
June 1936 The Keasrne^ Celle^e Chrenicle


-2-. CROCKS. The Old Crocks' Reunion was as successful as ever# Most of the "familiar faces" were here, together with a few new ones. The match,which is reported elsewhere, was a revelation in tac tics, as us-ual, and proved that, like old soldiers, old crocks never die J After the match, brief and brightspeeches were made by Mr, Barnes, Mr. L, Cox ("Longon" and "Scrummage" of the "Mer cury", who kindly refereed the match for us), Mr.llatterson and K. Byer, .Speaking of crocks, seldom has the school been so handicap ped, athletically, by injaries, as has been the case during the past half year# Wo have seldom been able to put representative teams into the field. We sympathise particula^rly with Kc iOyer, and J, King, the latter of whom has spent many weeks in hospital following on an operation to the hip. BURSARIES. Thanks tc the generosity of two friends of the school the Governing Body has now at its disposal a number of Bursaries of maximum value £50 each, tenable up to 5 years, to be awarded on the results of an examination. Applicants have been tested in English, Afrikaans, Arithmetic, History and Intelligence, and it seems that we may find a. welcome increase in our numbers next term. SPORT. Both the Cricket and Rughy teams lost many of their star players at the end of last year, and injuries, which developed into almost an epidemic, further weakened the sides. In spite of this, both teams gave very creditable displays in most of their matches. The Rugby b.rase matches stimulated a great deal of en thusiasm, although Athlone were too strong for Clarendon usually. Cricket Committee; The Head, Mr. Reece, Dyer, Henry,Jacobs. Rugby Committee; The Head, Mr. Medworth, Byer, Stockil, Henry, Lowe. PREFECTS: K. Dyer (Head Prefect), A. Stockil, W. Henry, A. Lowe. W. Pearce, R. Dunster, J. King, C. Theunissen, K» Dyer is captain of Cricket and Rugby. TUCK SHOP. Interest in the Tuck Shop does not dwindle,' The profits are used for the piirchasing of sports material. Turnover for thepast two terras: 1st Tem: £28.7.2. 2nd tern; £30.1.6.

LiALA^E'TTi |lqrin_X^A. 0. Eosenburg. (Johannesburg). ISSLlrB. D. Foster (Maritsburg). !7. Harilyn (Frasers), B. 0. Hudson (Durban), A. lee (Doornkop, Q-. ivinsinan (Kearsney), Form IV. l. Lee (Doornkop). 111, p. Lee (Poornkop). ,(^^y=4orp), If. Caseley (iJaritzburg). h. Oo-bisnley (Dur-oan), D.Eulott (Compensationl 1. Jacuson vSroutville), B.Ksdhurst (Stanger), ^-oTs (Oroutville), iioPartland (Spriue-sl P. Hursey (Pretoria.) -*oS,,

_4_. □LAYHtg-HT . The Play Uight this year was not as pretentious an affair as has usually "been the case in the past, and so it is difficult to iDake con^arisons. In any case, "comparisons are odorous",, Three short plays were staged, of quite different types, and each was a success. There was a good turn-out of visitors, perhaps 250, who en tered well into the spirit of the evening, — a spirit that was made the more cheerful "by the music of the quartette, directed "by Mr. Frank Wood. When the plays were over, supper was served on the verandah, but parents could not take their boys home, as Play Mght did not bring the term to a close. The.first play was a "thriller" : "Murder at Midnight",acted by three masters. Its effectiveness depended a good deal on the lighting control, and we congratulate the operator (Piper) on the promptness of his reactions. There were illogicalities in the story, but it gave us a good thrill J There was a diamond neck lace, with a legend, a revolver, the dramatic insertion ofa whitegloved hand through a gap in a curtain, a pseudo-murder (with red ink), some striking sidewhiskers, — and two crooks were each better off to the tune of £10,000. The climax came as a surprise. Secondly we enjoyed a costume play : "The King's Waistcoat"; a clash between Puritanism and the snobbery of the Court.Felicity was a demure Puritan damsel (although the angle of her feet came unstuck sometimes) who discouraged the attentions of her Puritan lover,. Zachariah, in favour of the more flashy attractions of Sir Francis Webling, who had managed to sprain a wrist the first time he met Felicity, and who, after six weeks' convalescence in her company, affected to have forsworn court life, and was preparedfor the future to be a "bucolic". His resolution, however, went the way of most resolutions, when he heard that his King, Charles, required his advice at Court, respecting a new waistcoat he had devised, — and Felicity reverted to her former swain, Zachariah. Webling was a convincing court dandy. Felicity's father, Isaac Hammond, was not quite sure whether he was a Puritan or not, al though Zachariah could nave told him, and in fact did so.' Isaac

is obviously made for elderly parts, and he produced quite ■ a blaze about the ejres, A breezy interlude uas provided by the entry of Sepington and Lady Karcourt (pronounced Hurcutt)l ob viously a pair of nouveaux riches, uhose vulgarity was 'poorle cloaked by the affectations of Court Life. jUnone other things". this scene went to prove how vastly dress and rwake-up can all ter the appearance, for the dangerous beauty of Lady Karcourt., of the flashing black eyes, was hardly compatible with the sim ilarly dangerous elbor/—work in the rugby scrnm. j?inalj-,v ,76 ho,d the very delightful "Slice of Scottish Life'- a^iive-scene play, which, if badly acted, would have been a' fiasco. In this case it was very well acted. The give and take of conversation was fast and furious, limited to one rcm.a.rk pe^' hour (the passing of the hours being indicated by tho chiming of a clock off-stage.) Movement on the sta£:G was similarly rapid being confined to that of tlio olci. woman's -knitting no0dios;(sh0 must take knitting lessons some da.y) and the rhythmic nodding cL the old mean's head on the rare occasions whon he spoke. Th.e total convGrsation could be suir-n'od up in the words;"Seex o'clock" 'Aye", "Wool, beds", "J sa?/ a coo on tlie hili. today",and twenty four hours later, theold man's considered ropljr; is it wasna a. coo, - it were a bull". This, sind the .young shepherd's reason for leaving them ^ tha^t there ws.s too much ''argy—bargying" in the hoose. The audience greatly appreciated tl^skilled and restrained acting, for any single lause would have sw-ilt th" play. Finally, no criticism of Play Kight is complete without reference to the untiring efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Oram,;dio were responsible for the productions, and who didnot allow' their forthcoming trip to England to interfere in any v;ay ?/ith their, Lor must we omit the stage hands and olcctric-wirirn installers, all of whom, hidden away in the background, helped to make the night a success. ■J",P.P. LRAIMTIS PERSOM. Eirst Play. "Midnight Murder". by A. Ashdo;,7n. ^cen^; The study of "The Towers", Windmoor, Torkshiro

