
mRSIJEy COLLEGE CHRONICLE. July 1939. •% -".M Th-r-1 1, School Notes. 2, Salvete (February). 3, The New School; Stone-laying and Opening Ceremonies, 4, "A Quiet Time". 6, Cricket Notes, 6, Athletics, 7, Rugger Notes. 8, Applied Shakespeare. 9, The Ne\T Game. 10, CrossY/ord. 11, Some Bits about Geometries. 12, The Past & Present Pets of YA & VB. 13, Old Boys' Notes. 'Ai

5chddl Ndtes. STAFF: It is with great pleasure that we note the apppintment to the Staff at the hegirming of the year of Mr.J.H.Hopkins, an old boy of the School, and we congratulate him heartily on the recent award of an M.A. degree of the University of South Africa, Mr. floplcins left the Fatal University College at the end of last year after making his mark as a leader among his fellows,since for two successive years he was President of the Students' Union. Tfe wish him a happy and successful career mth usj it is already evident that his help will be invaluable both in the class-room and on the playing-field. The moving of the College to Botha's Hill involved taking farewell of our popular Chaplain, the Rev.W.H.Stanton,whose coming to Stanger in Januaiy we have not yet noted,- So we say "Hail" and "Welcome" in the same breath in which we say "Goodbye", In the feav months during which wo were privileged to loiow him,Mr,Stanton made himself the firm friend of us all, both masters and boys,and there is not one of us who does not regret that we could not take him along vtLth -us to the new School. Although we Icnow that he will miss us from the Stanger circuit, we -v/ish him continued hap- ■iDiness ttere and abundant blessing in his work. THE HEW SCHOOL: The first -two terms of the year were our last two~"a?tlCearsney, and we lived through.them with somewhat mixod^ feelings, hardly knomng vdiether to regret cur impending depart-, ure from a plaoe we loved well, or to rejoice in the glory of beginning a new adventure which promised, a brighter and more pow erful- future. Probably the feelings of anticipation were the stronger on the vdiole, since what is brand new has,for most minds, a superficial attractiveness over vj-hat is old and beginning to decay, and no one surely can watch the gradual rise of big build ings without an increasing sense of excitement at the ever nearing prospect of getting into tliem and forging ahead -with, the "vfork they are intended to do. The Commeramoration Stone-laying ceremony took place at Botha's Hill on 25th February, and though it brought our depart ure fromKearsney nearer, it did not emphasise our regrets on that account so much as our impatience to see the new scheme completed and the School established there. The Administrator of Hatal, Mr, Gordon Watson, laid the

-2-. ooDsnemoration stone of the dining-hall block, and the stones of the two Houses, Gillinghaiu and Finningley.were laid by iIr.A.S.L. Hulett (Chaiinaan of the old'College Council) and Mr,J.j, Crookes respectively, tfo note here gratitude that I,ir,Crookes pro vided the whole cost of building one of the Houses, A full aoco\mt of the stone-laying ceremony appears elsewhere in "bhis issue. The College T,Tas opened on lOth July by His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir Patrick Duncan, As this date was in the middle of the holidays, only a fev; of the boys were able to be present. There was a large attendance of the general public, however, and it was especially pleasing to see a considerable number of Old Boys present, EHTERTADE-lEl-rTS; On 29tl.a April, on the occasion of the annual visit of" a he'am. from the Durban Athletic Club, some of their friends provided a ve^ enjojrable concert in the Hall, The following ladies and gentleznen took part; Miss Piraser and Jiiss Mengenslmusen; pianoforte solos. Mr, Richard Murray; songs, Mr, Percy Jeffryes; hijmorous songs and choruses, Mrs,Jeffrjres ; sketches, llr, Billy Mills; monologues (in costuiTie). !3r» Les, Liddell: mouth organ solos and a Yiddishe sketoh. The Arinuai School play was given on 22nd June, the last night of the last term at Kearsney, After beginning the rehear sal of tvTo or three other plays, a rather severe shortage of talent ?ras discovered, and it was decided to fall back on a schoolboy play thrt had -been done at Kearsney in 1928,namely, "A Quiet Tims", As large an audienOe as ever, enjoyed its perfomance, FARBJELLS: Hhen the final curtain descended on the last school pTa^rto he performed at Kearsney, it was discovered that there was an unexpected addition to the programme. Our neighbour, Mr, E.F.B.Hindson came on to the stage to express the regret of our Horth Coast friends at our departure from the district eoad to vfish the School every happiness and success in its new home. At the end of a very happy speech he asked the Headmaster to accept for the use of the Sfcaff coinmon--room a handsome silver tea ser vice inscribed vrith the good vrishes of the Stanger and Kearsney district. The Head aijqjressed vrarm appreciation of tliis generous girt and assured our friends that we should silways think verjr

'•5"& affectionately of them. In the vj-oek following the breaking up of the School, Mr.- and Mrs., EcFi,W, Hulott gave a garden pai-ty at thoir homo >■ "Kirkloy Vale" for the neighbourhood to take a more personal farowell of the S-caff, Some fifty guests attended, and Dr,IJ„Haysom oppressed tliexr regret at losing the College.i At the Head's inwitati.on, Mr, Oram replied, EKAM5: The following results vroro omitrbed from' thoso given in the December issue: Higher Taalbond: Passmoro, G-roves, ' B/Iunro. mSFECTS: Bazley (Hoad), Ilunro D, Balcomb G, Jordan, Hamlyn, Leo A, Mark and Groves', ATHLETICS: As the fields at .Botha's Hill would.not bo ready by the thue wo moved. Sports virero held during the first weeks of the second term. The D.A.C. visit, alrj-ays looked, forward to keenly, was evenly contested, the College winning by the narrow marginof 40 points to 37. Sports i)ay v/as on May 6th, when Iilrs .Bazley proEontcd the prizes. Three new records v/ero set up : Shot JAitt: 34ft 9ins, l:y Bazley 440 yards; 53,6/lO sees, also by Bazley, Long J^p: 20ft Sgins by Groom (avmrdpd tho Hulott Tropi-y). Athlonc won tho Oliver Poarce Inter-House trophy by 792 points to 622, RUGGiai: Bazley and Groom were invited to the Hatal Schools Trials In Maritzburg and both wore selected as reserves for tho final Natal Schools side to play tho 'Hniversity on September 2nd, Both boys are to be congratulated on the good shovfing they made in thn Trials, have been avmrdod to G. Balcomb, Tivc free week-ends were given during the Half. The first, March 4th - 6th coincided with tho famous (or infamoiis ) timeless (Fifth) Test Match in fXirban, but of courso did not last as long as that m^athon encounter. Most of the School got to town to soo part of it, and the tweniy boys vrho had to remain behind spent an

