
-4-. SFQET. BtigEy: The 111 Tf;on nine out of ten matches. Those won included the Old Boys (24 - 3) the Old Crocks (19 - I7) Cricket; The XI won four and lost two out of eleven matches. Henry made a score of 107 irot out against Mai-ist Eros (St. Herury's) on huvember Ibth, A team from the Durban Athletic Club vis ited us on Se-otember 28th, The .Annual Sports Meeting v/as held on the last day of +-erm5 Th-orsday, 3"h October. Mrs.k.J. Williams presented the prizes. The sport was of an excellent standard. Two School re.cords were broken and one was equalled. These successes were achieved by Coutts A, vmo tiirev; the discus a distance of 119ft, thus improving his last year's performance by 2Sft, and Thomas d, who broke a long juinp r9cord__ that had been standing since 1925 by sending it up to 20ft 1-yins. Eeeves, using the spectacular American roll, equalled a long-standing high-jump record of 5ft Sins, In the Junior events, Bazley was outstanding, Tt:0 innovations - :e introduced this year. Music between the different items on the programme together with the resxilts of the events were broadcast from a travelling loud speaker unit hired for the occasion. This gave an unaccustomed air of festivitj- and ease and a.dded considerably to the en joyment of the day.-. The second innovation was the division of the school into tv;o Houses, Athlone and Clarendon, Each fought strenuously fc" points, and as they proved very evenly matched until near the end, their rivalry created much excitement. Ultimately, Clarendon won by 21 points, their victory being largely due tc their successes in the half-mile event and in the tug-of-war. Bacley secured most points for Clarendon,gaining 42 ^vhile Reeves hicught Athlone House 43 points. EHTERTAIISIMEM'S- The Bioscope shows continue to be popular, and tv;o or three were given each term. The Debating Society also got through a useful programme. Ti'ie Annual ?1a-=y to loave been Sneridan's '"The Rivals"