
1924. "Scenes from "Julius Caesar". 1925. "Tvrelfth Night",. 1926. "A Itlidsummer Night's Dream", 19274 ."The, Marohant of Venice", •- 1928, . "A Quiet Time". . ♦ ! "The; Island of Sea Dreaias". 1929o • Three Short HLays; * • . • "Alice in Wonderland", "A Night at an Im"., . "The Rising of the moon", 1930a "She Stoops to Conquer", 1931, "Charley's Aunt", 1932, "Julius Caesar", 1934, "The Rising Generation". 1§36, Three one-act Plays: : . . "Midnight Murder", * * "The King's Waistcoat", "A Slice of Scottish Life", 2.937, '^lichard of Bordeaux". 1938o "Youth at the Helm",