Cliaracters: Second play. ~b-. Jabez van Howden, a Dealer in Precious Stones ...... Mr. R, H. Matterson. Roland Wardour, a Collector's Agent Mr, G-, M. Oram, Russell, Van Howden's Butler Mr, P, Milner. "The King's Waistcoat", "by Olive Conway, Scen^ The chief room of a manor-house owned hy Isaac Hammond, an old Puritan, Characters; Isaac Hamnond, an old Puritan ¥,G,Abraham. Felicity Hammond, his daughter R.H.Theunissen. Zachariah Hammond, his nephew a, IT, Stockil, Servant Lord Francis Wehling, a very fashionable courtier f, B. A, Pearce. Bob Repington, his friend m, B, Eaton. Lady Snsan Harcourt q, Poole, ¥.B.J.Henry. Third Play. "A Slice of Scottish Life". by A* Macbeth. Sc^: The interior of Shepherd's hut in a remote part of Scotland, Time; Scenes 1 to IV, 6 p.m. I Scene V, 5 a.m. The passing of the hours is indicated by the chiming of a clock. ^ Characters; The Old Shepherd K. 1, Dyer, His Old Wife Charter. The Young Shepherd Oliver.

f \ -7-. jjpp.p ppN G- h ri I" Ing ■—j—V j, 4^, ? r L-..^ .,,1, I I ! i t ^ i i ^ SMIOH. Owing to the calls made on mcmlDors "by away games, and the "bioscope shows, there have been only two meetings of the Senior Society in the half year. Sr l6th tfe,y. Election of Officers for the year, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer; A, H. Stockil. Committee; K. Dyer, A.P.Lowe, D.K.Piper, 0. mkinson,' D. Foster. 23rd May. ITwo Debates. (1) On the motion that "South Africa should declare herself an independent Republic", The proposers were K. Theunissen and Metcalf.and A.NcStockil and 0.■Tilkinson opposed the motion, which was lost. (2) On the motion "That travel is the best mode of Education", proposed by H, Q, Poole and D, Munro, and opposed by D. Foster and. R, Theunissen. The motion was carried. JUinOR. There have been the usual weekly debates, held as a class lesson, and two sessions of literary readings. The general ' quality of speaking has not been high, J&ny of the speakers do not study their facts, but prefer to indulge in personalities, and several seize the opportunity for a quiet dozeJ 6th Febmarv: Sharp Practice, IJth February; "That Rugger is better than Cricket" Motion carried 19 to 3. 2S speeches.

20th Pelpniary, "That the White Man is happier than the Black". Motion carried, 11 to 9, 36 speeches. 27th February and 3th March, "That Boarding Schools are "better than Day Schools". Motion carried, 17 to 4. 64 speeches.' '12th IvSarch. "That Capital Punishment should "be abolished". Motion lost, 1 to 21. 4I speeches. 19th and 26th tfe.rch. "That we learn more "by Observation than by Reading". Motion carried, I6 to 6. 6l speeches. 30th April and 7th May. "That the natives should be educated". Motion carried, 12 to 9. 55 speeches. 14th May. , "That Examinations be abolished", j Motion lost, 2 to 19» 33 speeches. 21st and 2Sth May. "That Vivisection be forbidden by Law". Motion lost, 6 to I5. 62 speeches. 3th and 12th June. Literary Readings; D. Munro, from "Those were the Days", by A.A.Milne. D. Roster,from "Rot that it J^atters". by E.V.Enox. I. Haralyn.from "Selected Rooms", by Thos. Hood. D. Steel, from "lolanthe", by W. S. Gilbert. A. Christie, from "The Gondoliers", by W.S.Gilbert. J. Clayton, from "Those were the Days", by A.A.Milne, A. Love, from "The Leacock Book", by S. Loacock. K. i'.Iacdougall, from "Tell England", by E. Raymond. L. Lee, from "Those were the Days", by A.A.Milne. A. Munro, from "Bab Ballads", by W. S. Gilbert. W. Lov/e, from "H.M.S.Pinafore", by I.S.Gilbert.

-9RIC? Too many of the 1st XI had left for us to be able to fai.'; the present season Virith any confidence, and yet until two oftl ? three remaining colours went out of a.ction we were very succcr ::-- ful. At the beginning of the term the three old-stagers, Henry and Ja.cobs, were so continuously successful with the bet that the later rat/ recruits were seldom called upon#In additicn Tedder showed tremendously improved fox-m, seldom ba.tting foxless than an hour, a,nd Robinson continued the good form he v;as beginning to show last j'^ear# la,ter on, botl? Dyer and Henry be came indisposed, and the onus of the run-ma.king fell upon Jacc-s who has never batted so well before, and seldom let us down. The bowling mostly' devolved upon Henry and Lowe, who were steady but not dangerous, Hhen Henry became crocked, Drummond 5c W. Smith stepped into the breach with some success. Fielding was fair, Y/ith Robinson easily the best^ Colours were .awarded to Lowe and Robinson, The Alpho-bets did not reveal aiiy uarticul3,r talexit. The bowling of Poarce, Thomou, Drummond, 1. Smith, Eazley and Mor gan was usually too good for the opposition, but occasiona-l scores flowed from the bats of Tedder, D.-Raw, Thomas, Morga.n, Drummond and Bauley, The Coirpetition was won by "A'hKing's Team (King,' Morgan, Drumraond, D, Raw, A. Raw, L. Robinson, M,-Saton, Poole, Hamlju, Foster, Rosenburg, Iskev/). The Juniors ha,d games with Stangor School, but wore either over-awed by the occasion, or suffered temporary paralysis, and were generally well beaten® Inprovemcnt will follov/ with e>rperience. The only features were the bowling of Foster,Robinson L. and Steel, and. the batting of Robinson. MATCHES. vs Sshowe Schoci, At Kearsney. February 15th. T'QH PI 101 RuliS,

-10-. KEARSNEy. Jacobs ct Crawford b Maud 30 Robinson l.b.w. b Crawford 17 Henry ct van Rensburg. b Gctkate 3 Eyer ct Liversage b Getkate 13 Tedder ct & b MacAravey 19 Bazley ct van Rensburg b Liversage 5 Thomas ct Liversage b MacAravey 12 Smith W. st van Rensburg b MacAravey 2 LoT/e ct Liversage b Getkate 30 Morgan ct Getkate b Van Keyserlingk 3 EXTRAS g TOTAL Lowe reached 25 in six balls i ESHOWE : First Innings. E. van RenslDurg Bozas -Crawford Getkate von Keyserlingk Liversage Swales Smit Maud W, van Renslurg MacAravey st Jacobs "b Lowe b Henry l.b.w, b Lowe ct Jacobs b Henry l.b.w. b Lowe b Henry ct Tedder b Thomas Run out b Thomas b Henry not out EXTRAS TOTAL BOWLIHG. 2 1 5 2 2 14 0 14 0 10 4 Henry ... Lowe ... Thomas ... Di*uramon4. Smith ... ESHOfE 2nd Innings 0 M R ¥ Av. 11 3 23 4 5-75 9 4 14 3 4.67 3 0 10 2 5 2 2 — - - 2 0 7 - - 22 for 5 wkts.

