
E9,oh houso has its oivn ho'c ivatcr systoia, ^ On laying tho foiuidation stoiios, Mr»A,S«L,HulGtt,Chaiionan or rho old counoiig namod tho houso noarcr tho main road Gillingham, and Mr® Jo Jr Crocko's, donor of tho housOj namod tho fartherono Rj-nningloy,, Thoy aro \mdor tho control of Mr, Go Ml Gram and Mr, J,, p, Rooco respootivoly® " Tho classroom block is of■ a simple pattcmj' iArith class rooms in ono stfo.ight linoo Thoro VAill also bo a labofatory«j music rooms^ cloaJcroom, and stationory-office. " The four main buildings montionod form roughly a quad - ranglo. In duo time the grounds ivill bo laid out with lavms, paths, trees and shrubs, Tho playing fields are being loTollod, the first'to be finished being about 250 yds by 130, Ultimatoly it is hoped to add tvro more houses, a largo assembly hall, further classrooms, and, above all, a school chapel» A school chapel should be a beautiful and worthy sanc- •^ary, with a profound influence on the life of a schoolj it is to be hoped that some means will soon be found for erecting such a building. Until then it will be necessary to * hold services in the dining hall, " • \ ' "■ : ' k j.p,R.. . '