Walker, P.. Horris, C. AalaAs J. Barnes, Sh-um-G-ibson, Hichols, As Herbert. COLLEGE: Piper, Stockil, Dyer, Henry, Thomas, Larrington (c) flesvss, Coutts, Christie, Lowe, Good, Olivier, T/oxistsr, King, Bazley. 1