-4-. enjoyable time at Sinkwazi beach,thanks to the kind hospitality of Sister Attlee and Ilrs, F» Balcomb* ]n the second free week-end on May 20th the spare beds were used by Old Boys "vdio oame up for the annual Rugger match which they lost (fighting braiTely) by10 points to 17, TERMS; 1st Quarter; 2nd Quarter: 2nd February to 5th April, 12th April to 22nd June, February 1939, Va Mandell A, Vb Rinnis B. Baggaley R, Hume L.Yi". Scheffer L,H. Allsopp J,D, Charter P, IV McLeod I.G. Sallard 0,0, Trentham J.B, Rosenberg C, Rock D.A, III Trentham A, Dent C, iTory Durban Durban Vearulam Empangeni Stanger Camperdo\m Umhiali Durban Johannesburg Flagstaff Johannesburg TJmhlali Empangeni. Prep; Foss R.G. Jacobs W,M. Friday R.W, Sipargo S.H. Vov/les B, Vowles C, Staniland D.F Lee A, MoBean M.Oo McDonald D. Pennefather Pennefather Stark VJ",!, Felixton Durban . Umhlali Doomkop Stanger Amatikulu S, Coast,

-5-. 'hEt NewSchdox.. COIMMORATIOH STOITE-LAYDTG CERMOI'TY', Saturday, February 25, was a red-letter day in the history of Methodism in Hatal as during the afternoon, the commemoration stones of three of Kearsney College's new buildings at Botha's Hili were laid before a large crowd. The Rev, Arnold Nichols, Chairman of the Distinct, presided, and extended a cordial welcome to the Administrator of Natal, Mr, Gordon Yfatson, Mr, W,J, Williams, Chairman of the Epworth-Kearsney Building Committee, veiy happily welcomed the visitors, and thanked the Committee who were largely responsible for the partial completion of the scheme, especially the Secretaiy, Mr, H, Yf, Haley, In describing the history of this courageous venture, Mr, Williams said that two years ago it was felt necessary in order to preserve the fine traditions of Kearsney and Epworth to embark on new building schemes, but they had nothing with v/hich to set out on this big venture. Then Mr, Clement H, Stott came along and presented some 25 acres of land at Botha's Hill, and this was fol lowed by the gift of another 25 acres purchased by Mr, George Crookes, Tremendous encouragement was given the scheme when Mr, John J, Crookes decided to present a complete House costing some £12,000, The Conferenceof the Methodist Church donated £5000,and sacrificial gifts had come in from all parts of the country. The present scheme v/ould cost about £45,000 and it was theintention to build later two additional boarding Houses, and extend the class rooms, Mr. Williams reminded those present that this was a joint scheme, and Epworth would be started very shortly. The follovdng is the text of the speech of the Administrator before laying the first stone; "It gives me much pleasure to be here this afternoon to be associated with those who have given such lively proofs of their interest in that splendid effortof the Y Methodist Church, the practical beginning of which is ' represented by the Foundation Stones which are being laid today. That pai*t of this afternoon's function wiiii which I

have been honoured, relates to the ICearsney College lUning Room Blocks It is to be a bulldingconstrueed on the best approved modem lines, and consists of a hall - which will bo used meantime as a dining hall and a generally assembly hall - a masters' dining room, and all necessaiy accommodation for the culinary department. It would be wrbngy ■hcd.vever, tp ihink and speak of cnly one section of this splendid enterprise. It ia necessary to ha-ve in the Mnd^s eye the . College buildings as a whole, and to remember w^at they represent of courageous thought, vfhat a venture of faith they s tand for, and what progress thi^ adtimbrate. The Rrovinoial Administration is very conscioxAs of, and highly appreciates, the excellence of the service rendered to Natal by the establishment of such fine buildings as are to be completed hero within the next few months, at an expense of between £40,000 and £50,000, Kearsney College in its present premises is a Government aided school, and presumably that link of Administration inspection and subsicfy- will be retained in the now buildingSo With a guarantee of official inspection, with a carefully selected Board of Governors and Committee of Management,with modem buildings so beautifully and healthily sit uated, with a fully qualified principal and staff, all under the aegis of the Methodist Church of South Africa, this College has every right to ex pect that Methodist parents from all parts of Africa will send their sons here to be educated,and Itrust that in this respect the College Authorities will not be disappointed, and that the entire accommodation for 120 pupils will be fully occupied. It would be but fitting, Ithink, for me to bear grateful public testimony to the fine spirit and wholehearted generosiiy evinced by Mr, Clement H, Stott and Mr,George J,Crookes, who are the joint donois of this magnificent 53 acre site. It is most

-7-. encouraging to see such evidence of the fact that we have in llatal those who are quite ready to respond liberally to appeals, when those appeals are wellfoimded, I pray that the blessing of Alraighty God may be vouchsafod to this College,and that it may bo atten ded with every success in the yoars to come," Mr, J, J, Crookos then laid the commeraoration stone of Finningloy House, of which ho is the donor, and when that was well and truly done, l!r, A,S,L, Ikilott laid the commemoration stone of Gillingham House, He porformod the ceromony in truly workman like style, and followed it up with the following intorosting speech; "I am very conscious of the honour that has come to mo to bo asked to lay one of tho foundation stonos of tho new Kearsney Collogo, It would bo unnatural on my part if I did not fool a certain regret in tho removal of tho Collogo from tho Kearsney Estate to this site, but tho name of Koarsnoy is still rotainod and so tho association of this school 1/ith its first homo cannot bo forgotten. I rojoico, however, in tho larger oppor'fcimity of service that tho school will have in its prosont position which, in my jud^^mont, is ono of tho finest sitos for any school in tlio Provinoo of Natal, Then I am suro that tho honour that is done to mo to day is intended to bo a rocognition of tho fine s crvico that my father, tho late Sir Liogo Hulott, rondorod to oducation in this Province, And this now school is a culmination of his vrork for oducation & a continuation of tliat public work in which ho ¥fas most intorestod, Koarsney Collogo has had a splendid record in tho i first sixtoon yoars of its oxistonco, but this is a now boginaaing in its histojry,tho results of which no |: onan can fully ostimato, A Man, hoaTOVor, doos not | need to bo a soor - in tho Old Tostamont sonso - to J

