
i: , * ■» r5 - ?»•* ,'T '>-=^ \ 4 '"'■^'lm."-.'''-7Lr^ JK'-A 4?; .3if" -.t*s=r -* ■, jT.».j?#«i.,s«JsS V V ■A .^t- >*- X ^■m dd «. t V ». .y fS»Cfe H . - . ,-sL' ^ 4r ^^ V ' ^ f"' ^ M V <c-^ •- -4 ^W try*- •1» ^ ' :VA •• •<ns ^>=!r ,;;j ■ 4 «■ •£> *■»• , *. £_ '' .--i.' -f 3v ■=-" ~ j.' •'■' "' "■ ^ i?"!' ' - "^-■'„ * -"^ r,--, . - =* "x, Nf - ' i. rT * Iw •°*' ^ "• *%-» .» 4> 4,-T" *''*V »- «-w. " ^ "* -i '^'*^ -T*^ -M -^.f^ ; . j, r-n- ^ "--rv^-'.— '^4 . - 7n X-;

■« .rrodt ad fr: "> -Tk t/ lo SCHOOL Horns. VALETE. 3c SAI,TSirEo 4c THE EE¥ BUILDIHG SCHEME. 5c THE AlCHJAL PLU., 6o GRICEET HOTES. '' 7. RUGBr HOTES. 8. CAUBT CORPS HOTES. 9. C(LD BOYS' HOTES, bd^ s'xod »01O • iiOOlA oOnx ^ ■ gisi: fiiirf aijfi'3 9.crna :a 10+0 •rtos ^ V, . : sH &I84

* 5cHDnL KdTE5. AinnJAL FLAY» This function was held on the last night of term, 28th June, and as usual the Hall was packed to capacity. The Play performed was three-act comedy entitled "Youth at the Helm" the large audience soon caught the spirit of it, and settled down to an excellent evenings entertainment. There was a little smoking and Just a very little swearing on the stage, but it was all in the Play-book, and must no doubt be accounted part of the educational value of school dramatics, Aryway, the actors learn ed many other things than these; two of them learned touches of femininity (and very gracefully too); two others learned what beards feel like (perhaps); others tasted the authority and the rivalry of City Directors,- The great lesson learned by all how ever was team-work and unselfishness; sweet reasonableness and much sacrifice of leisure are the two bluest factors in assur ing the success of our annual Play-night,. TOO H. The Sixth Forms were introduced to the Toe H move ment when Mr, J, Mallet, the Secretary for Hatal visited the School on June iSth and spent the week-end with us,. Mr, Mallet met the senior boys "unofficially" as well as "officially", and, we hope, has prepared the way for some useful recruits to the Movement later on, OEITUABY, We regret to record the passing on 30th. March, of the Hev, Frank Barritt, Methodist Minister at I5nhlali, Besides being a fairly frequent visitor to the Kearsney pulpit, Mr, Barritt was intensely interested in all the activities of the School, and followed its progress keenly. We extend our sympatly to Mrs, Barritt, CHAPLAIH. We are sorry to record that our Chaplain the Sev. J, Martin White, has had to retire temporarily from Circuit work owing to illness. We wish him a speedy restoration to full health and work among us. In the meantime our Sunday morning services are being taken by various Ministers and local preach ers from the district and from Durban, R'^TTnTiAHSHTP, 'earty congratulation to Earle Smitl

at .■)n "IjeiBg awarded an Ballot" Scholarship which will r.ak8 him to Cambridge for three yeai-So This is acoveted list inchioa and a bhoroiigliLv- deserved one® It is interest ing to note "by the thao for the last three years a Kearsney Old Boy lias been anong these candidates for the Schola,rship who have been called up for persona,], interview by the Comnaittee of Select ion® A happ? and successful time at Gambr-idgej Smith 1 MGCK ThlALo On Saturday 3th» May, a very sucees'sfTil mock Trial was held in the Hal! c Mr® Reece arranged the case and coached the characteiUj, among whom were the "following? Judge; Lowe® Prisoner; iilark® Prosecuting Counsel;!'etcalf. Defending Counsel;droves® iPPOim'MEHTS; • . , Head prefect; Lowe AoP^ Prefects? Smith LcC , Metcalf AcRoW®, Raw A®!®',"" Passmore olh, Chick Jc.a,e, Bazley acG®, Balcomb G- .p® Captain of Cricket? L."weA®P® ■ Captain of Rugby? L.,we A®?® vomin.Ltj eeg Hea.!, Messrs® Reece,i Lowe® Baalay, Ghick®* Cricket Ooiom's liave een awarded ro Boyd end Chick® Rijgby Coninittee; ;,ie Ilead^ Messrs® Medworth, Lowe, Metcalf, Bazle^', Pa,ssmoreo HMDS OP POiMS (2nd T. rm) ? odr ydrrq, '-av Mia Metcalf Tb Pnttsrill L® 1^ VIb Groves xY Lee P® Vic Ksmlyn prep® Henochsberga ■;> Va Clayton . i, rw.s? first Term; Ist® February to 13th ApriXa^- ii free oeek—end was granted from ^larch 4 ftho Second Terni? ith® April to 2Sth® June®

- 3 - raSLEY MYo 24th I\Iay mas commemorated "by a service in the Chapel at S a.m., and then the whole School went t;0 the Sinkwazi Beach for an all-day picnic. June 19TT Va Smith r.F. Came Peh. I935. 1st. XI I936-7. December 1937 Post-Matric GSieunissen R.H. Via Theunissen K.B. Rohinsort W.L.S. Raw J.D. Jacobs G-.C. Pearce W.B.A, Oliver W.Mo Came Peb, 1929* 2nd.class J.C. 1934' 3^'3.. Class Matric 13'^S, Hindson Memorial Prize 1937. Prefect 1937. 1st. XV I936 - 7. Athletic colours 1937; Hi^ Jump record 5ft. 1^ ins. Came Peb. 1934® 1st. class J.C. 1935® 2nd.class Matric 1937; Prefect I937. 1st. XI 1937. Came April 1931;lst. class J.C. 1955. 2nd.class Matric 1937; Prefect 1937^ 1st. XI 1936-7. Came Peb. 1928; 1st. class J.C. 1935® 2nd.class Matric 1937; Prefect 1937; 1st XI 1937. Came A-ug. 1930; 2nd<. class J.C® 1935® 3rdoclass Matric 1937; Prefect 1937; 1st XV 1936-7; 1st XI 1934-7(Captain) Came Get® 1929; 3^'3.®cla.s Matric 1937; Prefect 193^-7; 1st. XV 1936-7® Came Peb® 1935; ga"^e splendid service to the School in the Sta.tionery room. Vic Charter J.Hc Came Peb® 1933; 3rd®class J.C. 1935®

