
ui Henry: Stociril; Thomas; Piuer i -bO-. Centre; Kicks splendidly with either foot;at times most elusive and spots a gap quickly; handicapped hy lack of weight; defence improving. Wing; strong runner; solid defence;much improved on at tack; must learn to handle cleanly under pressure; Pair kick. Wing; Past, and has most disconcerting side-step.Defence much improved; strong lack hut must learn to kick quick ly, Shows great promise. Wing and full-hack. A dashing wing, fearless,hut light. Must improve kicking and fielding, a better wing than full-hack. Christie: The raost consistent forward; good in all branches of forward play, ever in the thick of things. Lowe; Porward; solid scrummager and defence much improved.Has played consistently well, good in the line-out, Porward; has not always played to the best of his abil ity hut is learning to use his wei^t.Will improve with more experience, Olivier: Porward; fast and has played some good games.Must learn to fall on the hall in defence. Sinister: Porward; somewhat light, hut tries very hard. Dribbles well and improving in all round ability. ■»- Oojad: Tht Bu Ea Bu Porward; has disappointed, playing well only occasion ally, Hooks fairly well, lacks defence. Line out work fairly good. following have also played for the XV. nett (4), Pools and Blondin (3) G-illiat and Bazley (2), on (1). Denotes previous colours,