In Diirtan, Downard Lowen Bertram Horris Maclean Parlcer Taylor Burden -11~. vs D. E, S. 2nd XI. FeBruary 22nd, D.H.S, . ct Lowe "b Drummond not out l.L.w, b Lowe b Lowe b Drummond run out not out ct Robinson b Drummond FXTRAS 48 65 3 20 5 0 8 9 12 TOTAL (6 wkts dec). 170 Elder, Simpson•& Harrison did not tat. B0\"7LIHG. Jacobs not out Robinson l.b.w. b Morris Tedder ct Downard b Parker I^er ct Elder b Maclean Henry b Parker Lowe ct Harrison b Parker Bazley not out EXTRilS TOT/iL (5 wkts 36 3 0 46 20 13 3 DRAvH'. 0 M R w Av. Henr;;;- ••• * • • 13 2 35 0 Lowe #•. •*• 20 2 60 2 30 Drummond... •• « ••• 20 5 49 3 16.3 Thomas ••• 2 13 — 125 Thomas, Smith, Stockil & Drummond did not tat.

-12-. vs Stanger C. C. In Stanger. Ivlarch 3rd. DraOTi, STAHQ-ER. 13s - S wkts (dec) (Zidger 34» Thennissen 24 not out, Henry 3 wkts for 40, Idwe 3 wkts for 50):. 'KEABSUBY. 97-3 wkts (Tedder 33,:5yer 23 not out., Henry I7, j j not out). Henry & Iyer put on 30 runs in little over 5 minutes, vs Urahlali C. C. At Kearsnoy. March 11th. Drav/n. KEARSREY. 152 - 5 wkts (dec) (Iyer 37» Rohinson 36 not out, Heniy 29, Jacobs 17)• ITiahlali. 102 - 7 wkts (R. Jackson 34 not out, J. Hulett 26). ! * vs Uirihlalj C. C. At Kearsney, March Igth, Lost II5 runs." UI@LALI. 1S2 - 7 wkts (dec) (J.Hulett 56, MacRor.ald 37, Smith 4 wkts for 75 nms). KEARSREY. 67 (Tedder 20). vs Marist Bros. At Kearsney. . , March 14th., WOH S5 runs. Kearsney. Jacobs not out ' 67 , Tedder b Hughes I9 Dyer l.b.w. b Kerr 22 Henry ct Young b Balladen 33 Robinson not out lb EXTRAS U TOTAL (3 wkts dec). ]J1

-13-. Marist Bros« Hu^es ct Rotinson "b Lowe Yoimg run out Cavanagh ct Tedder L Lowe Gordon b Henry Kerr l»b.w« b Henry Girdwood li,b,w» b Lowe Balladen ct Dyer b Thomas TUynne ct Bazley b Thomas Francis b Lowe Green not cut Co^ill ct & b Thomas EXTRAS TOTAL 11 0 3 0 0 2 57 6 0 0 0 8 Bowling. Henry Lowe Lrummond phomas 0 M R ■f Av, # • • • • • ••. 8 1 11 2 5.5 • • • .1 • • • ... 10^ 3 •29 4 7.25 • • « • • • ... 4 — 10 • • • • • • ■ ... 8 4 i6 3 5.3 • • • • • • .... 4 1 13 - 7s Eshowe School. At Eshowe# • March Hist. Eearsney. Jacobs l.b.w# b Maud Tedder ct van Rensburg b Getkate ct van Rensburg b Maud Henry b Maud Robinson ct Liversage b Maud Morgan ct & b Maud Smith W. b Maud Stockil b Iffeud Thomas b Maud Gt Getkate b Maud Drummond not out 'Maud took 9 wkts for 49 runs# EXTRAS TOTAL: Won 35 r'JUB, 31 22 1 15 3 6 14 5 5 i

Henry Lowe Smith ¥. Druramond. -14-» Eshowe School. Smith h Henry 5 E.van Henshurg ct Jacobs h Lowe 20 W.van Henshurg l.h.w. h Henry 3 \7ood h Lowe 0 von Keyserlingk ct Rohinson h Drummond 25 Getkate l.h.w. h Lowe 0 Liversage ct I^er h Smith W, 6 Bozas h Lowe 0 Maud l.h.w. h Henry 7 Sc'halkv/yk ct Byer h Henry 7 MacAravey not out 1 EXTRAS 6 TOTiAL: SO Bowling. • • • ••« •• • 0 M R W Av. 14 3 35 4 S.75 14- 4 21 4 5.25 5 2 13 1 3 4 2 5 1 5 At Grlenv/ood. vs G-lenwood 2nd XI. fjlarch 28th, Lost; 1^56 runs. GLEWOOD. 211 - 9 wkts dec (Granger 55, Thorp 50, Fell 36, Gielink 36). KEilRSHEY. 55 (Rohinson 25, Granger 4 wkts for 5 runs). In all fairness to the team, it should he . said that they fielded almost throughout in drenching rain, so that the howlers had no control over the hall. iv

-15AUG&V. This half has heen a most interesting one. Weworemost un fortunate as far as crocked players were concerned, hut those left mast he commended for the way they stuck to their task. There has heen a great improvement in the forwards, who are now a solid scrumming pack. They have in^roved in all departments of the game. The three-quarters have not really had a fair chance of settling down owing to continual chopping and chang ing, due to crocks. They have improved greatly in defence and have shown ability in attack. The House Matches have heen keen and much enjoyed hy all. We look forward to next terra and hope to have all injured play ers hack fit. MATCHES. 2nd April. vs Stanger. In Stanger. Won 11-8, All our scoring was done in the first half. Eielding a misdirected kick cleanly, Lowe put ina powerful run to open the season's score. Following a penalty goal from the 25,Thomas was given the overlap and took an indifferent pass well, to score. This try v/as converted.Piper should have added to the score,hut missed an easy pass, with an open field. The forwards play ed well against a heavier pack, . , - In the second half,Stanger gained possession morefrequently and scored twice after forward rushes,one try heingconverted. TEAM: Smith L. Piper, Stockil, Henry, Morgan, Mr. Medworth, Jacobs, Lowe, Punster, Bazley, Rohhins, Pearce, Poole, Hood, Abraham. vs Glenwood 2nd XV. 9th May. Lost 3-37* ^ Durban. Playing with a weakened side,we were unfortunate enough to

-16-. lose "both Piper (as the result of a heroic tackle), and Fearce, in the first half, while Stockil proved unfit throughout. It was only in the second half that llenwood ran riot and scored twenty six points. The team "battled nobly against heavier opponents and odds, and Thomas' try late in the game was the result of a very smart piece of work on his part. Glenwood were superior in almost every department of the game, and we would not have won even with a full side. TEM; Piper, Thomas, Stockil (c), Bazley, Morgan, Jacobs, Smith L. Lowe, Poole, Punster, Robbins, Pearce, Abraham, food,Chart er, Juniors vs Clenwood. 9th lHay, In Durban, Lost 0-19» The side hold Glenwood to a 3-0 lead in the first half, but could not stem the tide in the second half. Their right wing did all the damage, proving a very powerful runner. Both Smith and Drummond were splendid in defence, saving the line repeatedly. The forwards were outscruramed, and we were forced to defend most of the game. TEAM; f. Smith, D. J.kinro, Drummond, Rock, McPartland, Tedder (c), D. Raw, 0, Theunissen, R. Theunissen, K. Theuni-ssen, Christie, Oliver, A. Lee, A* Raw, Chick. vs D. H. S. 111. l6th May. fon 10 - 6, At Kearsney. Contrary to expectations, our heavier opponents were hold throughout the game. Although they had numerous opportunities,they were nullified by a constant running across, leaving their wings no room to move in, Stockil scored an opportunist try after a punt ahead. The bounce favoured him and a burst of speed saw him score between the posts for Thomas to convert. Just before half time D.H.S, were successful with a penalty for foot up (5-3). Thomas put in a great run, and a fine sidestep carried him over,for Henry to convert. Before the end a D.H.S, forward dived over,The passing was, on the whole, accurate, but the centres did not give their wings enough room to move in. The forwards, ably led by Lowe,play ed veiy well.