Eaton M.Bo Tb Eaton BeJ.. MacDougall K« Bentley E.G. CnthBertson C*H. Ill McPartland M. . April 1938* VIB Foster D.S« HGC 1937; Prefect 1937; Ist.X? 1937 Game February 1934« Caice February 1935e Came February 1935* Cane Angust 1936Came February 1937* Came February 1936» Came February 193^' Pnd.Class J.C. 1937, Salvete. Va - Tb IV III French DtCo Putterill L.H.D. Paul A»¥. Foss P,A„ Eheunisse B. Hall Ao Beverneuil.Fo Si Percival D,H<> Jacobs To Bo Prepo Ihouiiissen: lTe.Eo Garbutt GoMo Garbutt p.Ho, Walker HoET, Pyott RoAo Heaochsberg AsII. IHvy To Smith He Pretoria. Howick.' Duxbane Enpangenic Eshowe. Burban. Biirban Worth. C-ingindhlovuo Feliston, Kwambonambie !l :t Dorbano ij Felixtonc Mposa. Johannesburgo

7 .. the »ir,-aatio"0. has beea bra<76iy met by bhose o have voluntari ly undertaken the task of getting the new School estahlished.,and we Bliall at any rate begrn in a way that is good, even if it ig not as good as we had hoped it wonJ.d heo 'T IH YouthAr Tht-Httm. By way of variation, the producers chose this yeai' a mO(j.ei.'n coraedyo This type ot play is harder to ''put across f than the costume play,, A costume play may have faults, The aci-ors may not he word perfect, or particularly good actors, yet the impression left is one of colour and form and heautyp It is &atis.!.y'ing to the eye as weir as to the eaTi, A modern play is not (unless one admits the memory of iidsy Juniors sweeping all before them as ravishingly beautiful maidens I) Its success boils down to acting ability, and to t?ie satisfying nature of the ploto 'Ihe choice of play and of actors has to be carefully made, and where there are few talented actors to choose, from a play must be selected to suit the material on hando Eie senior school at present is not rich in act ing talenp, and the producers took a brg risk in choosing the play they dida Fortunately, by dint of much rehe-^rrsing, it- was a success, and the traditions of this occasion were fully maintainedo iJt: 3..e play had an amusing .-hemeo Wiiether it would pan out in hard life is a debatable i larrend.ei%go-ahead, yet ou'- of work for years, walks int< the office of abank calm ly ouf ■ 0 the secretary, pretending h oas been transferred frcru: rtnot-h uepax oment, and without givi tbose aro^'ind nim titis to think g so agressivftly oustling a;. efficient rhat everyone.

» g - fran his orni shorthand-typiste, up to the Sank Manager himself, supposes him to he one of their numherc Opening a directory at random, he starts a correspondence with one Kuhinshy (Cement & Tile Works), and in less than no time has involved the Board of Trade, his own directors, and a sister hank, in a mass of correspondence and a series of hoard meetings, over an "Iffaire Kuhinshy"^that is a figmentof his own imagination, - and yet ahout which none of the directors will admit their ignorance, (incidentally most of them claim to have known Warrender from his youih i) One is kept in admirable suspense won dering what will happen, - hut good ccmes of it all and the play ends on a note of comedy» 'The play makes a hig call on Warrender, He h^s the longest speaking part in any play we can re member being staged here; hut Bazley played his long role extraordinarily well. To have got through two and a half hours of talking without once slipping up over his words vra.s indeed a feat of memoryo Perhaps his voice was not always (juite natural, and there was an inclina tion to shout, hut the wonder was, after so many weeks cf rehearsal, that he had any voice at all. There can he nothing hut praise for his performance, I Pitch, the real secretary( and an old jfriend of Warrender's ), who was so ruthlessly dethroned hnd was hnllied by all and sundry, was also on the stage hlmost throu^outo Essentially meticulous, virtuous,and pnmelting, ho spent the majority of his time being shock ed and scandalised, and resembled alternately a goldfish looking for ants'' eggs, or a late diner iciterviewing the ghost of a departed spirit. Poor Pitch / Life was full ef blows for himc It was even pointed out to him tliat it was Warrender who had got him his position as sec retary 1 Groves registered the necessary emotions and /acial contortions T/ith great skill and was always a source of amusement to the audienceo I ! Other jaxts were not so loiig, hut mosb of than were well actedo Wilkinson, as C3hairman of his fea-nk, gave a realistic impression of an ahsent-niindec.

- 5 - TheMewBuildinb5chem£. It is with pleasure that we are able to report further definite progress with the scheme for the new Zearsney College. A little while ago the water supply was completed at a cost of between seven and cighb hundred poundSo I'his involv ed the building of a weir across a stream seme distance from the site where the School is to be; the erection of pumping machinery, the laying of pipe lines, and the building of a concrete storage tanlce At the beginning of June, plans and Bills of Quantities for the new buildings were published, and twelve firms were invited to tender. On July 6th.the Kearsn^yBuild ing Sub-Committee met and accepted the lowest tender, that of Messrs. A.¥. Johnson of Durban. The contract price for' two boarding houses to accommodate sixty boys each, a dining-hall and kitchen block^ and class-rooms, is approximately £35000. The buildings are to be completed by April 1939, so there is eveiy likelihood of the School moving-to Botha's Hill in Aug ust of next year. The Committee has agreed to a total expenditure of £40,000, half of which will have to be borrowed.lEhe amount of £5000 is expected to cover professional fees, the building of garages and servants'' quarters, the laying out of the grounds, and the water supply described abovce There is really an urgent need for more funds but the Committee feel that a debt of £20,000 is the Tna-ir-iTmim that ought to be allowed, and no doubt they are wise in this decision. Owing to this limitation of financial resources, roofs of the School will have to be corrugated iron instead of tiles, there will bo no swimming bath, and the class-rooms will be built in a position t'Jrjat is definitely meant to be temporary instead of in the place they should occupy as shown in the plan of the compi school These restrictions are ur.:. ortunate, but the hlajne certainly cannot be laid upon the Cc. . ittee responsible for workiAfj out the Scheme^ They are as Ar ous as anybody to see the nef? School well equipped fx'oia

- 6 - BUILDIUa SCHHffl (Continued). the start; the fault helongs to the Methodist people as a Tshole, who, as a whole, have not supported their schools hs generously as they might have done. If another ten thousand pounds could "be raised in donations to the new Kearsney College, it could rank at once as the equal of any other school in Uatal or in South Africa;even another five thousand would make the difference hetween "buildings that are "beyond criticism, and those in which second choice has had to "be given preference over first choice, in matters affecting the materials of construction. In spite of all these handicaps, however, what is heing done is "being-done wellrThe "boarding houses have "been planned with the comfort and care of the "boys who will live in than as the first consideration, and the assurance can "be given with every confidence,that in their internal arranganents, th(y will "be second to none in South Africa, Each House will have four dormitories, two at each end of the "building, and each pair will have li"beral washing, changing and locker acccramodation, There will "be two large recreation rooms, one for Seniors and one for Juniors; there will "be a rocmy prefects' room and two fflnall rooms with a "bath-rocm "between than, for theuse of "boys who are ill, A small Dispensary and a sports store-roan, a "boot-room and a cloak—room are also pro vided in each House, Special attention is "being paid to ventilation, and in the dormitories and recreation roans it is intended to provide a sliding and folding type of window which will give open air conditions when the wea ther is suita"bleo Each House will provide accommodation for a married Housemaster, two single Masters and amatroni The "building of a new "boarding school is a very expensive matter in these days when the standard of livir^g and of educational equipnent is so high, ¥e have to acknowledge that we cannot start off in the new School with all the things we would like to have, and which in deed we ought to have, "but wo must also acknowledge that