picture the gonorations of boys who will bo trainod in this school to servo the land in wliich thoy woro bom. Perhaps some of you are not aware that the ceremony of today has a \mique historicsignificance, It is another link in the chain that binds this school and tlie Hulott family to John Wesley and ilesleyan Methodist educational work. Dr. James iiulett, L.L.D,, a graduate of Aber deen, was a friend of John Vfosley, and one of the earlier Methodist preachers, I have in posses sion his original licence as a minister of the gospel, dated 14th April, 1790, The obituary notice of Dr.James Hulett appear ed in the Methodist I,5agazino in 1838, and there it is stated that "his chief sphere of usefulness was his profession as a teacher of youth; several ministers of the gospel and a still larger niunberof private Christians derived the highest advantage from his careful tuition. I have reason to believe that one of those ministers of the gospel waS: the famous Dr, Jaboz Bunting, Dr, James Hulott had established "A School for Young Gkjritlomon" at Gillingham in Kent,the original mlcs of which aro also in possession, I think .it would shov/ a true historical sense if this house woro named "Gillingh£aa",but I should hesitate to ask the headmaster to apply the rules of Gillingham School to Kcarsnoy College, I am sure they would not bo popular, but thoy disclose a high sonso of discipline and, perhaps, what is moro im portant, they disclose that religious basis of edu cation XThich wo, as Methodist people, firmlybelieve is necessary in a complete training for life, I have a print of this "School for Yoimg

■f GontlGmGn" at Gillingham, andIshall be glad to pre sent it to Koarsnoy College as a moraento of the original sourco from which this present oducational project has sprung. Dr. James Hulett was succoedod fcy his son, James Liego Hulett, who was, the father of Sir Liege Hulott and my grandfather. In 1857 Sir Liege - then a young man of" 19 yearsoame out to Natal, and as soon as he was settled in business he made a homo for his parents. Soon after James Liego Hulett, his wife and daughters arrived in Natal, they started a School for boys and girls at Seaforth, Umhlali, in 1859, In this school a number of loading men of Natal received their early educa tion. This school was the precursor of the present Koarsney College. Some yoai^ after the school at Seaforth had boon closed do^vn, Sir Liogo founded Kearsney Collogo on his own estate and \ms the Chair man of the Governing Body \mtil he diod. After his death in Juno 1928Iwas electedto the Chair of Koarsney College Council, and in that capac ityIhave the honour today to declare this stone well and truly laid. Ihave but one more duty to perform on this mem orable day, and that is, to present to the Treasurer this donation to the Building Fund in affectionate memory of ny late wife, my loyal and devoted helpmate through the long span of forty-two years." Several telegrams of goodwill wore road out during the af ternoon, and one that was particularly appreciated came from Kingswood College, Grahams town. At the conclusion of the ceremonies tea was served under the trees, and an opportunity was given to those who wished to assist the" scheme, the amount received being £736 including the donation of 600 guineas from l«r, A.S.L. Hulott, The pronouncement of the Benediction brought to an end a mcmor-

-10-;' " able funotiph whioh Twas full of hope and oncouragomont for tho Methodist,Church in Natal, THB OPENING GBRaiONY. Tho now school buildings vrere opened on July 10th by His Excellency tho Govemor-Gonoral, Sir Patrick Duncan, After a stormy wook-end, tho weather cleared for tho opening ceremony, the s\m vjas bright and tho air crisp as the hundreds of visit ors assembled to await.the arrival of His Excellency the Govomor-Gonofal, In introducing and welcoming tho Govomor-Gonoral, tho Rev, E, Bottrill, President of the Methodist Conference, men tioned the change in the relations beti'/een the Government and the Methodist Church in the past century, "One hundred and tvrenty-five years ago," he said, "our missionaries were serious ly checked at Government House when they arrived in Cape Town, The relationship betiireen the church and education has constant ly been debated. It is the duty of the State to educate. That wo admit. But \vg feel "that religion does contribute to the education of youth by furnishing the necessary foundation and background to a successful life". That the present generation realised tliis was proved by the interest and support of the Education Department, and the presence, in representative cap acity, of the Govoraor-General and the Administrator of Natal. Mr,.If?',-/J, Williams, Chairman of the-Board of Governors, outlined the development of tho Kearsney scheme frcHii the tiime when it was no more than a vision of the distant future to tho time when tho school was now a fait accompli. This school was tho joint gift of Methodism, Apart from tho donors of largo sums of money, hundreds of people had given liberally,.seeking to bo materially associated with the "building of tho school. These friends had already boon publicly thanlcodj ho now wished to thank the architect, Mr, Payne, the builder,Mr,Johnson, and tho foreman, ?lr, Reardon, Those gentlomen had been mainly re sponsible for convorting cash into stone-work. Sir Patrick Dunoan then spoke. Ho made a strong g^peal

-11-. for a liberal oducation, in the true sense of "bho word - the cul tivation of a sense of balance, the ability to disoriminato boti'/cen right and wrong and to fight against the evils of propagan da, Wo wore boing provontod these deys, ho said, from seeingour own point of view, and vroro having our powers of thinking des troyed, "I regrot," he continued, "that the old classical educa tion is falling into disfavour in our schools to-day. Very, very fow pupils take Grook as a subject and ovon Latin is not popular. We often hear that the classics are dead subjects and of no prac tical use in a modem world. But they are not dead, for thoy fom the key to the world of art, literature, and law; they develop in us the habit of accurate expression and clear thought. The old classical education which has bocome associated with the English Public School has faced a good deal of criticism, but one thing it has done is to build up a great tradition; Some of tho older schools in this coutntry have followed in these traditions and have played a groat part in the later history of South Africa" Tho key to tho nov/ building was handed to His Excellency by llr, W, S, Payne, tho architect, Tho vico-rogal party made a tour of the new blocks and tea was served to tho many visitors who at tended the ceremony. At present tlie school comprises four blocks -.the dininghall, tho classrooms, and two house blocks. All are built of multicolourod bricks which give a mollow and matiu"ed appearance to tho buildings, Tho hall is built to scat 240 boys,and loads by two doors into tho ,kitchon, a largo and airy room,whito tiled,in tho contro of which stands a largo Esso cooker. Pantiles, stororooms, rofrigorator room, etc,, load off tits kitohon, Tho house blocks arc duplicates. Each is undor tho control of a rosidont married hoiwomastor, aided by two singlo masters, & each house has its own matron, Thoro aro foin* domitorios up stairs, sleeping fiftoon boys in each, two largo dressing rooms, whore ovory boy has his own dressing tablo and coat rack, two changing rooms, in white tiles, with built-in baths and shower baths, and a separate sick bay. Downstairs are lockor rooms, cloak rooms, a dispensary, and two large common rooms with tables, chairs, built-in cupboards and wall seats, and firc-plaoos, Thoso will bo rocroation rooms for tho boys in thoir spare time, and it is hopod gradually to equip thorn with a library, gamos and hobbks. Thoro aro electric clocks in tho dormitorios and common rooms.