-17-. TEAM: 1. Smith, Tlior.Tas, Bazley, Henry (c), Stoclcil, Jacohs, L. Smith, Loue, Foole, Donster, Fearce, Rohhins, Ahraham, T?ood, Skton, Juniors vs D. H. S. l6th May. At Kearsney. Lost 0-18. Holding them to a 3-0 lead at half time was a good achievment, hut they ran out easy winners hy IS points to 0. Our forwards were not up to standard and the few opportunities the hacks had showed lack of loenetrative quality. Druramond played very hard and was twice nearly successful with good breaks, hut he lacked support. TEAM: L.Rohinson, D. Munro, Drunmond, Chick, Hudson,Tedder(c) D.Eaw, Charter, R., C., and E. Theunissen, A. Lee, Christie, Oliver,. Rosenherg, P, Lee. vs Wanderers' Under 20. 25th May. In Stanger. Lost 6 - 9» Wanderers opened the score after a thrustful three-quarter move, which gave them the overlap, and this was the only score in the first half. The hacks saw a good deal of the hall, hut the service from the scrum was slow. A try hy Thomas after a good hreak hy Henry levelled the score. Wanderers scored again,'- though the pass wasaforward one and then a forward rush saw several dive over to level the score again. The hacks Y/ere handling faultily, especially Smith and L. Balcomh. Just on time the Wanderers scored the winning try, hut only after an ohvious knockon. A draw would have heen a fairer reflection of the run of the play. TEAM: Henry, Stockil, Bazley, L. Balcomh, Thomas, Jacobs, L. Smith, Lowe, Poole, Dunster, Fearce, Rohhins.Abraham, Wood, Charter,

VS OLD CROCKS., 1 June. ~ ' , At Kearsney, I Lost S-16. Ancient glories were revived at Kearsney College yester-^aCroL veterans.miLmed oid ocks, took place. Alf Walker, the old Springhok forward, has '1^!^-= w eagerly anticipated ofKearenej- xixtures. From the point of view of the College, it serves a valuahle pu^ose in the way' of education, and^f^r these old^Lg! hy plasters it is a notable reunion, which causes tongues to he loosened - old battles riTP r\TT^-r* ^ J « j — _ * - ^ Irlnp- for the f- ih® arc fought over again and reminisciesnce la g i time being. Of course, the Crooks hav always a bia advantage in weight, but for all that injuries are not' freouent cc,=ui-ren=es ^.a the boys have no fear that weight will be iS! iciously used against them. , DiTMJMIKATIOJ. Last year the Crocks suffered defeat a^d theL feet vL^'^^ though theyshould die A ieir , ictory would be their por i n. So in the end it proved, largely because they had a tremendous advLtLf in t^e thl hTLL re^arly.Before tS ifst whisu: T X en rare fight by the outweighted but sneedv reso u e youngsters, who found, however, that high tackling' did not pay. The game was fast in the extreme and was notablefor some remarkable efforts by ffally Olarkson, whose breaks were i of a'-mf'in tL ^ 1 rewarded by the scorl ng wfiL;r';hfwL'\L°Sb:k'cSt\s'°' ly hugged to his bosom, but he ale^n i-T,! l^ightbrou^t them back the honours, but the closing phase of a ^fino ITeJu ^ Kearsney. who thus lost not glor^ in THE SCORIJG. Bill ?ayn it was who opened the scoring with an

-19-. dividml dash for the line, nearly repeating the manoeuvre a few moments later hut then Kearsney took a hand and an inside pass to Henry was forward, just when it seemed that the schoolhoys must score, hut tlmt try was the only one before the in terval. Heniy was again held just short of the line, hut then came success when in a threequarter movement Stockilcut through and ^ersed to Henr^y, who in turn fed Bazley, the latter soofconverting the tiy. This secured a lead for the College and the hoys came hack strongly,Thomas's «iown the wing nearly bringing success. However, the next IZl tl ° V f ^ it seemed that the OldCrocks were fading out - certainly some of the flying distress signals - Tfelly Clarkson made a interception in his own half of the field and heat the f ^ 'diving in with a magnificent try under V yanderplank had an easy kick which he safely Mill I opening, and this Cecil A^am took like a racehorse to score under the posts, Payn th s time converting. Late in the game came another Kearsney rally and from a three-qnarter move Stockil outstripped the opposition to score. So ended a brilliant game. The teams were:- OLD CROCKS; Alec ^ith, Hichols, Wally Clarkson, w. Biii Payn, Bremer, Steve Pascoe, Cecil Adlam, Alf Walker, Will Walker, Bertram Vanderplank, Prank ITorris, Johnny Barnes (obtain), Heniy mier, Archie Gwillam, McKay. K:SARSHEY C0LLEG-E;_ ^Pyer, Thomas, Henry, Bazley, Stockil, Jacobs, L. Smith, Lowe, Poole, Punster, Pearce, Bobbins, Abraham, Wood R. Theunissen. SCRUtMAGE. (Taken from the "Mercury")

btn June, -20vs Marists. 'Jon 6-3. In Durban, Phis Vv'as a most exciting game. liarists started off well, but 0^ forwards soon settled down to play what proved to he Iheir oest perfomance to date. The whole pack played"-ll and intl always ab the right spot. Defence on both sid;s heirL 1st - three-quarter moves just failed both Stockxl and Thorns being kept oat by Kerr, who was evo^whero Henry played well, while Iyer gave his backs plenty of^TOortoi ties. Stockil pined the overlap, but had to reach for the ball Tho\??r sufficiontly for Korr to overtake him ne ball was smmg to Henrwyho outpaced the pposition o score between the posts. I^^er missed an easy kick. liariSts scored a try as the result of a seed movomcnt start en oy their forwards. Three thnes in succession Thorns wL e Itf' f™rth tin.0 a burst T sneod dokn the .ine earned hira clear, and when checked he gave a Lat dunny, to score well out. The forwards laid the foundfWonfor too success, and a little better understanding between the inside '■? quarters will itake the line a dangerous one. ' ' imi: mionas, Uyer (c), Jacobs, Lowe Poole, Dunster. Poaroe, Hobbins, Abraham, Wood, R. Theunisson, ' 6th June, Juniors vs Llarists. Won 6-3, In Durban, Here again the forwards deserve praise for solid play The threo-quartor line swung the ball valiantly, without anrdefinlte ^jeot. Only Bruimond showed any ability to make any headway. He !fertst?ST good solo efforts. Ma i ts had many good opportunities, but these were nullified by selfishness, end Dmnmiond's defence. The refereeing in both ^mes was very good. Tm.!:_ f.Sraith,3r™ond,Chick. Sock, Ealcomb,Tedder (c), D. Pj- •^•2a''.R°senberg, Christie

