
-13-.- "A Q.umT TimE:" A large audience of relatives and friends assenibled in the Hall the last night of term to see the Annual ELay. The choice this year was a comedy in three acts. It was well produced, and judging by the enthusiasm of the audience, well acted. The part of Ur-.Theophilus Birch,C.A.H.E.O., Principal of St. Leonardts on the Hill, was acted by Mr.G.M.Oram who throw hitaself into the part realistically. Squire Pizzle,V,0,L.C.A.lI.O. was well acted by Mr, J,H, Hopkins — his part was tinly volcanic, and most impressive. G.S.Boyd took the part of Fizzle's son, W.H.Grovos was Mr.Backslider,C,A.N,E.,K.O. The two sots of Tv/ins proved popular, these parts were played by P,R.Charter and D.H, Percival (tvd.ns from Peru) and R.C.Putterill and J.B. Trentham,- (twins from Calcutta), J,R.Lovire, as Toney Nettles was very good. Marki^, the dignified butler vras played by L.A.Jordan, and the amusing footman, Meekum, by L, Lee* Heaps, a farmer, was veiy well acted by G.C.French, and B.G.Scheffer took the part of Whiteboy, a sweep. At the conclusion of the play Mr. Oram "thanked the audience and boys for their loyal support during the past and referred to the fomer plays which he had produced and to the value from an educative point of "view. He expressed the hope that Botha's Hill would not be too far away for them to come to the futvire Plays. lilr, E.F, Hindson then presented the Principal and Staff with a veiy handsome silver tea set from friends in Kearsney, Stanger, and Doomkop, After Mr. R.H, Matterson had expressed his ap preciation and thanks supper was served and so ended the Four teenth Annual Play, As this is "the record of our last play at Kearsnoy,it may bo of interest to give "thefollo"wing list of plays produced there since 1924 when the School got well into i"fcs stride ;-