E9,oh houso has its oivn ho'c ivatcr systoia, ^ On laying tho foiuidation stoiios, Mr»A,S«L,HulGtt,Chaiionan or rho old counoiig namod tho houso noarcr tho main road Gillingham, and Mr® Jo Jr Crocko's, donor of tho housOj namod tho fartherono Rj-nningloy,, Thoy aro \mdor tho control of Mr, Go Ml Gram and Mr, J,, p, Rooco respootivoly® " Tho classroom block is of■ a simple pattcmj' iArith class rooms in ono stfo.ight linoo Thoro VAill also bo a labofatory«j music rooms^ cloaJcroom, and stationory-office. " The four main buildings montionod form roughly a quad - ranglo. In duo time the grounds ivill bo laid out with lavms, paths, trees and shrubs, Tho playing fields are being loTollod, the first'to be finished being about 250 yds by 130, Ultimatoly it is hoped to add tvro more houses, a largo assembly hall, further classrooms, and, above all, a school chapel» A school chapel should be a beautiful and worthy sanc- •^ary, with a profound influence on the life of a schoolj it is to be hoped that some means will soon be found for erecting such a building. Until then it will be necessary to * hold services in the dining hall, " • \ ' "■ : ' k j.p,R.. . '

-13-.- "A Q.umT TimE:" A large audience of relatives and friends assenibled in the Hall the last night of term to see the Annual ELay. The choice this year was a comedy in three acts. It was well produced, and judging by the enthusiasm of the audience, well acted. The part of Ur-.Theophilus Birch,C.A.H.E.O., Principal of St. Leonardts on the Hill, was acted by Mr.G.M.Oram who throw hitaself into the part realistically. Squire Pizzle,V,0,L.C.A.lI.O. was well acted by Mr, J,H, Hopkins — his part was tinly volcanic, and most impressive. G.S.Boyd took the part of Fizzle's son, W.H.Grovos was Mr.Backslider,C,A.N,E.,K.O. The two sots of Tv/ins proved popular, these parts were played by P,R.Charter and D.H, Percival (tvd.ns from Peru) and R.C.Putterill and J.B. Trentham,- (twins from Calcutta), J,R.Lovire, as Toney Nettles was very good. Marki^, the dignified butler vras played by L.A.Jordan, and the amusing footman, Meekum, by L, Lee* Heaps, a farmer, was veiy well acted by G.C.French, and B.G.Scheffer took the part of Whiteboy, a sweep. At the conclusion of the play Mr. Oram "thanked the audience and boys for their loyal support during the past and referred to the fomer plays which he had produced and to the value from an educative point of "view. He expressed the hope that Botha's Hill would not be too far away for them to come to the futvire Plays. lilr, E.F, Hindson then presented the Principal and Staff with a veiy handsome silver tea set from friends in Kearsney, Stanger, and Doomkop, After Mr. R.H, Matterson had expressed his ap preciation and thanks supper was served and so ended the Four teenth Annual Play, As this is "the record of our last play at Kearsnoy,it may bo of interest to give "thefollo"wing list of plays produced there since 1924 when the School got well into i"fcs stride ;-

1924. "Scenes from "Julius Caesar". 1925. "Tvrelfth Night",. 1926. "A Itlidsummer Night's Dream", 19274 ."The, Marohant of Venice", •- 1928, . "A Quiet Time". . ♦ ! "The; Island of Sea Dreaias". 1929o • Three Short HLays; * • . • "Alice in Wonderland", "A Night at an Im"., . "The Rising of the moon", 1930a "She Stoops to Conquer", 1931, "Charley's Aunt", 1932, "Julius Caesar", 1934, "The Rising Generation". 1§36, Three one-act Plays: : . . "Midnight Murder", * * "The King's Waistcoat", "A Slice of Scottish Life", 2.937, '^lichard of Bordeaux". 1938o "Youth at the Helm",

^15-. iHCKgrKnTEs. The last tern's cricket at the old school -was a fairly une-ventful one, A variety of circumstances prevented the First XI from ha-ving more than three matches, plus their usual nreekly practices. In these games it became increasingly clear how far ahead of the rest Bazley and Boyd had become, with only a much improved Balcomb to challenge their supremacy. The rest v/ere sometimes successful, sometimes not. Rock vj-as the most improved, sharing the mantle of Jess op with Groom, who reached his zenith at the end of the term with consecutive scores of 67 not out, 154, & 93 not out. Diminutive enthusiasts were much di-vlded in their minds as to whetherthe thrill of watching sixes being hit vras greater or not than the toil of looking for -fche lost balls in the bushes of "the valley. The combination of Balcomb and Putterill proved too much for ^e other Alphabets and brought easy victoiy to A. Balcomb developed in-to the most consistenbtowler in the school, and he had Putterill "s spins as an admirable foil. The best indi-vldual performances were as follows:- BATTIITG; Groom 1'54,.93 not out, 53 not out, 34 not out; Rock 105 not out, 63 not out, 44, 35; Putterill 69, 64 not out; - Balcomb 55,. 50; Chaplin, 42, 41 not out; Robxnson 74; Mark 61 not but; A.Lee 40 not out, 30.Scheffer 1.37, BOWLDTG; Balcomb 41 wkts; Robinson 28 wkts; Groom 27 wkts, ^ong the juniors there was much cause for rejoicing. In net practice and general enthusiasm they provided an object lesson for most of the session, and a high standard of cricket over the next four or five years appears assured.The pick of the jimiors appeared to be Rosenberg, Jacobs I, Henocksberg, Ivory, Sparks,McLeod,Scheffer, and Baggaley, but there were many others whose keenness -will soon bring its reward. Best performances were;-

