
"brealcs were brilliant but lacked support. It was certainly bis best, oi rnany good perfonnances. The last minutes were intense ly exciting with DcH;.S, maintaining constant pressure,but des perate tacld-ing kept them out and we won an excellent game.Team work, coupled with Larrington's brilliance thoroughly deserved this victory. TOAM; Fiper, Thomas, Stockil, Henry, Morgan, Harrington, Reeves, Coutts, Christie, Lowe, Olivier, Good, Dujister, King, Burnett, vs ESHOIE. gdth August. At Eshowe. Lost 3-6Conditions underfoot are very bad at any time ontheEshoTre field and the rain which fell prior to the game made it almost impossible to attempt any side stepping. We found the greasy ball difficult to handle, Harrington and Stockil both handling badly. We were outpla^'-ed forward seeing little of the ball from the set scrums and when it did come our way, the opposing loose forwards were always ready to prevent our threes moving. The gamp, resolved into a forward battle with Eshowe having just a bit extra in reserve. Their first try was scored by a forviard but it appeared that we liad already touched down, the referee hovvsver was misighted. Before half time Tijqt goaled from a penalty of which eight were given and all were for us,, This was,, however, the only one within striking range. Mainly by persistent footwork of our opponents kept us defending desper ately at times. Our backs lacked cohesion, only Henry showing anything like real form. The winning try was scored near the end of the game; following a forward rush there was a scramble near our line auid suddenly van Rensberg appeared out ofthe ruck and dived over. It was a little difficult to see how he secured the ball without infringing the rules, nevertheless, we are the first to congratulate our opponents on their victory for we di-d not deserve to win the game on the form we disp»layed.It vrill be interesting to see these two sides in opposition on agood field. Lowe, Coutts, Christie and Blondin were ever in the thick of things, the latter playing exceedingly well in his first game in the senior side. Our footwork was too slow to be darigerous while that of our opponents tjUs always dangerous.