
-5-. "bp-t the epidemic of m^umps causea the aDandonment of rehearsais. On April 30th Miss Syhil Hulett gave a very interesting lectm-e to the School on her recent to^or throngh Europe and E^ypt. Her accounts of the palaces of Berlin and of the Oherammiergau Passion Flay nere especially apprecis.ted. On November 30th the school enjoyed an excellent concert provided by Mr. Jack Fowler and Mr. Orant (of Durban) and by Miss C. O-reig of LMilali, and also by Miss Fraser and some of her piano pupils. Of the latter, the following contributed to the programme; Love A, Clayton, Christie A.F. Stockil,Smith L and Fing, All these acquitted themselves nobly, and pleyedwith surprising confidence. MWiPS. Our long record of freedom from the vario'os epidemics that often afflict schools has been broken at last, for at the end of May mumps made its appearance and spread rapidly. Over forty boys, two of the Staff e.nd- several of the servants went down vdth it, so the work and sport of the School was d-isorganised for the time beii The a.nnua,l Play and all outside activi ties were, of course, cancelled. To afford recreation for those pho were fortunake enough to keep healthy, a tennis doubles toiirnainent wa,s arranged for koe afternoons. Every couple played every other one over a series of nine games and all available boys were roped in. Several of them appeared never to have played tennis before judging by the way in which the windows of the neirglibouring btd-ldings were sometimes endangered Jubilee day. The jubilee of King Ceorge V and Queen Mary was celebrated by the grant of a free week-end extenddng from Friday afternoon to Jubilee Lay itself, Monday, May bth. APPOIITMEHTS. Prefects: Head Prefect: Others: GAPTAIH OF pTJCrBr : CAPTAIH OF AliiLLTIOS; Reeves H. Larrington J,E.G. iver S.J. Coutts Christie M.J, Good Ma,son Ti',P..P. Burnett E.E,. T, :'ingT;on -j.E.O. Beeves iT.