-16-. BATTDTG; Rosenberg 58, 53,50, 42, 31, all not out, Jacobs 52, 32; McLeod 34, 33, 28, BCMLIRG;. Rosenberg 39 wkts, S-iheffer 25, Henocksberg 24, Sparks 23. Tho Junior Alphibets (instituted for the first time),were easheaded by G, who had, in the one side, Jacobs (Capt),Rosenberg, Baggaley and Scheffer, In fact they beat the rest, in the challenge ,match, by 9 wickets I. WiTGHES. : iGLEWOOD 2nd XI. '"' In Durban, Feb. 11th, KEAR,31IEy. Lost 31 lams, Balcomb l,b,w, b Empey Clayton b Thompson Lee Run out Bazley st Dibb b Markhara. Rook ot Paradies b Empey Boyd ct Woods b Markham. Groom, b Empey Robinson Run out Jordan st nibb b Markham Chick Run out Chaplin Rot out EXTRAS 41. 4. 7. 29. 14. 36. 12. 11. 2. 1. 2. 4. Glenwood 162 (Purdy 51, Dibb 41). Bawling. TOTAL; 163. 0. M. R. ■ W Balcomb . 7 1 29 3 Bazley 7 0 51 1 Boyd 12 1 51 5 Groom 6 • 0 23 1

pit'I . -17~. Hearsney, 2nd Inns. 104. (Bazley 44, Balcomb 22, Thompson 5forll). Glenwood, 2nd Inns. 156. (Granger 68, Balcomb 4 for 48), MARIST BROS. In Durban, March 11th, Drawn, Hearsney 108 for 4 wkts (Rock 49), RAIH STOPPED PLAY. Marist Bros. At Kearsney March 18th, Won, Inns & 79. Marists, 1st Inns. 70, (Bazley 0 for 13, Balcomb 5 for 25, Boyd 5 for 15), 2nd Inns. 65. (Bazley 4 for 35, Balcomb 4 for 12), Kearsney. Balcomb st Price b Hamilton 44 Poss b Boyd 7 Bazley b Hamilton 27 Boyd ct O'Brien b Jackman 21 Rook l,b,w, b Hamilton 44 Groom Not out 65 Putterill Not out 4 EXTRAS S TOTAL (5 wkts), 217 Robinson, Lee, Mark and Rosenberg did not bat. Groom scored five sixes in seven balls 1 SECOND XI vs ESHC^TB. At Kearsney. March 25th, Won 70 runs. Kearsney 124 (Putterill, Capt., 37, Robinson 20, Rosenberg 11 17. Abbott 5 wkts for 34). Eshowe 74 (Farrell 31, Rosenberg II 5 ndcts for 13 runs). Wl

r- # -18-. JUHIORS 7S SIMGSR SCHOOL. MARCH 2nd, in STMGER. Kearsney 61 for 4 (deo) (Ballard 19) Stanger 22 & 37, (Rosenberg 5 for 8, Ballard 5 for 13). Yfon,Inns and 2 runs. MARCH 9thj in STMGBR. . ■ - Kearsney 52. ^ . Bfcanger 58, .(Hoffman-30, Rosenbei'g 7 for-29,),- Lost, 6 runs0 MARCH 13th, in STAITGER, • _;f-_ ■ Stanger 64 (Hoffman 46, Rosenberg 3 for 28). Kearsney 45 for 4 wkts (Jaoobs 27). . . ^ . ■ Brawn. ; ^ .

-19-. Athletics. The general standard -was good and there were some outstanding performances. Bazley created tvro new records, the Shot Putt and 440 yards and also ran a splendid 220, Groom broke the Long Jump record for which performance he was av/arded the Hulett Tropty, The Under 13 Division promises good material for the future, DETAILS OF THE D.A.C. VISIT. - 100 yds. 220 yds. 440 yds. 880 yds. Mile. 1, Groom (S). 2. Balcqmb (3^). . S.Montielle ('D.A.C,so) .^ '10,9.sec. 1," Bazley (3), .2, Groom (so). 3, Rock (9), 23,6 sec. 1. Ball (dVa.C.-12). 2, Bfi.zl:ey (sc.), 3,Liddell (U.A.C.IS") . " . .' • - 53,9 feeco 1, Ball"(- 40). 2, Mimro (sc) & Mark (so), 2 min 13,6 sec, 1. Sandison (D.A.C.-lOO). 2. Selby (D.A.C.-50) , 3. Borgen (D.A.C. Sc). 5 min 7^6 sec. Long Jump 1, Groom 2,.Blarney (D.A.C,) 3, Balcomb. 19ft 8 in, 2, Rock, . 125ft: 3 in. Eiscus 1, Jones ,(D.A.C,) Shot. 1, Bazley (-t7)o Relay 1, D.A.C. DETAILS OP SPORTS DAY: 2, Jones (D.A.C*.) 3, Baioomb 47,6 sec. 41ft It in. OPEU.. lOCyds. ,1, Groom. 2. Rook, 3. Balcomb, 22(^ds. 1, Bazley. 2, Groom. 3, Rook, 440yds, 1, Bazley. 2.; Hamljm,3, Mark, 1, Mimro, 2, Mark, 3, Boyd, 1, Mark, 2, tlunro, 3, Jordan, BSQyds, Mile. Cross country, 1, Mark, 2. Groves. 3, Boyd, House Relay, 1, Clarendon, High Jump.l. Chaplin, 2, Rook, 10-3/5 sec, 23-1/5 sec. 53-6/10 sec, (RECORD). 2 min 14-1/5 sec, 5 min 10 sec, 20 min 27 see, 47-9/10 sec, 5 ft it in. ./

"•20—• Long JUI15), 1» Groom* 2. M\inro, Shot, 1, Bazley, 2, Baloomb, Discus* 1, Bazley, 2, Baloomb, Crioket Ball, 1, Balcomb, 2, Groom, Tug o' War, : 1, Clarendon,' 20ft 5|in (RECORD). 34ft 9 in. (RECORD), 110ft Og- in, 106 yds 2 ft. UEDER 15t. 1OQyds* 1* Lee P® 2* Lund* 3*Chick, 220yds* 1# Chick* 2, Lee P, S.Crowder* 440 yds, 1, Lee P* • 2,-Crowder, 3* Ballard, 880 yds, i. Lee P* 2, Trentham, 3* Lowe, Cross Country, 1, B.Soheffer, 2, Alls'op, 3 1* Athlone, 1,. Crowder, 2, Mlsop* 1, Lee P, 2, Crowder, 1, Chick, 2* Clayton, House Relay, High Jump, Long Jump, Cricket Ball, 12-2/5 sec. 27-7/lG sec, 64-3/5 sec, 2 min, 34-8/10 sec, Paul, 22 min, 34 sec, 55-7/10 sec, 4ft 6 in, 16ft 5 in* 73 yds 7-|- in. MDER 13, 100yds (S). 1, lOC^s (H). 1. Ydyds (H), 1, 220yds, 1* 880yds, 1, Cross Country, Long Jump, 1, High Juii^, 1, Relay, 1, McLeod, 2, Jacobs• 2, Peroival,2, McLeod. 2, McLeod, 2, 1,McLeod, 2, McLeod, 2, Peroi-val,2, Athlone, 3, 3. Ivory, Ivoiy, Ivory, 3, Ivory, 3, Smith, Ivory, Percival, McLeod, 3, 3. Davey, 13-5/10 sec, Percival,13-9/10 sec, Davey, lO-7/lO sec, Daveyi 29-7/10 seo, Davey, 2 niin, 37 seo, Davey, 9.min, 14fb if ins, 4ft 2-|- in, _ . 59-3/10 seo. 75 yds. Under 11 (H), 1, Friday, 2, Davey, S.Walker, lO-9/lO sec, 75 yds. Under 11 (S), 1, Friday, 2, Davey, S.Walker. iO-9/lO seo. Past V,'Present Relays 1, ftresent. 47-8/10 seo. Old Boys 100 yards: 1, Hopkins, 2, Hudson, 3, Munro, 10-3/5 sCeo. Parent's Walk. Mrs, Jackson and Mr, Allsopp,