-21-. Juniors vs Eshowo. 20th Juno. At Kearsne^, ¥on 39-0. It was a one-sided game, with the Eshowe team defending ali the time, and that they did very well indeed. Tries were scored "by Rock, Balcomh, McPartland, Rohinson, Charter (2),and Christie (2), while Chick converted tliree tries. The forwards played well doing some splendid hand to hand passing, "but the three-quarters were inclined to give the hall to the wings without drawing the defence first. TEAIvI; Clayton, Rohinson, Balcomh, Rock, McPartland, Tedder, K. Theunissen, Charter, Christie, Chick, C. Theunissen, A. Raw, D. Munro, Lee L. and Lee P. vs Ehhowe School. 20th June. At Kearsney. Won S - 6. This proved a very exciting and exceedingly fast game, with the issue in douht ri^t up to the end. Early on Thomas was only just stopped hy Livcrsage, after a good run, and after that the sides attacked in turn. Liversage, at half, was very fast, hut inclined to cut across his line too much, so detracting from his effectiveness. We scored first after a splendid three-quarter move, Stockil giving Thomas the overlap. Henry just failed with an excellent attempt at goal, Liversage hrolre, and when checked on the line, passed to a forward following ip,for the equalising try. This was followed hy an individual atten5)t hy Liversage,who scored in a good x^osition after a corkscrew run. The hall swung along the line, Stockil short-rjunted, Henry raced through and gathered cleanly to outpace the opposition and score a capital try next to the posts. He converted his own try. Thus all the scoring was done in the first half. The second was as fierce a hattle as has heen seen for a long time. Both ]packs played splendidly, and our pack as a whole played so well that it would he invidious to single out anyone for special praise. The defence held, hut only after many anxious rncments on hoth sides, and when the final whistle hlew there was a sign of relief,since the tension had "been so grea,t.

TM; Senior: JuMor; L. aoms, gtoom, Bazley, Drmmond, Tienry (o^ Jcjjots, loBo, Pools, Pearoo, Dtmster, H. aounisssn Abraham, Wood, A. Lee. ' -^-e^issen, HOUSE IvIATfrrTHlF!. Athlone won 29-14 ; Won 37 _ 0. ATHIOUE OLARMDOU lost 12 - 15 Afehlone won 10 - S won 10- 6 Played Won c.• 8 6 •• ► S 2 Lost 2 0 Won 8-6. Lost 6 - 30. Won 10 - 6. Points for 122 S3 A<6:ainst. S3 122

-23DtpBoys N^wn ^ ^enty one Old Bqys turned up at the Royal Hotel, Durban,on Saturday, April 25th, for the Annual Old Boys' Dinner, A good dinner was thoroughly enjoyed. At the conclusion, J, H, Hopkins proposed the toast of the College, Mr, Matterson, in his reply laid special emphasis on the possibilities of the New Scheme.The toast of the Club was proposed by Mr, Reece, who indicated the service the Old Boys could do to the College by trying to inter est influential friends in the New Sdieme, K. Middleton replied. Speech-making was difficult, owing to the noise emanating fr-om* :.the rest of the Grill Room, As the '.Business Meeting is now hel?annually at the Rearshey Re-union, there was no business to discussY'iand after some further chatting the Old Boys departed in groups,(juite a number adjourning to the Road House for the rest of the evening. ^lARRIAGES. There are now over 25 narried Old Boys, The most recent additions, as far as is krawn, to the list of the Bene dicts, are: ./ D. Sparks, married in December, I935, C, Sparks, married in June, I9360 r M. Beckett, married in February, I9360 G. Griffin, married in June, 19;^. ^ 0, Lovett, married in January, I936, r B. Tedder, married in April, 1936, . Here is the latest news we have managed to obtain about the Movements of Old Boys, Old Boys should remember that any news about themselves is always of interest to their contemporaries and will be gladly received by the Headmaster, the Siitor,or the Old Boys' Secretary. Tliere will always be room for it in the Chronicle. Rev. C» Wilkinson is having great success at West St.,Church, Durban. In spite of his youth, he is showing tact and leader ship associated with ministers of far greater experience. Arfrequently to be found in the daily and weekly uauers.

p.-* -24-. John Barratt is still "bee-keeping at Buffels Poort. He finds the wilds rather lonely, and hopes to take up mine work on the Reef. He has had this offered, subject to o"btaining necessary medical certificates, J. Lai-rington is well established upon the mines at Enyati, near Vryheid, "being engaged in the electrical engineering department. He finds his work interesting, and his ability and enthusiasm is such that he is already doing a great deal of extra-time work, putting in 52 hours of over-time in one month alone. Thanks to his training at.Kearsney, he has been put in charge of abioscope proje tor. He finds very little time for sport yet, being satis fied with tennis for a while. IT. Reeves, is with H. L. Hall & Sons, on a largo Citrus Estatein the Eastern Transvaal,^ Hefinds the hours long, but the social life is very enjoyable. He has been lucky enough to join a good Hugger side, and gets plenty of sport. E. H. Burnett was well placed on the list of successful candid ates in the Civil Service Examination for whichhe sat oarly in the year, and is now in the ifegistrate's Court at Hkandhla, and intends to pursue his studies with a view to taking his Ll.B, With his fluency in Zulu, he should never find himself short of a job. J.G.A.Coutts has passed all his tests at Roberts Heights,and hab-' already been into the air several times, occasionally taking over the controls. He finds the life very hard, and often monotonous— so much so that over 50^ of the cadets who went there this year have retired, finding the conditions too hard for them.' B.A.Coventry. V7hen last heard of, was also at Roberts Heightsbut we suspect he was one of those who thought fit to retire,.' • ■ J.L.Good is with the African Guarantee and Indemnity Co.,Jo'burg Branch, and appears to be doing well. Claude Hulett is the solicitor for this corngpany. H.E. (Paddy) Hopkins left for England in Ifey tojoin the R.A.P. ■ J.H.Hopkins sits for his B.A. this year at IT.U.C. He represented