9 - and kindly middle-aged City Director. He was very stire of his words, and acted with perfect restraint throuighout. Vermaak, the Managing Director, was a marked contrast to the Chairman; pompous, irascible, full of exaggerated flourishes,he was quite an outstanding personality, and infused a measure of enthu siasm into his colleagues. Ihe other male parts were compara tively small, Stench's forte is evidently that of a commission aire, and we now know what Mark will look like in fifty years' time. Pitch's private secretary, Dorothy, lean and lanky( - and how tall a comparatively small boy looks when put into a dress i) was rather obviously reciting her words, even when flirting with the outraged Pitch. But her diction was very clear and none of her words were lost. Yvonne, the Chairman'"s daughter, had a quieter voice, of a husky nature that one expects from a damsel with flashing eyes and a coquettish tilt of the nose. Lowe, possibly from personal observation, had ac quired quite a number of feminine flourishes, and there can be no doubt that several of the boys "fell" for her. "What a mul titude of sins a coat of paint can cover I Parents and friends were there in good numbers. ¥e counted about SO cars, skilfully parked with the help of scouts, and about 3OO people^ similarly skilfully seated in the hall. The spontaniety of the laughter and applause showed how the evening'^ entertainment was appreciated. That tribute alone should warm the hearts of producers and actors, but in case it does not, we must yet again tell the world that no Kearsney play could ever be a success without the unceasing labours of Mr. & Mrs. Oram and the willingness of the actors to co-operate with thsn in hours of patient rehearsal. Jm P.

K10 « P E 0 ft fi A M M E. ^ YOUTH AT THE HETM ?r A Comedy- adapted "by H. ®OTITH« Oi-]ARACTEB.S; MIWOSLOT EITCH fILLIM DOROTHY WILSOH.Miss OPFIGE BOY'' EAEDOLKI WMREiroSE M OLD GEHTLMAH, OHAIEEAH OF THE LOHDOU ■ iUD MSTHOPCOLTTAU BANK PONSOICBY. (in order-of their first appearance - private Secretary to the Chaimano • GROVES-¥» He "'■-An 03,d CoiDiiiissio-nairSo FRENCH Do Co - Shorthand-typist e, • • BSCIOiiTT D. liSS. he Do -- iiAZLEY ft oCo t-IAEK Rov rVOlTNl WnKINSON OoJo Its Managing Director . ' VEHJiAAK LeJe The ChairmanI's Daughter . ■ . LOWE E.H. ■NICHOLSON ) _ JORDAN LoA® (, Joint Managers - ,uoA® HOLLIvlAN . ) ; -CltOlDSR DoN. lord FARLEY ' ' ^ Chairman of the City Industrial Banke- ROCK KcN, . ROBERTS Of the Board of Trade • • . . . 1£ETCAIE A,E,W. SCENE for the Three Acts; An Office in the London and Metropolitan Banko

,RICK^T. 193 s. If success and enthusiasm are any criterion, this has heen the finest term's crlket for yearso ilot only have the rirsts carried all before them, "but the Alpha'bats have "been fou^t out keenly till the last day.- In fact the result of the competition vvas not settled until the last day of cricket, when the leaders (Lletcalf's team) succumbed to the bottom team (ihssmore's) and allowed the runners np (Smith's) to head the tablOo Uio streng'ch of the 1st XI lay in the deadliness of the bowling, and the ability of one plajrer or another to make a good score® In the bowling department, Lowe was not as dangerous as he has been, but the accuracy and variation of Bazley, the great advance of Boyd (who in all cricket took over 100 wickets in the one term), and the occasional effectiveness of Chick, have given the opposition no option but to get out. Indeed, our opponents'' first innings totals were only 58,56,69,, 24,46, and 37« Out batting has been rather agricultural, but vastly entertaining, Bazlqy's I4S in 75 minutes against Marists will long be rancmbered, and Smith's II3 vs Eshowe was as wel come as it was unexpected. Groom, Boyd, and Chick have likewise added to the entertainment. Ehe Alphabets have been conspicuous for the fire works of Groom, who scored large quantities of runs in an in credibly short space of time, and for the bowling of Bpyd (who, however, bowled better for the 1st XI than for his Alphabet, where he was inevitably overworked). These two were the best all-rounders, with Balccmb as runner-up. Leading Alphabet figures, batting; Groom,489 runs, average 48.9 (S6, 81 not out, 72, 62, 36, 34); Boyd, 287 runs, average 25,2 (50, 44 out, 36, 27 not out, 25,21,20); Balcomb 253 runs, average 25.3 (65 not out, 43, 37, 20); Smith (39 not out, 34, 26, 26, 24); Foss (50, 33 not out, 29, 20 not out). Bowling; Boyd, 60 wickets, average 5*4 (8 tor 9,6 for 14, 5 for 17, 5 for 23, 5 for 27, 4 for 10); Groom, 48 wickets.

- 12 - average 6.3 (6 for IS, 6 for 20, 5 15» 5 30 )I Hock, 45 wickets, average 7*1 (7 30, 6 for 30, 4 for 5); BalcOBib (5 for S, 6 for 11); Putterill (5 for S, 6 for 19, 5 for 24). The Prep« had a game every mTednesday. The material here is more promising than for some time. With proper attention, we oxight to have some futirre stars among Thcunissen, Jacobs, Medhiorst, and Sparks. •• 1st XI MTCHES. Played 6 ¥on 5 Drawn 1 (Pog). vs. Eshowe School. At Eshowe. . Eeb.l9th. Drawn (Eog). Eshowe 5s Kearsney 10 for 2 vs. D.H.S. 2nd X I. At Kearsney D.H.S. 56 Eeb,26th. Won. (Akitt 22, Wallett I6) Bowling, 0. M.. H. w. Lowe 9 1 19 ^ 4 Bazley 13 6 14 4 Boyd 6 1 21 2 5 sS-S % f' u 1 i t

»- foster Smith Baalcy Chick Groom Lowe Boyd Puttorill Balcomh Passnore Eock Extras 13 K S A E S H E Eun Out h Swan 1«beWoho Wallett b Swan ct Martin ct Swan b Crossley ct Pohl b Swan Hot Out Eun Out ct Leisegang b Swan Hot Out b -veisegang 2 2S 4 37 56 23 12 7 0 3 1 JA #* i'J i L a: Total 188 Groom scored 56 in 15 minutes. •r Bowling: Swan 4 for 36. "V_ f P«H.S. 2nd. Innings 70 ( Titlestad I9 ) : " * « Bowling. A 0. M. E. «i• * Bazley 8 1 19 2 Lowe 1 19 2 Boyd 6 1 16 5 *. Groom 3 1 10 ✓