-21-. Edb-ber Ndt^b. ■As an all roxmd combination, this year's team is probably sounder than any team yet fielded. The forwards have welded into a hardworking pack and have plenty of dash. When the line out work reaches the same high level as the rest of their play, they will be a good pack. The.back have risen to brilliant heights with plenty of thrust, while their handling has been a pleasxire to watch. The best game this term from the spectators' point, of view was undoubtedly the Old Crocks Match. The ball was hardly ever in touch'and thrill followed thrill as first the one lino then the other swung into action. The enthusiasm amongst the smaller boys is unbounded,and as long as this lasts, the future of Rugby at Kearsney is assured of success. The Under 14 game against Clifton showed that there is some good material for the future years. 18th May, vs. D, H, S. 2nd, Won, 19-13. HOME, Balcomb scored from, the first movement of the game and very shortly afterwards Bazley scored after a corkscrew run half the length of the field. (6-0), D,H.S, a'ttacked and E,Shaw took a gap and sent C.Shaw over, S' "try Caine convcidied (6—5), Bazley kicked a long touch and the ball swung along the line; Groom swoi*vod in after a fine run and scored for Bazl^ to convert (11-5,) Rock dummied through neat ly and sent Bazley over for a try which he also converted (16-5). D,H,S. forwards swept downfield. Rock slung back a bad pass to Boyd and E.Shaw dashed through to score (i6-8). First Balcomb was nearly over then the ball swung along to Groom who dived over in the comer (19-8). Bazley broke beautifully and drew the full back, passed to Rock who bounced the ball when scoring and the try was disallowed, D.H.S. forwards wore playing very well indeed and were actually the batter pack in the tight scrums, Vemon broke and passed to E.Shaw who scored for Caine to convert (19-13). Mark vms everywhere in defence while Munro and Lee A. were always on the ball. Our backs always looked like

-22-. scoring when they had the balX while the D.H.S. forwards were full of fire right to the end, ISAM; Boyd, Groom, Bazley, Rook, Balcomb, Robinson, Mark, ' liunro. Lee A, Rosenberg, Hamlyn, P, Lee, Chaplin, Coutts, Ballard, • - ' PAST Ys fRESENT. 20th May. 'ffon 17 - 10, Home. Before the Old Boys had time to settle dom Groom was twice across the line, the one the result of a quick break,ly . Bazley and the other a long solo run, Bazley narrowly missed converting each time. The backs were constantly on the move and Balcomb scored a fighting try in the comer (9-0), Walter Balcomb and Chick defended splendidly at centre while the Old Boys forwards were always in the thick of things with Christie M.prominent in defence-. Before half time Rook slipped through and scored for Bazley to convert (li-O), Back swung the ball once again and Bazley ms hauled back inches from the line, but the . ball was out again and Groom scored far out (l7-0),-. - -With a'-re-arranged team the Old Boys attacked strongly and after a neat movement Pearce dived over far out for Foss to convert with a splendid kick (17-5), By now it was raining heavily and conditions under foot were veiy treacherous. Once again the Old Boys vrere in full cry. Rock mis-kicked, Pearce gathered and was over _ for Foss to add the major points again (17-10), A ding-dong struggle ensued now right to the end, both sides.,in turn at tacking, but the defence on both sides held out. PAST: G, Griffinj Fossj W, Balcomb; Chick; Pearce; Winship; Gilliat; Irving; R, Theunissen; Howarth; L, Smith, M, Christie; Weston; A, Raw; A, Christie, HIESEHT: Putterill; Groom; Bazley; Rock; Balcomb; Robinson; Mark; Mimro; A,Lee; Rosenberg; Boyd; Hamlyn; Chaplin; P, Lee; French. vs frAHEERERS U.-20. ;..>i 24th May. f , Home;,.^ ^ WON 20-5.

E -23-. From, an early scrum close to their line Baloomb scored far out (3-0). Wanderers defaeded desperately to keep the hack out and then Mark stole away from the sci*um and eluded the everyeager hands to. score (6-0)o Bazley goaled a penalty soon afterwards (9-0). In spite of a tendency towards hanging offside, the school line kept on the mcve^ only heroic"tackling by Kemiok keeping the score dcf\^jiLo Bpyd secured rrom a line ou"b.and barged his v/ay over (12--0)« Groom had not been given much rocan, to move in but Bazley gave hdm a chance and away he sped; and with a deceptive swerve scored for Bazley to convert (17-0), The forwards were getting the ball: from most of the scrums but quick spoiling by the Wanderers side and slight hesitation by the. halves gave the line loss room to move in. A complete misundorstanditig by the backs let Wanderers in for an easy try under the posts (17-5). Before the^end'a himch of forward? wont over (20-5)» Both sides tackled hard with the forvrards having a good deal of the gEsme. The threes wore less effective than \;isual C'Ving to the ball hanging somewhat in the scrums. ' TEAM; Coutts; Groom.j BazleyJ Rock; Balcombj Robinson; • Mark; Munro; A., Loe; Rosenborgs Boydj Ifemlyn; P.Loo;^ Chaplin; Scheffor.,, . i I . May 27th, Y5,.'GLEIhlOOD II, ' Homoj ^ ■ ■ _ ' ■ WON 5G-0, From a sbrnm on the half way Bazley broke and after changingdireotion twice cbmp3ntely outwitted the opposition to score . bo-. tween the posts, but could not convert ((a fact which kept thescore doi-n, foi-, if anyono had been able to convert trios the score would have bbon half as big again), (3-0)9 Following a fonifard rash P.,Loe scored (6-0)r, First Bazley brolce and sent Groom tearing doT,wi for a try and then Bazley went over himsel.f, both trios being converted (only just) 16-0s,Rook was hanging-on at this stage instead of fcoding the line. P, Leo dived over aPber a scramble near their line (19-0),, Ralei^ of Glcnwood bi'oke but -was brought dovjn by Robinson® Rook gathorod a high Id-ok^ sold a dummy and sent Groom over (22-0)aRock short-punted, gathered and Boyd was inside to take the final pass and go over (25-0), From a scrum in iiiidfiold Bazley secured and broke right through, droxv tho full back and Groom scorod botwoen the posts, Onoo again

