
-11-. for a liberal oducation, in the true sense of "bho word - the cul tivation of a sense of balance, the ability to disoriminato boti'/cen right and wrong and to fight against the evils of propagan da, Wo wore boing provontod these deys, ho said, from seeingour own point of view, and vroro having our powers of thinking des troyed, "I regrot," he continued, "that the old classical educa tion is falling into disfavour in our schools to-day. Very, very fow pupils take Grook as a subject and ovon Latin is not popular. We often hear that the classics are dead subjects and of no prac tical use in a modem world. But they are not dead, for thoy fom the key to the world of art, literature, and law; they develop in us the habit of accurate expression and clear thought. The old classical education which has bocome associated with the English Public School has faced a good deal of criticism, but one thing it has done is to build up a great tradition; Some of tho older schools in this coutntry have followed in these traditions and have played a groat part in the later history of South Africa" Tho key to tho nov/ building was handed to His Excellency by llr, W, S, Payne, tho architect, Tho vico-rogal party made a tour of the new blocks and tea was served to tho many visitors who at tended the ceremony. At present tlie school comprises four blocks -.the dininghall, tho classrooms, and two house blocks. All are built of multicolourod bricks which give a mollow and matiu"ed appearance to tho buildings, Tho hall is built to scat 240 boys,and loads by two doors into tho ,kitchon, a largo and airy room,whito tiled,in tho contro of which stands a largo Esso cooker. Pantiles, stororooms, rofrigorator room, etc,, load off tits kitohon, Tho house blocks arc duplicates. Each is undor tho control of a rosidont married hoiwomastor, aided by two singlo masters, & each house has its own matron, Thoro aro foin* domitorios up stairs, sleeping fiftoon boys in each, two largo dressing rooms, whore ovory boy has his own dressing tablo and coat rack, two changing rooms, in white tiles, with built-in baths and shower baths, and a separate sick bay. Downstairs are lockor rooms, cloak rooms, a dispensary, and two large common rooms with tables, chairs, built-in cupboards and wall seats, and firc-plaoos, Thoso will bo rocroation rooms for tho boys in thoir spare time, and it is hopod gradually to equip thorn with a library, gamos and hobbks. Thoro aro electric clocks in tho dormitorios and common rooms.