-25-. U.U.C. at the Inter-Varsity Athletic Meeting in Johannes"burg, hut foTind the altitude rather trying, and did not do himself justice. He has also pldyed on the wing for N.U.C. Pirst XV. R.J.Crawford won all the points for his house at the Cape Town University Sports recently. He won the "Javelin" and came second in the High Jimp,clearing 5ft 6ins. He tock an active part in the Students' Rag, - so active that he is forgoing his Jnly holidays in order to study. He sits for his B.A, at the end of this year. P. Cilliat is learning printing at the Electric Press and Commer cial Printing Co., Durban. He has been playing cricket for Berea 3rd XI, and "Under 20". We saw a century credited to his name, in the "Mercury" one week end. He also plays for Old Collegians Un der 20" X7. H. Stott is now a Doctor at Addington Hospital. S. Griffin is back in Durban, at Barclays Bank, West St., He has been heard to declare that married life is so wonderful that he wishes he had been born married R. Doidge has joined the Pirates R.P.C. in Johannesburg. J.O.H.Schofield was for a time Clerk at the Y.M.C.A. Durban. He then associated himself with W.I.Johnstone & Go's Insurance Dept. and is now in full charge of the Book-keeT)ing work. He puts in a good deal of ni^t work at the'Tech. R.A.Bartholomew is back in London, on the "Financial Times". When last he wrote he was applying to join the R.A.P. J*' W.R.P.Mason is in the Bank at Maritzburg, He plays for the Old ^ Collegians at fly-half. R.H.C. Jenkins writes from Barclays Bank, Port Shepstone. He indicates that he would exchange his job for that of a Teacher's any day .' Small pay and few thanks appear to be his lot. He finds the social life dull, but the countryside very beautiful. W.R.(j.Blondin is in the Railway Mechanical D^artraent,Maritzburg. Ha came 4th in a long list of candidatesin the exam, set by the

-26~. Hallway authorities. Di_lincl^, v7ho is Chairman of the Old Boys' Branch in Johan- ^er ^ quantity surveyor's work for Schlesin- oS , and nas oifices in Johan es urg and Durtan paid us a fleeting visit shortly afier Easter TTe 13 stuccoing at^Wltwatersrand University. Athletically he'is oonfeetr""'^ PiJ"ing over 3S Lnothev recent visitor was Mr. B. M. Cu^h, who was a mster here for four years. Erora Eearsney he went to Mngswood and af thf./ -fupoxnh™? 1; Heacjiiaotor of e Ifcrsh Memorial Homes, Cape Tov/n.' OS tirr™h?Len\o^^ ;h^'' ^^^-Mohpi: was or. cmtoh- mines at Jo'burs- accident sustained on the p^laah rrado one of his infrequent appearances at Koarsnov or occasion o- tno isatcbhetween Snipangeni and Staucrea'we been captain of Shpangeni for some yeart It Ifwu; ?o m' logger, or to the severity of farninm or +o Trio 4. mnn+ "k 4. - i , -I-=i-i-JxUng, or to his recent enmamesin=q P Sw W AiMheunlp^ is still studying at jf.u.O. He hopes to obtain his J.n. at tno end of this year, with a thesis in History. sUtution" IndsJoni tiative In ti i . Tno work is very interesting, with good prospects of ™^°koon; they are \

December 1936 Tbe Kectsrne^ Cellege Cbrenfcle


, School, STAJ7. During Mr. Oram's alasence in England, the History ant Senior English has "been taken "by Mr, J,Gates-Wilkinson, M.A., cC Cape Tonm. Mr, Wilkinson has entered whole-heartedly into the College Life and has "been well liked. As he leaves us, we wi^ him health and haj^iness in the days to come. It is with the deepest regret that we say farewell to o^or Minister, Rev,E.H,Orchard, who has ministered to our spiritual intellectnal wants for years, Mr, Orchard has heen a re-^l friend of the College, le wish him and his wife and family a happy season in Umtata. Shortly before the end of the year the Staff put on ^hree short plays, the object being to collect funds towards the pur chase of a new bus. The following were the plays "Lost - One Lunatic". "In port". "Other Times - Other Ihnners". In spite of a heavy thunderstorm a good crowd enjoyed the evening, and the bus fund benefited to the extent of £15,0.0, I'^EW SCHEI£E. It is now finally decided that the College shall be Wved to Botha's Hill, The decision has been made primarily through the generosity of Councillor C,H,Stott, who has giventl® College a valuable and ideal piece of land at Botha's Hill, near the Snake Park, As it was felt that the 25 acres donated world not be sufficient, Mr, Stott offered a further 23 acres at a re duced price, and we are gratified to state that Mr.G.J, Crockes immediately bought this and presented it to us. We are inimensoly grateful to these gentlemen for their gifts. The Scheme was brought before Conference, which was enthus iastic, and pledged itself to support the developments to the best of its ability. Committees have been formed to attend to finance and buildings. CHAPEL. The singing at the services during the past half year

-2-. i has heen a notable feature. Led "by an enthusiastic Choir, th6*^o School has roused itself from its usual lethargy, and has eved ■ succeeded in drowning the singing of one of the preachers,whos|' ■ voice is usually heard above all else. i The Carol Service at the end of the year was as great success as ever. Much of this success was due to the willing*, ness of the Choir to rehearse almost daily. The basses and teh-!\'- ors were particularly effective - almost too much so - an®/ willingly sacrificed an hour an evening in the cause of Betten' and Brighter Singing. Here are their names;-. Basses: King, Lowe, Eaton, Stockil. Tenors; Dyer, Henry, Pool^-, ¥. lobinson, Pearce. ! In Mr, Cram's absence, the Choir has been in the charge o| : Mr. Eeece. TISITOR. The outstanding visit during the half year was thalj of the President of the Conference, Rev. A.A.Wellington, with ". Mrs, Wellington, who paid us a flying visit at the conclusiono| ^ the Conference. Mr. Wellington was welcomed in the Chapel by; the Headmaster and then delivered an interesting and rousin ^ address. One statement that caused a profound impression wa& that at Healdtown the greatest pxinishment that can be meted ouf' to a native student is to forbid his attendance at School fol ' one day , Before departing, Mr. Wellington asked that a whole holiday granted in honour of his visit, EXAivIIHATIOHS; Matriculation: S entered, 4 passed, and 1 gained School Leaving Certificate, J'C. - 7 entered and 7 passed. S.0. - 11 entered and 10 passed, two boys coming respectively first and second in the.Major Bursary List, SPO^: Rugby: The XV this half won 5 oiit of 6 matches, scoring 60 points to 35* Cricket ;• The XI won 3 S'Ud lost 0 out of S matches.

-3-. 29). to 735 nmo for" \ Sfraffe,„,tT,;:s""""*"•- APPOIMIMIITS: Captain of Sugby & Cricket Captain of Athletics Captain of Tennis. Bnghy Colours: awarded to K. Dyer, A, Stockil. K. Dyer. G-o Jacobs Cricket Colours: awarded to : Athletic Colours: awarded to: , N. Poole, R.Dunster, W. Pearce, D.Robbins, G. Wood, G. Bazley, W. Smith, D. Tedder. A.P.Lowe, f.Henry,G.Bazley. Cricket fechine; An interesting addition to the Snorts e S^^insLnt^of ^ "tomentnm", thisnaohlne Dy an a^ustment springs and screws, can be fixed o bowl aiur t2cMIi^o^stroke^^''^^^ eaching of stroke play, particularly to the younger boys. SS'nnmW^rr*" the very generous donation of a large mrnher of Geographical Ifagazines, strongly hou d hv Dr l";'• "• 1=^°- - populfr'addition LZ with a smai'i presented the Prefects' Hoon small suite of furniture. The is no ne d to point ut how welcome this will be iJtJAuo uu.