- 14 - vs MRIST BROS. In Dur"ban<, March 12th« TiTon. zuissiiEr. Foster h P.Gordon 3 Snith ct Condon h P, Gordon 5 Bazley "b P.Gordon 14s Chick ct Condon h Roberts 39 Groom ct P.Gordon h Devereaux 42 Lowe ct P.Gordon h Swan 23 Boyd ct Roberts b B,Gordon 26 Putterill Run Out 4 Balcomh Run Out 2 Passmore Hot Out 4 Rock b Roberts 0 Extras -I Total m Bazlejy hit 25 fours, and scored his runs in 75 minutes. The whole in nings only lasted 105 minutes, Marists; 69 (Broker 19, Barter I4), * Bowling, i 0, M. R, ¥. Lowe 10 4 10 3 Bazley IS 6 30 4 Boyd g 2 17 2 Putterill 2 _ 6 Groom 3 2 1 — ' /■ 4" 1 ■^'1 I , - • ''i *■' * . #' > 4 n Marists, 2nd innings: II3 (St.Leger 30, B. Gordon 27, Putterill 3 for If )■,

At - 15 - vs. ESHOTii: SCHOOL. Kearsney .March 19th Kumsw. Yon. Smith ct Harris b Leggott 113 Foster b Maud 7 Bazley b Maud 0 Chick b Maud 2 Or00m b Maud 14 Boyd st Lyle b Leggott 34 putterill ct Botha b Leggott 4 Balccmh l.b.w.b. Harris 2 ' Rock Run Out 0 # t Foss l.b.w.b, Farrell . 13 ;l«t a. Metcalf Hot Out ' : 5 Extras 22 Total 216 * NlMaud at one stage had teiken 4 wkts for 10 runs. Smith hit three 6*s and thirteen 4»s, all to leg. Eshowe: 24 Bowling. 0. M. R. % ^zley 6 2 8 3 Boyd 6 4 11 6 Eshowe. 2nd innings; 57 (Earrell 31» Rock 4 for 9, Boyd 2 for 2 ).

- 16 ~ VS, ST;iI5EH c»c. In Stanger Iferch 26th. t P^SIJEY. Won. Snith I Poster b Chick h Boyd ct Groom b Lowe b Balcomb ct Patterill ct Poss b Rock ct Passmore Wot Extras Theimissen H, Theunissen * Iheiniissen R, Kalfe "b Logan (Pheunissen H« Thennissen E, & "b (Ehofunissen R. Ealfe "b Theunissen C. Eieunissen R, Balfe L Eheunissen R, Oat 3 5 17 22 0 7 23 2S 0 0 0 _Z 112 Total Theunissen R, took g wkts for 4.9 runs, Stanger: 46 (Stewart 24). Bowling. 0. M. R. w. Lowe 4 0 20 1 9 0 'Boyd 3 3 Chick 6 0 11 6 ' All ten Stanger wickets fell for 12 runs® Chick did the hat-trick. • I ■ \ Si S-. .

vSo STiOilSlE Cs Co At Kearsney April mVRSjiEY. Won. Smitli poster Bazley Chick Boyd. Lowe BalccmlB Extras ct Theunissen Co ct Stewart Run Out h Whittaker ct Bloxam Hot Oat Hot Out B Theunissen R» h Theunissen Ro h Therunissen Co Total (5 wkts* dec.) 0 3 44 3 31 29 12 _5. 127 (jroom, Passmore, Soch, ana Putterlll did not tat. Stanger; 37 (Logan 10). Lowe Bazley Boyd Chick Bowling. 0. M. 4 6 3 1 1 1 0 0 R. 9 9 10 4 1 1 5 2 .A' Iiirri^iiiklMil

EuGBV NnTF^in 193s. The team has developed into a good, solid, workmanlike side and has shown occasional hrillianceo The defence has been very sound in all departments and the attack has been pleasant to watchc The handling of the backs has been very safe and it is here the forwards could improves Prom all points of view we can regardthis half as distinctly successfulo Lowe and Bazley were selected for the Batal School's trials - both played well and Baz ley wa.s selected as a reserve for the combined Schoolso The (Juniors have been very disappointingo They lack the devil-may—care spirit, viiile the defence of some beggars description, mien thpy learn how to tackle and how to handle safely, they will do much betteve The Prepo division shows distinctly good promise and the juniors could learn valuable lessons in tackling watching these smaller ones hurl themselves almost recklessly at their opponents, with excellent re sults. 14th, V. Glenwood Away, Won 27 - 9. fe were treated to a deli^tful exhibition of open play. The forwards soon settled down to solid work and gave the backs as much of the ball as they could wish for. Almost immediately after the kick off the line moved smoothly and Grocm scored in the corner after a strong i*un, Bazley next broke, short punted and follow ed up bo ca.tch the full back in possession; Passmore was up in support and dived over to score from the loosco Two fine penalty goals put Glenwood level and from a scrum on OTir linSj the scrum half dodged his way over and at half

15 - t.ima we were b - 3 down^ in apite ox having ted ore of the play terrltoriaLlyo 'Srie second half opened just as the first ted done^, ■ Sroa'L was given the hal.! and with an amazing bircsi, of t.peed and swerve he was over in the corner<, G-lenwood cotLld make no im™ |pression on a rocklike defence, only once did they'seem really *dangerou. _ hut Hudson and Lowe f-ell-ba^ik tO- save, \ Koch "broke neatly j but in attempting .co turr\, eXipp'ed;. and a goocl, chance was losto Bazlay cut tlirough but 5rq_ora was a trifle delayed I. in coming throng and anqther certain score was Icsto Another de lightful movement, with the wh()ie,7(.ine diandlii'ig saw drooro, in fiill <:v.y xcr the cornero' ha swerved irt at; the right moment and scored ran e-T-cellent try under the,posts .±or'Lowe to"boriverfd • Bazley scored from an angular penaltj'- and then^ following a Xci-Jg kick Lowe cau^it the fu;,l back in.possessions but before the advan tage could ba appli-ad the whistle'went and anccha: cerishi score was missedo .& (.Jlenwood player M.eked uofieidsGroom gatharsd and set off at top spesd.? a neat swarve and ha had ecored his fourth try of the match.,-. Lowa ccn7ertedo.. Passsnor-e was over the' lina , Out mistook the line for the £5 ^d Crlenwood 3s.vecl.<, Eo'ch next cut throu^ neatlys,- to score a gopd-.tryo, Lowe .conuei ting again, Hudson on the other wing put in some good ruiis' in the "'•eec-.ond telff. ■ The whole pack played eplandidly, eveiy man pulling Ms weight„ and th^ were ably and energetically led iy Lowe, "WhC'Se tackling was always very sotmdo The threes tendled .. safeley, but the slowness of the passes from the scrxxin might' have been disastrous against a quick,breaki^ng pack of forwards - final Score 27 — 9.- Team? Boydj Groom, Bazley, Eoch, Hudsons Chick, Mark; Lowe(c) Passmore, L.Smith,.Lee, Munro.D., Termaak, A«Eaw, Eosenberga

