
5chddl Ndtes. STAFF: It is with great pleasure that we note the apppintment to the Staff at the hegirming of the year of Mr.J.H.Hopkins, an old boy of the School, and we congratulate him heartily on the recent award of an M.A. degree of the University of South Africa, Mr. floplcins left the Fatal University College at the end of last year after making his mark as a leader among his fellows,since for two successive years he was President of the Students' Union. Tfe wish him a happy and successful career mth usj it is already evident that his help will be invaluable both in the class-room and on the playing-field. The moving of the College to Botha's Hill involved taking farewell of our popular Chaplain, the Rev.W.H.Stanton,whose coming to Stanger in Januaiy we have not yet noted,- So we say "Hail" and "Welcome" in the same breath in which we say "Goodbye", In the feav months during which wo were privileged to loiow him,Mr,Stanton made himself the firm friend of us all, both masters and boys,and there is not one of us who does not regret that we could not take him along vtLth -us to the new School. Although we Icnow that he will miss us from the Stanger circuit, we -v/ish him continued hap- ■iDiness ttere and abundant blessing in his work. THE HEW SCHOOL: The first -two terms of the year were our last two~"a?tlCearsney, and we lived through.them with somewhat mixod^ feelings, hardly knomng vdiether to regret cur impending depart-, ure from a plaoe we loved well, or to rejoice in the glory of beginning a new adventure which promised, a brighter and more pow erful- future. Probably the feelings of anticipation were the stronger on the vdiole, since what is brand new has,for most minds, a superficial attractiveness over vj-hat is old and beginning to decay, and no one surely can watch the gradual rise of big build ings without an increasing sense of excitement at the ever nearing prospect of getting into tliem and forging ahead -with, the "vfork they are intended to do. The Commeramoration Stone-laying ceremony took place at Botha's Hill on 25th February, and though it brought our depart ure fromKearsney nearer, it did not emphasise our regrets on that account so much as our impatience to see the new scheme completed and the School established there. The Administrator of Hatal, Mr, Gordon Watson, laid the