-24-. ■fch© kick failed (28-6). One© again the ball travelled out to Groom who ran right round the opposition, swerved past the full back and scored between the posts. This time Balcomb succeeded in converting. (33-0), Glenwood now attacked strongly and were on our line for some time until Badcomb relieved with a very long kick. Back on attack again Groom once more rounded the opposition to score between the posts, Balcomb failing with the goal kick, (36-0). Just before the end Glenwood missed an easy penalty, TEAM; Balcomb; Groom; Bazleyj Rook; French; Robinson; . Mark; Munro; A,Lee; Rosenberg; Boyd; Hamlynj P.Lee; Scheffer; Chaplin. vs. OLD CROCKS. MAY 31st, Won 36-18, HOME, This was one of the most spectacular games over seen at College. Movements followed in such bewildering rapidity thatit was difficult to keep count. From the sot scrums we saw little of the ball, which was only to bo expected, but in the loose the fojrwards were always on the ball, heeling and giving their backs all the opportunities, Munro at the head of the forwards led them particularly well while Bazley played an outstanding game, time after time caiving out perfect openings. From the kick off Groom was nearly over and from the re sulting scruiTi, Bazley shot through a gap and sent Groom over, Bazley converting (5-0), Rook broke inwards, swerved back to link up vrf-th the line and Groom raced over, Bazley failing with the kick (8-0). The Old Crocks came with a determined rush but were checked and from a line out they slung back a pass, which went astray, the forwards were on the ball and dribbled over, a whole bunch falling on the ball. Bazley converted (13-0). The Old Crocks swung the ball along the line and Clarkson seciared the overlap to send Allsopp in for a try (13-3), Just before half time Bazley broke again and Groom cut inside to take a reverse pass and score for Bazley to convert (18-3), If the handling had been good in the first.half, it proved almost perfect in the second. Prom the kick off the ball was

-25-. siTLing along tho line and Groom -was only just stopped dji the oomer. Todd broke clererly but was hemmed in; next Bill Payti set out with real determination but was hauled dovm by the Lee brothers. Fellow-Smith tried going through a gap but the forvrards were there to chock him, but they were not to be denie<l and away went the backs, Glarkson drew the defence and sent Allaopp over for a fine try (18-6), Our forwards were up again and from a loose scrum P,Lee scored (21-6), The Old Crooks misfielded a long kick. A, Lee was up as usual and after ^ spiriced x'un scored be'bween the posts for Bazley to convert i (26-6), After serious cornultation the Old Crooks forvmrds de-4 oidod to talce matters into their o\m hands, and to such good effect tliat first Van der Hank scored and then Barnes (26-12), FellovT-Smith Tra.s all but over after a wonderful run by. Todd who was Trell tackled "ty Balcomb, Bill Eajui now secured and nothing could stop his determined run as he weaved his way in and out to score between the posts, but the try v/as not converted - - (26—15), Back they came again and then the College swung the ball and Bazley was stopped inches from the line, then Robinson nearly slipped through, A timely touch ty Payn brought relief and the Old Crocks lino was in full cry. C1arkson cleverly manoeuvred an overlap for Allsopp to dive over (26-18), From the kick-off a sparkling movement with half the side taking part saw Groom s coring for Ba?ley to convert (31-18). Robinson was almost over, theh Bazley and Rock in turn were hauled :do\wi inches short, until Bazley, who had played magnificently, cut through and fed Groom who beat the Old Croclss for pace to score for Bazley to convert (36-18), TEAt/I; Balcomb; Groom; Bazloy; Rock; French; Robinson; Mark; liunro; A,Lee; Rosenborg; Boyd; Hamlyn; P.Lee; Scheffer; Qhaplin, OLD CROCKS; Coghill; N, Todd; W,Clarkson;' B, Payn; Allsopp; Jordan; "Draper; B,T,d.Plank; Stacey; J, Barnes; S, Potterson; Gwillam; Forris; H,Pollow-Smith; Woodvillo, vs. MARISTS. Juno 10th, Won 21-6, Home, Marists came up fast in defonco and ViTore tackling hard, Mark passod over Robinson's head to Bazloy who half broke and

t -26-. Groom swung out then swerved in to score between the posts, Bazley converting (5-0). Groom v/as being well watched and twice brought down when in full stride, Munro broke through from the line out and beat the full back scoring a good try (8-0), Baloomb allowed the ball to bounce from a high kick and Boude was up, collected and scored just in time as Groom tackled him heavily (8-3). Groom secured from a loose kick and cut infield and following some hand to hand passing Boyd went over, but the kick failed (11-3). A full movement and Groom ran right roTmd to score Bazley converting (16-3), Heavy tackling by both sides was a marked feature at this stage, several jerseys being torn. Bazley ran half the length of the field and was pushed out just on the comer flag. Rock next cut through but did not link up with the forwards but shortly aftemards he d\mimied his way through for Bazley to convert (21-3). Marists forwards were several thues \mmarked in the line out and twice nearly scored as the result. Again they broke from the line out and this time Rault scored (21-6). Very sluggish heeling by our forwards gave the backs less room to move in than visual while Mark and Robin son were both slower than usual. The forwards while playing hard, did not vase their feet as well as they have been doing of late. TEAM; Baloombi Groom; Bazl^; Rock; French; Robinson; Mark; Munro; Lee; Rosenberg; Boyd; Hamlyn; P.Lee; Scheffer; Chaplin, JUHIOR GAMES . May 18. vs. D,H,S. UNDBR-14A. Won 19-11. French scored against the run of play then D.H,S. scored and converted and added a penalty. Swale scored after a -x move Wessels converting to level the scores, L.Lee next scomd after taking the ball out of an opponent's hands. D.H.S. scored after a forward rush. Clayton made an opening and French scored, tlien Lee L. scored after a neat dumny, YiTessels converting. This was a very even game. vs. GLEW/OOD. U 15A. May 27, Lost 0 - 27,