May 21st. 20 vsc D.H.S, Won 16 -3. Home. \ The honours were even forward "bnit our lacks w^e "better, Frcm a loose scrum Bazley gathered and ran i-ound the opposition to open the score# He just failed to ic^nvert frcsn the corner. Several fine movementsfoUowedv Groom completely outpaced the opposition to score a fiiiO try, Lowe converting. Again the ball swung along the ^ine to Groom who tore down the line, swerved neatly aiQd scored another beautiful try under the posts, Lowe converting, D.H.S, were nearly over, passmore saving just in time, Lowe playing with tremendous dash, was leading his ^eam very well and following a splendid movement he divedover but lost the "ball. Lee, Smith & Passmore were Lways in the thick of things, Hudson was given the ball find raced along to score although held on the line, .H.S. scored from a movement just before half time was cen with the score 16 - 3, The second half was most interesting al though no score was registered, D.H,S, secured most of the ball from the scrums and we were called upon to de- {"end and the defence never once flagged, Bazley and Lowe Particularly shining althou^ each member did his share while Boyd was very safe, Bazley broke but with a clear fieid; Lowe knocked on, A second time Bazley broke and raiji over half the length of the field being brought down inches from the line, A most enjoyable game ended soon afterwards. !];eami Boydj" Groom, Bazley, Metcalf, Hudson* Rock, Mark: Lowe, passmore. Smith, Lee, Munro, Chick, "Vermaak, Hamlyn,

« 21" vso IJUIDEaSRS IJ 20» 24tho May. fon 33 *" 5 Kcsraeo The game was rather one sided and the i?oore mush lai'ger "but finding the opposition somewhat weak individiaali-sm accounted for many lost opportunitieso In the first half the forwards were allow ed a good deal of room "but were not so conspicuous in the second half. G-rocm scored three tries; Bazley, Met-, calf. Lee and Hudson one each, and Lowe converted six of the seven trieso Bazley made many good openings and G-room showed splendid dash on the wing. Both Mark and Eock were slow in passing, otherwise the score would have Been much higher. Wanderers scored just on time sis the result of a misunderstanding Between Mark and Eock© Team; Boyd; Groom, Bazley, Metcalf, Hudson: Eock, Mark? Lowe, Passmore, Smith, Lee, Munro, Chick, Vermaak, Hamlyn© i "

May 3.1st o fon 21 -16 Scrae ^ Before the warriors had really settled dowa a neat If move gave G-rocm enough room to move in and round he went to score far outg Barley just failing to converto Stung by this early reverse, the brothers Walker took play to our line where van der Plank nearly scored and then Boyd tackled llf Walker in ches from the line. Prom the next line out splendid backing up and mysterious liandling of the ball gave ffairy Q-willam an easy run in (3"3)o Baaley cut across cleverly and gave Groom an other chance to show his paces and ha dived over in the cornerl Basley converting fi'om the touchline (0 - 3)0 Basley broke again shortly afteiwcards and sent Metcalf over hut Lowe missed the kick (11 3)e Lowe intercepted cleverly and scored but theline "Smans flag was up and the Old Crocks heaved a si^i of relief. Groom nest was in full sail hut Alec Smith tackled him just short of the line„ Again Groom raced down the line and this ttne evaded the waiting aims to score his third try, Lowe converting, l6-3(i Ihe Old Crock forwards were putting in some stifling work but were repeatedly held up by tigerish tackling, Lowe, amith and Lee being conspicuousa IVvioe our forwards swept down but first Muaro failed to pass and then I-ee, and so two sitters were missed^ After mlf time the Old Crocks waimea to their task and with Kipling hooking like an automaton and Aleo Smith serving his threes' cleanly, only heroic tackling kept the eager men at bay® Bill Payn had gradually moved in field and near our line he took the ball and swept the opposition awsy to score a fitting try (i6 - 6)® A promising move by Lowe took play up field where Lee knocked on; then Bazley short-punted a.nd Metcalf following up fast, dribbled along and picked up to score between the posts, 'Bazley converting (21 - 6)«, llhe Old Crocks redouhlei their efforts and Pellow Smith was inches short of t.iie line^Bill Payn however \';fas in his best vein for tmce he swept ail before ■ Mm and A'^eo Sraith -and Ftpiin converted the trios (21 '"l6)o Be11ore thcf*/ coul.d make to the ■' aflcifcj, however, the final whistle

23 - went, leaving the College proud possessors of the Bill Payn jrophy. . It was a rousing game, thoroughly enjoyed hy players and a large crowd of spectators alikee Teams; Old Crocks: College; . Coghill; Payn, Smith, Clarkson, van Eeenenj Norman, Pellow--Smith; AoWalker, HeWalker, Norris, Barnerj, uwillam, Woodville, van der Plank., Je Kiplingo Boyd: G-room, Bazley, Metcalf, Balcomh; Rock, Mark; Lowe, passmore. Smith, Lee, Munro, Chick, Ifemlyn, Vermaak, June vs. ESHDIE. Won 53-3 Home. We were on the attack throu^out the game "but I^howe forwards held their own and never flagged -and' their jaeeling was very clean, ■jdiich could not he said ,of ours. Groom scored after Bazley had hroken,LoTC drihhled. and th6 hall swung along. Groom scoring. Groom knocked on followi:^ a had pass. Balcomh was nearly over hut the hall came out and away went the line Groom scoring on the other wing. The same player was just squeezed into touch almost iiimediately after, Metcalf hroke andBazley scored Lowe conv'^rtinge Metcalf reversed to Bazley who cut through siding Groom in again, Lowe converting. Eshowe scored from a penalty. Along the line went the hall and Balcomh scoVed. Metcalf hroke w^l hut then ran into the rucko Bazley hroke and sent Balcomh over (25 - 3). Met calf and Bazl^ey comhined well for the latter to score and

24 - convert® Lee,A« was all "but over and from the melee Lee Pewent overo &room had a long run and outstripped the defence to score, Lowe convertingc Good passing hy the forwards was coun tered by good tacKLingo Lowe dived over but lost the ball® Lee Ao was always up with Lowe and Passmore® A neat move and Groom scored fo? Bazley to convert® Then the ball swung from our goal line and Groom ran the length of the field to score for Bazley to converto Just on time Groan scored his ei^th try, Bazlqy converting (53 - 3)® Team? Boyds Groom, Ba zley, Metcalf, Balcomb? Eock, Mark; Lowe, Passmore,, Lee, A«, Munroj' Hamlyn, Chick^ Vermaak, Lee, P® vs® Mi^l^lSTSo June ILth® Won S -• 0 Away® The centres, particularly Bazley, broke far too often with the result that Groom on the wing was starved. Groom handler the ball three times during the game, and scored twicej Lowe p'.ayed an inspiring game and was ably backed up by Passmore and Hamlyn. The first score came as a result of a fine pass ing bout, all the backs handling. Groom side stepped and sped down the line, then swerved in neatly and scored a brillmnt try which Lowe converted? Pron a loose scrum the ball flashed along the line and Groom scored again, Bazl^ just failing to convert from far out® There were ,too - j,ry: free kicks T and practically all of thCT against us) and • .her c nfringetiients to make' ifa spectacular gams,_ bt:.t both s .des;tt jkod :hard and well® Rock ^handled, very safely"~sad jfed the ^ every occasion wMls Mark was.-flow® , , If Marists Icad.Jyxd. coul.a kl.c.k pla- «©S5 we must .ha-ve-'been -wel j..b^teaTlf-otv jhtiy-'had mary opportoni- ' . '-i' •• .. "... -iS.- ^ '• • vv ... X.