-4-. -^}glMIHATrDN5 MA.5EIC: First Class Abraham W.G. Distinction in Maths & Biology. After one year's study only. Second Glass Third Glass Theunissen G.¥. ■ Stockil A.N. Theunissen R.H. SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE: Third Class: ()• Tedder. C. First Class ; Second Class '; Third Class : % Passes. Metcalf A.R.Iv i Passraore C.N. Wilkinson 0,J..4 Rotohins D.f.T. : Raw:.A.E. Smith L.C. Wood J.V. P.S.C. J. Clayton, R. Lund, L. Robinson, E* Lowe, A.Munro, E. Brown, L. Lee, K, Macdougall, B. Eaton, D.Bentlef Major Bursary ; J. Clayton. Honoran^ Bursary; R. Lund. Lund and Clayton were 3rd and 7th in the Province respectively* COMMERCIAL CERTIFICATES: Senior Book-keepinff; General Commercial: Henry W.D, Stockill A.N, Charter J.H. (six subjects). Chick J.A: (three subjects). Dyer K. (one subject). Eaton M.B. (four subjects). Morgan D.L. (one subject). Passmore C.N. (one subject) Piper D.K, (four subjects), Poole N.C. (two subjects). Oliver M.W. (two subjects), Thomas J.F. (three subjects). Theunissen, C.f.

-5-. Wood J.V» (one subject). Preliminary Book-lcBep1nr! Bazley 0.0. (dlst). Drummond J.E.o. Kinsman G.f.R. Smith ¥,F. Steel D.C. i

-6-. YAi^t4 YI. A. ',\rpv " F,W. CameJan. 1931° ,, j. •« na-zt • 1st Class J.C. 1933- 2"4 Tqt XI 1934-5-6. Capt.l936» ls"t XV ^934-5- * capt. 1936. prefect 1935-6 ^f ? ^936 jA. High Jtimp Record 1935- Sergt,1935.0.S.M.193b. Hindson Mem. Prize 1936. tfinxr J.B. Came Jan. 1929* , , m^i:: iirg, J..B. J.0.1934. 2ni Class Matrio.1935. 1st XV 1935» Prefect 193^^ Corp. 193b* npkil i\.»N* j3Ji» 1933* T* j, • T o.ocfcLi.i J.C.1934. 3rd Class Matric 193b. 1st XI 1936. 1st XY 1935-b. r capt. Athletics 1936. 440 and 220 record 1936. prefect I936. Sergt, 193b. -fpnrv f.D.J. Came Pehmary 1932. r.-r. r- c .ea y l B d j.o. 4 1st 1934-5-6. - 1st XV 1935-6. Prefect 1936. Sergt. 1939. jnnster.E.S.W. Came Peh. 1933. -,q-zC 3rd Class J.C. 1934. 1st XV 193b. prefect 1936. Corp. 193b. earce W.B.A.^^^ 1^^6!^9|^efect 1936. Corporal 1936. redder O.T.S.^^a^eJet.«^31.^^^^ 1st XI 1936., ;-.eimissen O.W.^ 2nd Class Matric 1936. Prefect 1936.

71.C. Thomas, J.P. Poole F.C. Morgan D. 7.A. Robhins D.W.T. II.A. Caseley N.T. -7-. Came Feb. 1934* 1st XI 1936. 1st X7 1935-6. Long Record 1935* Came April 1932» 1st XV 1935-36. Came Feb. 1935* Came Feb. 1934* 3rd Class J.C.I936. 1st XV I936. Came Feb. 1936* VI. A. Matthew. : Cedara. 71. B. Vermaak. Newcastle. VA, Mark. r Pretoria. Chaplin. : Stangetk VB. Boyd. Stang^. Cnthbertson, Germiston. Crowder. Witbaijfc. Jordan. Franklin. Putterill. Howick. Swale. Rill CIrest. Weston. BurVao. - Scheffer. Statgfer, III. Chick A. Klo<J?. Wessels. Kro<instad. II.B. Sparks. Swinburne. I' Landsberg. New Quelterlifl,

NUAL,PRIZ]&blYIN&. The Headiiiaster presented the 15th Annml Report, of which the following is a snmn^arcy; The Headnmster stated that n-umerically we were "better than last year, "but still far helow the peak year of 1932. More and more it vras "becoming clear that in spite of excellent/ health, sporting and examination results, we were too greatly handicap ped "by our locality. Efforts were therefore heing made to transfer the school to a site at Botha's Hill, generoua-ly doDfa-— ted hy Mr. C»H,Stott, MoPbC-, who was there that day to give away the prizes. The advantages of this site were; (1) We shoxad retain the characteristics of a country school and yet he within reach of a town^ (2) We shouif retaih contact with Durhan and those men who had already helped the school. (3) We should he at an altitude to attract parents hoth on the.coast and on the Rand, (4) The spot has a splendid reputation for healthin ess. Our days therefore on the present site were numbered, and we looked forward with confidence and optimism to the fnture. Once again the Headmaster could hoast of an unchangedstaff. This had meant farther excellent examination results, for the second year in succession we had 100^ Matric passes, and in the J.C, 5 out of 10 entrants gained a Eirst Class Pass, Per the third year out of four we had gained the only hursary available for state-aided schools. Excellent results were similarly ob tained in the Taalbond, N.C.C, & P.S.G. examinations. • Reference was then made to the necessity for Post-Ife,tric courses at schools for those boys who wished to proceed to the Universities, but were obviously too young to do so. Much had

-9-. "been said and written recently regarding the -uncertainty of ex amination tests, and, in effect, their uselessness, hut he, lAr. Matterson, was opposed to their abolition and saw their uses for Scholar and teacher. We had always paid the greatest attention to physical fit - ness, and looked forward to the time when we could have a fully trained physical expert on the Staff. On the other hand care was taken that no undue strain should he placed on the growing framex no hoy -was allowed to he merely a spectator, yet no hoy was all owed to do too much. "When free education was first decided i^^on by the Provinces, fear was felt hy many that the days of the private and denomina tional schools were numbered. The years have proved that such fears were ill-founded. More and more do parents r^llee the val-o® of the tone and influence of a sound school, and mo^ i^d moreare they willing to pay for it. I have never suggested that we caa offer parents better teaching than can the largeGoveriaaent School* hut I have said and still say that with a carefully chosen staff we can offer something in the way of moral influence vhich few Government schools -under present conditions can guarantee". The Headmaster then referred with gratitude to th» following Bursaries. £40. per unnum from Mr, W. A, Hulett. i.^0» " " "an anonymous friend. £100. " " for 5 years from Dr. Merensky. £50, n n " 5 years fran Mr. Eosenherg. £15» " " from D.S.Sinclair, an Old Boy, Gifts towards prizes from Mr.W.A.Hulett,'Mr.C.H.Stoti, Mr, J, B. Hulett. When the Headmaster's report -was concluded, Mr. C.H.Stott presented the prizes. In his address he spoke reminiscsntly of his own schooldays at Kingswood, and of his intimateassocietions with Kearsney and Sir Liege Hialett many years ago. He reminded his listeners that his own son had been educated at Kearsney. Because he felt that the schoel could do a great service to the Province, he had. decided to give the land at Botha's Hill, -sdiere he hoped the new Kearsney would grow in size and influence. it, .