I - -27-. Teague opened the scoring and shortly afterwards, Acutt . barged OTTer, Putterill missed an easy penalty, Glenwood wpfe havang all the p3.ay but selfishness md brilliant tackling ' by Putterill and Coutts kept the score down. On the few occasions when we did get the ball L,Lee Icnocked on, spoiling the move- . mentSj A badly directed short punt deserved what it got Teague scoring an eetsy try. Then Sinclair scored from a line out and L.Loe once again kicked into their hands, another easy try re sulting while finally the Glenwood side simply s^Tept throughTeague s coring againoTfe were outvTeighted and outplayed, ■ but the -defence was praiseworthy, vs, D.H.S, UMDER 14, June 3, ' Won 8-6. Away. After we had had most of ihe play in the first quarter, D.H.S, forv^ards broke through and they fell over in a bmch. After half time Lee Lo scored a capital try after a long run, D.H.S. attacked again and once again their fommrds went over in a bunch. Their foiwards were better than ours, while our backs always looked as though they might score. Right on time Putterill half broke, Scheffer slipped past, L.Lee gave Foss the bgill at the right moment and he beat the full back to score be tween the posts, We3se].s converting. Once again this proved a most evenly contested game. vs MARISTS U. 15, June 10, Lost (5-21), Paiqe scored early on from a reverse pass, Boydconverting then Jeffreys scored, A determined forward rush and Swale scored for Wessels to convert, Boyd, their fly half,scored an excellent try end then Mullins scored after a cross kick, Boyd converting. With only 14 men our sidP played with plenty of vigour and dash and on several occasions were nearly over, Wessels missed an easy penalty and then Patterson scored for Boyd to convert, Marists played really good rugby and but for lapses in handling would have scored many more points.

-28-, ■m, OLD CROCKS. May 31st, WON 10-9, This was a most enjoyable game, and after the Junior had got over the initial stage fright, and -the Old Crocks had once more ^ot the feel of the ball, both sides settled down to earnest work. George Weber on the wiag was a tower of strength to his side, scoring all three their tries, one from a brilliant interception in his own 25', Coutts and Boyd had a rare tussle on the other vring neither being able to get airny from the other. There was an interesting duel at half, and fathers and sons in the forwards settled old scores (we noticed one father looking with pride at a neat move ly his son too). The ball was given plenty of air and J, Hulett at full-back saved his side repeatedly and also gavo them well earned and much needed rest at the right time v/ith well judged kicks, Clayton and scored our tries, Wessels converting, our winning effort being made just on time - owing to a nrLsunderstanding among our guests, C, Jackson led his team with sympathetic undeie tanding and much encoinragement and at one time it looked as though they held a stranglehold on the game. Both sides shoived plenty of determination and indulged in some spark ling movements altogether an excellent game played in theright spirit, ¥fe are grateful to Mr, C, Jackson for bringing up this side and giving the Juniors a lesson in Sportsmanship,which only the Seniors have hitherto boon able to enjoy once a year on Old Crocks day. OLD CROCKS TEAM: H, Jackson; G, Weber; McDonald; J.Hulett; Boyd; R, Jackson; P, Milner; C, Jackson; R, Hulett; M» Perry; H, Dent; Boyd-Smith; Bland; Marsberg; J, Clayton, UNDER 14 V CLIFTON. June 17, Won 9-0, Home, A pleasing game this, for although outweighted we had most of the play, mainly due to the excellent work of the forwards who all played well, Henocksberg picked up from the loose and sent Scheffer over for a neat try, YiTalker was up and secured frcm a loose scrvm, passed to McLood who broke inwards to score.

-.29--, In "fcno second half Cldfton wore getting most of tho ha"'! fram sot scrums but pv.szod badly, Schcffox^T/aa plcylng afino gamo^in sprto of an injured finger and broJce' repeatedly only uo find tho pass laiodcGd on„ Iroiy "bvico went through a gap ■witii detormination but found no one in suoporbo ^ Schriffex" dummied round tho blind side^ passed to McLood -who rovers-'d back to Schoffer for the latter to score a roolly good try/ Tho dofonco was good throughout the game but the hmidline; not as certain as it should have boon, Perry at scrim half" played woli, particularly in dofonco and in going doim in tho raco of fomvard inishos^ TEAM: Jacobs j MoLoodi Ivoryj Thounisson; Thw; Schoffor (o)} Porry M; Tfalkorj Garbuttj Tronthomj Humoj Honocksborg; Porcivali Corbishloy; Balcomb,

-30-, Applied SHSKEsPE^mE. aad Others. FR.ITCH t Hero will he an old abusing of the king's English, ^ is tho short and long of it, lY.Tx ° .D,V,RN.,,L; I oannot toll what the dickens his name is, B.YD : A good man, sir ; h© will be talking, GR.V.S : A lion among ladios is a most dreadful thing, R,S,1IB,R6 ; Framed in the prodigality of nature. B.ZL.y ; For my voice, I have lost it with halloing and singing of.janthams, GR,,M : He hath ©aten me out of houso and home, L,W, : But, for mine cwm part, it was Greek to me, TR.NTH.M : 0, what a fall was there, ny countrymen, R.CK I For this relief, much thanks, C.D.TS : 0, reform it altogether, SW,L, s Egregiously an ass, L.RD t Ring out, wild bells, to tho wild sky, J,C,BS ; Tho last and greatest art, tho art to blot, CH.PL.R ; I struck on© chord of music, like the sound of a great Amen, H,ML,N t That air and harmony of shape express, J,F,R,

-31' Ihet Mew Utapis. The minister vms droning on smd on. Besides, it is so hard to hoar hira ivhen you are sitting behind him in the choir. I think now and then I may have dozed off, riiioh is a Bad Thing, when ovoryono can see you. So I turned" the pages of my anthem idly over; scanning the music, and glancing doiivn the list of anthems on the back page. But what was this I savr ? Suddenly I Was avirako. This is what I read ; "The eyes of the Lord are West", Are they ? Tifhy west ? This had me puzzled ; quite Tfoko me up in fact. Do wo, then, "go west" when wo die, in the hopes that the Lord will notice us ? This was indeed a puzzler. But even as I mused, luy glance upon the next lino, whore I read; "The fool hath said Sir»W,Bennott", Oh, ho hath, hath ho ? Now why should the fool pick on Sir, VJ", Bennett, who im.s probably quite a harmless old fellovr ? TrJhat had ho been doing ? - Then daylight daimed. Of course J The first part of the first lino of each anthem was being given, to bo followed by the name of the composer, Tfith a happy disregard for spacing and punctuation, the effect was somotimos striking. And so I discovered The Noiir Game. ■ , . Impioiisly hoping that tho minister would prolong his address at least until I had read the page through, I began, and this is what I road ; ^ A"' Tho Heavens declare MacPherson. (One up for Scotland) Tho hills stand about G,Gardner, Tho Lord hath Mondolssohn, (Vfe'd boon hoping so) Tho Lord hath dcxne Smart, (Caught you out, ny man), The Lor-i. hear thee Blow, (First Trombonist),