tie? of scoring from close rangSo Team; Boyd; Groom," Bazley, Metcalfg "Weston; Rock, Mark; Bowe, Passmore, Lee Munro, Chick, I^lyn, Eosenherg, Chaplino vs. STMGIR (priendly)o June ISth. Won 22 - 11<> Hcmeo Prom the second movsnent Groom swerved out and scored under the posts for Lowe to converto Soon after Groom scored another spectacular try far out Lowe failing to convert* Yet a third time Groom went for the cornerhat touched the corner flag in crossing and half time came with no further score* Rock hurt his arm and for a time the line seemed disorganised though Chick served the line well© Stanger forwards were sound in the line out and scrums, gaining possession freqaently© a reverse pass from wing to centre opened their score and shortly afterwards the same movement Brought them level (S - 8)0 j?ram a mis directed pass in their 25 Hurst, the wing., gathered and. ran the length of the field to score and es-sy try© This reverse ha.d the desired effect for the team played with renewed energy© A short punt By Bazley . and ouick"follow ing up gave passmore an opportunity for scoring,- Bazley converting with a fine kick© We continued to dominatethe play to the end© Bazley scoredafter a splendid Breakj short punt and follow - Groom scored two more spectacular tries towards the end* Lowe was again the outstandingfor ward on the field while Lee was always in the thick of things© Apart from the inaBility to heel from the loose the pack played well against much heavier opponents© Team; Boyd; Groom, Bazl^, Metcalf, BalccmBg Rock, Mark; Lowe, passmore, Lee, Munro, Hamlyn, Chick, RosenBerg, Vermaake

- 2C - JmilQR MTCHESo vs. Grlenwood: Lost 11 - 31, HSie forwards did well Taut the Tsacks were very mtich "below stan dard* vs. D.H.S.: Lost 3 -39, Ocanpletely overweighted and outplayed, vs. Marists; Lost S - l6. But for sheer bad handling this gane could have,been won easily. Cadet Corps Nqt^b, A bivouac was planned for May 26th. but unfortu nately it rained and the troops were forced to return to Col lege. We did, however, carry on here with the full routine of camp life and successfully warded off a ni^t attack by a unit of the IJ.M.H. under lieut. Poss. It served as valuable train ing in routine and was a most enjoyable innovationo !Ehe Corps continues to improve in efficiency, fraaotions; To be Sgts.: Corp. Bazley and Corp. Vermaak, To be Corps; Pte. L. Smith, Pte, D, Munro, Pte, A. Metcalf, Pte. H, Passmorei

27Shooting; i Ihe standard is 'better than beioi'Sj and shows at oleasing iinprovaaents OoScUo Lowe was awarded the Erornse Medal for his 99 in the provincial Oompetitione ■ -x-.'# ]ld fi□y Sl-J ? ! . er i=; ^'he Re^Union v/ill be bald on Sattcrdayi, Angnst the 20tho this year, as the school does not re-open ■until August 4th. The Rugger match will he played on Sat-urday afternoonc Fe want a good m-uster to choose the side frcaiio Inform the Secretary if you are ahle to come so that s-oitahle arrange -ments can be for acccramodation etce Jo.hi'. Bari'att has started training again and hopes to plc,y rugger this yearo His last year^V iajniy has fortunately mended well« To Larrlngton played a glorious iruiings of 95 not out fO-r Vryheid District and the following week followed this ujj «l".h an undefeated 107 out of a tota.l of 1630 He also playes in goal (Soccer,!) for Vryheido Mike Beckett has been transferred to Ba.rcxa/s Bank in Middolhurg (Transvaa.l) DeRc Beckett has reft the Magistrates oxfice and is now a'U Se ela. South Coast, fetal, where ha works in the Sa Ac Sugar Industiy Central Board, in the Chemistry depar-tmento -Prospects, he says, seesn fairly briglitc

- Ko I^er has captaim... the -under I9 B side at U.C.T. and has lately played fly-half for the "A" side. His team played in the curtain raiser to the W.P. v, British side at Kewlands re cently# Crawford has accepted a teaching appoin-tment at in in Ehodesia, W.B.A.E. Pearce has "been transferred to the Durban Branch of Messrs,' Sinclair & Walters, J, Charter is at Higel and found conditions strange at first "but soon settled down to hard workw ■ I.B. Theunissen is now at Harward Intermediate School Maritzburg, where he is in charge of one of the Houses. ¥.M, Crook had the misfortune to break a bone in his in a recent rugger match, at 1I.U,C, J. Hopkins, who is President of the Hostel at H.H.C, is taking his higher diploma this year. He is also temporarily out of action owing to a rugger inj-ury, E, Smith is to be most heartily congra-tulated on being award ed the Hsie Ballot scholarship. This takes him to Cambridge for three years and he leaves for England early in October, We wish him every success and feel confident that he will justify his Selection. He was selected for Maritzburg in the -under 20 Inter-Town Rugby Match. W. Aitchison returned from his whaling trip looking exceedinglyfit and well. The hard, rou^ life has by no means killed his love for adventure, for he was contemplating another trip -but not on a whaling boat this time, W. Abraham writes from America sc ing that he is thoroughly erg eying his University life there nd finds the work most in teresting. \

2tJ Oo¥<,MP.oarce, who is also in .America., re ently did the College Cross-tioTintry in nearly a minute le ,s than the previous records He finds training n there vastly different from anything he has experienced "beforce Geoff H-ulett is now at the Head Office of Sir J.L.HuLett & Sons, in Durhane Jack HuLett was married in Jehrnaiy to Miss Betty Wade of Durhano To Jack and Mrso Hulett we extepd our very "best wishes for the future* They are living at Sprouston. CoMedworth was hestman at the weddings Kc & a. Theunissen, j. King, A. Askew are also at H.IhC. King intends going to TJ.O.T. next year to study medicine* He averaged over SO^ in the recent University Examinationse A.M. P OSS is frequently seen at College wherehe assists in the Cadet instruction. We are very grateful to him for his interest and help. J.G.S. Coutts has now "been transferred to the Eevenue Deparfaaent, and audits the accounts of all Hatal Revenue Offices, - 50 of them. He took particular delight in checking up the College staff's applications for motor licences. In the evenings he is studying for his B.Econ. L» Good has "become something of an authority on E.M.'Vc. products and can talk in the grand salesman's manner* He is still with Polliacks. A* Stockil Tdio is still at Cedara, gained 2ndePrize for Butter on the Royal Johanneshurg Show* To C.E. Wilkinson (I)ur"ban) we offer our hearty congre lations on the "birth of a son, A«"V". Balcomh is doing very well on his farm at Eigl ts He is making it show an increasing profit every yea' Ho Aohwell runs his own Garage at Warner Beach*

pp I AMUilL DIM^T-ER: ' The Annual Dinner was held at the Eoyal Hotel Dui'han, on Saturday, the 30th Apr11» At one time we thou^t of holding a dinner and dance, "but it was felt that the attendance would not warrant the extra expenditureo ¥e hope it will "be possible to arrange such a function sometime in the future when all Old Boys will take a delight in attending* present this year were; The Head, Messrs, Oram, Medworth, Winship, GeoffoHulett, J.H.Hulett, L.Prance, CoHop kins, DoSparks, Lo Polknyhorne, P<, Hind, WoIrving, Ho^ishwell, JoHowarth, Co von Keyserlingk, DoGlll.iat, A* Piper, BoHichols, JoSchofield, Do Gilliat, Jo Bertram,-Eo Mason* Mr* Gram proposed the toast of the to which Ao Winship repliedc J. Hulett proposed of the School and the Head repliedo Old Boys the toast ? 'A After the dinner a group journeyed to the^e shows, where a most amusing and entertaining evening vas spent* rm' -ft- . S3:

■f. jr* ;?r im ^4 ■x*^- to«6 ^ ¥*3 £7> -^21^ i 4. »<#< r< *<«■*-= fmi'vs '^«r 4;:, $ •**'.* > i 'M #«■ i 0* >»ht 5s;- •<*'Tff* n -3r^ . A'S- 'SSj.*-,^ -^4, «C*w."' 5# v* rs. 7S ^TPT -v iir» 'l# ' X - X. 3*t .^-T* SK-, -^-. -^.^t -rr -^ *■ ^S^t: < i, ^51-. ^ ^ ^ W .#3 - iT- ,r » WW ■i Wf' ^-9^ -s. ?.'!« »r%-'^>.«^ ^l,^' ~-r - ^ ^ T* W'S'"^!^-^ v^T■«- ^ Sfc ^ -.fA*c: a. -<r s r^'m rCi»«5~!»r *9^

XI yi yt.. - ":-S, >1-'^ Fte * t 1—1 . □ *- .^v ::i KU-AR5NK\A-L0LLEGI^- r. m i_j ONICLEr. - r DECB^™ 193s. .*,1 4' ♦ ¥ > " < '1 'm m ■0 ' . 1%. ■ 4 j

1/ I J -1^T3 - -L X I L , 1. 2. 3» 4. 5» 6. 7. S. 9« 10, 11, 12, 13, %■ ■ ■- Scliool lotes. !l!he Hew B-ailding Scheme. Jlxamination Results. Talete, Amvaal Rrize-Oiving. R-dghy Hotes. Cricket Hotes. AthH-etlcs. Cadet Corps Hctes. (The Voortrekker Centenary. Ehe Psalmist parodied. "Ihy didIread so many Books ?" GCLd Boysf Hotes.

0^ SCHODL NdTES . . , We regret to report the retirement throngh Ill-health of oiTr Chaplaint,he ReVo M<. J.» Yiliite who has heenwithns only sincL the "beginning of 1937^ Mr., vThite assures ns that . his . interest in the School will remain undiminiehed, and hS: hopes to visit uf ■from time to time. We extend-to him our "best wishes for hap- - piness and for "better health. . - - : ■ 'i CiROL SERVICE: , -A depart'ore from the usual practice was made b holding the Carol Service on a week-night instead of on the lasi Sunday evening of the fechool year. Although.Monday,5th Decem"beiwas^i-ery wet, visitors filled the Chapel and the Choir sang spleo • didly. The carols were interspersed with readings frcm the Scr,,.ptur8s oy a repinessntative of each Worm.Another new departure v/as the dscoration of the Chapel for the occasion;the flowers ard the palm tranches gave it a festival air, and we are left wonder ■ ing v/hy tnis acknowledgment of the Clivistmas season had never keen made "before. uSie following "boys helped as "basses and teiiors;- : - Vermaak, Metcalf, Munro D, Balcomb (J. Bazlsy, Chaplin ^ and Weston, while Clayton again lead the tre"bles. STAFF: Some .readers may "be interested to know that during the month of Decem"ber Mr, Oram acted as organist at St. Pauls Church,Dur"b4n in the absence of theregular organist on a recital tour to Euland. and France. He found playing for the crowded Sunday evei-- ing congregations a thrilling experience (rather more thrillirg he says, tlian playing the harmonium in the Eearsney Chapel); ia spent most of the Saturday afternoons playing for weddings, scae nii;.e or i,en of them, and he twic£ gave half-hour broadcast recfals. EXAiMIllATIGHS, 1978.:. . . . 6 entered, 3 secured a 2nd class and 1a 3rd Clast pass. P.* • i5 entered and all passed, 4 i^ "the 1st class (and 1 in the 1st division), 6 in the 2nd class and 5 . . , in the 3rd class.

-2-. H.C.O» 4 cra't of 1^ined Certificates. P.S.C. 9 out of 10 were successf-ul. 0OiTQ-HAroLATIGITS to Earle Smitli, who, after a distinguished car eer at the U.U.C. was awarded an Elsie Ballot scholarship . to Gamhridge University; also to King for winning the Biology gold medal at the N.U.C. and for securing highest marks in Physics, and to J, Clayton in gaining a first division pass in the Junior Certificate and a major "bursary.. ATHLETICS; Two new records were esta" the annualMeeting held on 30'th Septem'ber:- Lowe A.r, advanced his previous putting the Shot record to 34f"t S^ins, Hudson D.G. established the 440 yds record at 53.7/10 sees, from the Dar"ban Athletic Club visited us on lyth Septem ber. CADET COEPS: The Cadet Corps paraded at the Armistice'Service held in Stanger on the afternoon of ArmisticeSunday and im pressed the public by a very smart turn-out. The annual inspection passed off triumphantly on 15th September althorigh under difficult conditions, EilTERTAIM/IElirS; Apart from the usual bioscope programmes there was only one visiting iton, and that was by Mr. H.Kolb who on 10th September gave us a very interesting illustrated lecture on his trip from Constantinople to his 10 h.p.Eord car. A games evening on the occasion of the Old Boys weekend in ..August provided much noise and amusement. .Q-MES: In his Annual Report,.the Headmaster referred to the ..high standard:.that had been maintained in Cricket and Rugby.The Eleven made some terrific scores, the best being 302 in two-anda-half hours. Of ten matches played, six were won, and one was lost. The Eifteen lost only one match and scored 2S5 points asagainst 82 scored by..opponents. The team was probably the best "balanced side we have ever put into the field.. TSSl'lSi . 3rd Quarter: . '4th August to 3Dth.September. 4t-h " llth October to ^th. December.