I>R1ZS lilSi. lom PRIZES: Eorm I A. II A. IV. V B. V A. VI B, VI C. VI A. mUSTRY & PROGRESS PRIZES: S» Love. P, Beckett, j. Clayton. D. Munro. D. Poster. R, Metcalf. R. Tlie\ini9sen, J, Charter, W. G. Ahraham (dnx). C. ¥, Theunissen. 11 B, D, Blake, 11 A. R. Le Grove Smiths IV.* R. Lund. E. Lowe. VI B. D. Raw. VI A, W. G, Ahraham, SPECIAL SUBJECT PRIZES; Prep, Geography: Biology; Music: I. Balcbmh. !D« Blake. R. Le Grove'Salth. A, P. Lowe, J. King. HIEUSOM MiMGRlAL LITERATURE PRIZE: CRICKET AWARDS; BATTING; G K. Dyer, SHOOTIRG SPOONS; , Jacohs, BATTING & PIELDING; K, Dyer, BATTING & BOWLING: W, Henry, Athlone Team (A, Lowe, J. Wood, W.Rohinson, C.Theunissen, J, Charter, G. Kinsmn, K, Piper, W, Henry), INDIVIDUAL BEST SCORED; A, P. Lowe, D. Bentlqy, D. Rohins, COI^ADESHIP; SPECIAL SERVICE; A, Stockil. K, Dyer,

-11-. ATHLayiCa' The Annual visit of the D.A.C. has become a very fixture in our very short Athletic Season. poptL. - There were some very keen finishes and two School recor broken. Stockil clipjjed l/lO second off the 220 record in an ceptionally fine run. Bazley bettered his own 880 record oy _ less than I4 sees. Lowe ran an excellent mile in 5 min sec. Four D.H.S. Juniors came to compete against our Junio-rs tr Relay race-proved most exciting - it was our race up to the tap D.H.S, winning by a foot. We extend our sincere thanks and ajpreciation to the members of the I),A.C. for making this evekpossible. Once again we were most fortunate regarding the weather riSports day. It happened to be one fine day sandwiched in betweei rainy and wind;)'- days. Seven new records were established and one equalled durh Sports week, a very fine peifcrmance indeed. The competitionf^" House Points was very keen, the Standard was very high and tSi enthusiasm considerable. Stockil »s 440 record run gained the Hulett Trophy for tlr year. A pleasing feature was the improvement in the hi^ and lorn junps,no less than three boys improving on the previous /unicr record, while Thomas only Just failed to better the Senior heig " Stockil in the Seniors and Razley in the Juniors were out standing pel-formers, Running for the sake of the house, and the absence cf per sonal triumph, was sufficient proof that the House systen hff. come to stay. Mr. Po A» Stockil very kindly presented the prizei a: .thr conclusion. A word of thanks is. due to Mr„ and Mrs. dlass, for assisting in massaging boys between races.;

On the Monday after Sports Day Stockil and Bazley represent ed the College at the Inter School Defence Force Sports held at Ladysmith. Bazley ran only the S80 which he won from a field of sixteen mmners in 2 min l6 sec. He ran an exceptionally well ju^ed race and came throrigh with a fine "burst to win on the tape from Paul of Olenwood. Stockil ran in the Heats for the 100 and 2,nd in the 220 "but scratched from the finals which were too close'to the .440* the latter he led all the way round and "but for an error of judg ment would have won it. Ball of Olenwood, however, ran a magnif icent race and won "by a yard. t , It is the first time we have entered in these sports and the two "boys are to "be congratulated on achieving such successin open con^etition, RESULTS vs D.A,C. 100 yards open. High Jump Open. 100 yards U 1^2• 220 yards Open. 1. Stockil S.. 2.Henry S. 3. Herd (D.A.C.) 7 Time 10^^ sec. 1. Thon^son D.A.G. 5^"^ 2. Thomas 5ft l|- in. 3. R. Theunissen, 1, Bazley S. 2. D.H.S, 3« D.H.S. Time 11^ (Equals record). 5 1. Stockil S. 2. Theunissen D.A.C. S. 3. Herd D.A.C.'t 6. Time 23c (Record). 220 yards Junior. 1. Bazley.S. 2. Daw'ber D.H.S. 5. 3. Dempster D.H.S. S, Time 25° sec. 10

Shot Putt Open« 440 yardsopen. -13-.^ 1. Roodt. 59' ij". 2. Theunissen D.A,C. 29' 7"^* 3. Henry. 25' 11^".. 1. Thompson B.A,C^ S, 2. Owen-Smith D.A.C. "h 8. 3. Stockil. S, Time 53^ « sec. 10 Junior Relay. (4 x 110). 1. D.H.S. Discus. 1. Roodt. D.A,C Time 5ifsec. . Mile Open, . 92» 6". 2. Henry, 3. Dyer. 1, Lowe S. 2, Sandison D.A.C, "j-90. 3, Dunster S. Time 5 ^ sec. Lbng Jump. 8So yards Junior, 1. Calder, 2. Thomas. 3. Henry. 20ft 6", ISft 16ft 4". Senior Relay (4 x Junior Hi^ Jump, 1, Razley. S. 2, Smith ¥. - 10, 3, RoMns - 20. 110), 1. D.A.C.+10, 1, MacWilliams. 2, Drummond, p Time 2min IJ^aoc.fHeo Time 47 sec, 4'lli". 4'9".

wms. Senior Cross Coimtry, 32'Miles, (Run Mon, 21st Sept.) 1, H,Passraore.(C). 2. R. Ihuister (c), 3* G.JacolDS (c) Time 24 min, 27 sees. 2, Junior Cross Country. , ^ •, 1. i. Smith (C). 2. D. Rohhins (C). 3* D.Steel, (c) Time 25 min, 28 sees. 3, Cross Country, Under 13. l-J Miles, ^ r f 1, Af. Munro (C). 2, !• Goutts (C). 3* (■^)* Time 12 min, see. 4, Crieket Ball, Senior, ■ 1, ¥.Pearee,(A). 2, K,Byer (C). Bistaneei 103 yards, 1 foot, bg- inches, 5, Cricket Ball, Junior, 1. W, Smith (C). 2. R. Druramond (A),. , Distance: 95 yards, 1 foot, 9 inches, RECCHD. 6, Putting the Shot (l6 Ih), 1. Lowe (A). 2, Henry (A). Distance; 31 5 RECORD, 7, Inter-form Relay, 1. VIA. 8, Hi^ Jump, Under 13 1. Munro A. 2, Lee 111» Height. 4 ft, 9, High Jump Junior. . , ^ trx.4. • 1, Smith L. 2. Drummond, Hei^t, 5f't'^^a. RECORD 3, Bazley. . 10. 100 yards. Under 13.(H) ^ 1. Coutts, 2. Clayton. 3* Munro II. Time 13^ sec.