-3-. HE;He^wBuildinct Scheme Buildirig began at Botha's Hill in September, and a visit to the site a,fter Christmas revealedthat good progress is being made. Ihe foundations of the three blocks are down and the walls are beginning to rise. Ihe Committee is meeting shortly to arrange for the laying of the foundation stones; the Administrator of Hatal has consented to lay the stone in the dining-hall block, and Mr, J, Cfookes and Mr, A. S» L. Hulett will lay stones in the two boarding houses. The plans for the class-room block are not yet complete, but it is likely that the previous decision to build temporary class rooms will be abandoned and that a section of thepermanent scheme will be proceeded with insteadWork has'begun on the levelling of ground for the playing fields, and Mr» A.S.L.Hulett has generously undertaken to find the necessary labour. ' At its October session, the Conference approved a Constitu tion for the new School and appointed the Board of Governors.They will not assume their responsibilities, however, until the ex isting Building Committee hands over the completed buildings in Ghe middle of 19390 Under the new conditions the same Board of Governors is to manage both the Kearsney and the ii^worth Schools, out there will be separate sub-Committees to carry out detailed control in each case. : ; ■ ■ ■r y iif" ■ i ' .'V . * ■ : • -'r ■

-4-. XXAMIHATIDN- R^lnTTT^q' Ukmic; Second Class; Mfitr-.a.lf fl^-R-w R^w A.E. . lilkinson O.J. ' .. iPiird Class: Smith L.C. " IIATIOiIAL CQffllERCIAL. CERTIFICATES: Hamlyn 1I,T. Kinsman R.Gr. . ' Rosenberg &.L. Steel D,G. JUETOR CERTIEIOAlE: First Class. 1st division. Clayton J.¥. (also awarded a major bursary), lit* ■" First Class, 2nd division. . . .. ,, .. Lund. J,Ej (awarded a minor bursary), l.J. ■' . Lowe,"l,H, Crowder D.N. ■ '* ^ . A,; ' k,.- - Second Class; Boyd S.G-. Chambers ]ff,A, ■V : Groom F.R.C. Munroj A.J. . Putterill, R.c.D. Swale ir.H. ' '/ gSiird glass: Brown,!.C.B. French B.C. ".• 'V'v; A- '-""--'- / Jordan l.A. Lee L.B. ; ' Scheff er. B. G, • C. ■ Beckett Di. Blake D.L." Coutts I.E. Chick F^H. ■V . , . ■ . Jackson. L.F. Lee ?, Smith le Grove- ■ .Sieunis^en B» Wessels W.G. TAALBOiTO:; Prelim. Higher Grade: Vessels Iff.G. ■ Lower; Coutts I. Lee P, le Grove Smith. Laer Taalbond; Clayton J,F. _ Crovder Haifilyn K.T; " Lowe l.H. Lund R. CCTfelERCIAL SUBJECTS: C^ade: Passmore C.H', (3 Subjects, distinction in history). (3 subjects), Balcomb G. Bazley G. Chick A. Hudson D. Tifeston G» (one subject). St^_Jin. Groom 1. Swale 11, (one subject). ji''*

-5-. via. Lowe A»P« K ■ Came FeL 1932; Prefect I936; Head Prefect 1937 and 1933; 1st XV I936-7-S, Capt. I93S; 1st XI 1937-8, Capt. 1932;Capt.Athletics I937 Shot Pat Eecord I93S 34ft S|-ins. Metcalf A.R.Tr.Came Feo 1933; 1st class J,0,1936; 2nd Class Matric 1938; Prefect 1938; Athletic colours 1937, 1st X7 1937-8. Paw A.H. Came Peh 192S; 1st Class J.C. I936; 2nd Class Matric 1939; Prefect I93S; 1st XI I932, Smith L.C. Came Jan.I93I; 2nd Class J.C.I936; 3rd Class Matric 1932; Prefect 1937-8, 1st XI and 1st XY 1938. Yermaak L»J« Came Feb.1937* Wilkinson O.J.Came Feb.1935; 1st class J.Cc I936; 2nd Class Matric 1932. • Y19.' Passmore C.H. Came Aug.1936; National Senior CertificateI93S (Distinction in History); Prefect I938, Athletic Colours I93S; 1st XV 1937-8. I ■ Chick J.A. Came Feb.1933; Prefect I93S; 1st XI and 1st XV 1937-S. Hudson D.G. Came Feb.I936; Athletic Colours I938; 44O yds record I93S 53,7/10 sees. Steel P.O. Came Feb. 1935; IT.C.C, 1932. Kinsman £.(?.¥.Came Aug.1929; N.C.C. 1932. Weston S.E. Came Feb., I937.

-6-. Chambers IT, Came March 1937; 2nd Class J.C. I938, Mimro A.J. Came Feh. 1934; 2nd class J.C. 193S» Hall A. Came Jeh. 1938. Olieunissen B. Came Peh, I958. /iTiNUAL,.FrIZEt GiYIMD • concluded with the ustial prize-giving ceremony held in >.he Hall qn Thursday afternoon, 9th Decemher, iche Eev H C Coodwin presided,.and the prizes were presented hy the Chlir^n 01 tne Council, A.S.L. Hulett, Esq., -.ff Presenting his Annual Eeport, the Headmaster referred to tne likelihood of a considerable increase in n-umhers in the coming year, and he attributed this to the forthcoming transfer of ne School to Botha's Hill. In mentioning the excellent examintion resets ^for I937, it was pointed cut tliat in the Junior Certifj.cate Examination the only available major bursary for aided schoolwsas again won by a Kearsney boy, so it had " come to Kearsne;/- for five out of the six years since the bursaries were established. Q 1 reports of the Government Inspectors were excellent, Ihe School had been especialclaynplimented on its standard in Afri kaans, a standard that was declared to be vTell above that of the schools the Inspector had recently visited. _ "I am satisfied" said the Headmaster "that nq school in South Africa can reach the ctdtural .standard at which we aim until the pos.^atriculation class becomes a regtdar institution.The claims 01 the Matriculation examination prevent specialising, and the continuous revision so as to become word-perfect takes all the life and interest out .of maiy- subjects. After nearly thirty years e^erience of teaching in South Africa, I, can recall only two hree boys who have read widely historical, philosophical- or or

-7-. scieiitifiu "boolr::, whersas in ar^7 largo British ihiblic School there is alv/ays to be found, a n-umbcr of boys who browse regularly in the l^.efsrence Libi-ary, I hope the day is not far distant when the cultural life of the Gchool will centre round the Library even as the spiritual life is centred round the Cliapel>>e In speaking of th« health of the 3.chool, the Head saidthat it had this year been decided to insure boarders against accidents "at the very iDodex'ate cost of three shillings a quarter, ihe policy covers a^ccidents on the trains going to and from school, on jour neys to and from matches, and all accidents on the College proper ty or when a body of boys are absent on their lawf-ol occasions. "Ihis will be my last Heport from this platform,Ihe new School in which so many of you are interested, and to the building of which so many of you ha,ve contributed rises fast from the soil. ¥e have been prcnlised occupation at the end of June, and expect to open there at the beginning of August. ¥e bid farewell to our mar^r friends in this district with mixed feelings, and we carry a-way many happy memories - but senti ment, while it has its place, cannot conquer hard facts, and the College had no future in this delightful spot. There has been a welcome revival of interest in the College amongst our Old Boys. Slowly this body gains in strength and members of it are rising to positions of responsibility. It is interesting to note that an Old Boy did the quantity-surv^ingwork for our new scheme, and that another was to tender for its erection but obtained another large contract just before tenders were call ed for. With few exceptions the Old Boys are making good. One is filling '{vest Street Mothodist Church every Sunday evening, another won one of the more sou^t after ELsie Ballot Scholarships,another is the headmaster of one of our big native institutions and so on. On the financial side we are getting added help thisyear from an increased Provincial Grant. Parents will recognise onespecially good feature in the new system of allotting grants — the grant now depends partly on the numbers in the school and partly on the qualification of the teachers. We hope, too, that ■other benefits will result from the