
-21-. Edb-ber Ndt^b. ■As an all roxmd combination, this year's team is probably sounder than any team yet fielded. The forwards have welded into a hardworking pack and have plenty of dash. When the line out work reaches the same high level as the rest of their play, they will be a good pack. The.back have risen to brilliant heights with plenty of thrust, while their handling has been a pleasxire to watch. The best game this term from the spectators' point, of view was undoubtedly the Old Crocks Match. The ball was hardly ever in touch'and thrill followed thrill as first the one lino then the other swung into action. The enthusiasm amongst the smaller boys is unbounded,and as long as this lasts, the future of Rugby at Kearsney is assured of success. The Under 14 game against Clifton showed that there is some good material for the future years. 18th May, vs. D, H, S. 2nd, Won, 19-13. HOME, Balcomb scored from, the first movement of the game and very shortly afterwards Bazley scored after a corkscrew run half the length of the field. (6-0), D,H.S, a'ttacked and E,Shaw took a gap and sent C.Shaw over, S' "try Caine convcidied (6—5), Bazley kicked a long touch and the ball swung along the line; Groom swoi*vod in after a fine run and scored for Bazl^ to convert (11-5,) Rock dummied through neat ly and sent Bazley over for a try which he also converted (16-5). D,H,S. forwards swept downfield. Rock slung back a bad pass to Boyd and E.Shaw dashed through to score (i6-8). First Balcomb was nearly over then the ball swung along to Groom who dived over in the comer (19-8). Bazley broke beautifully and drew the full back, passed to Rock who bounced the ball when scoring and the try was disallowed, D.H.S. forwards wore playing very well indeed and were actually the batter pack in the tight scrums, Vemon broke and passed to E.Shaw who scored for Caine to convert (19-13). Mark vms everywhere in defence while Munro and Lee A. were always on the ball. Our backs always looked like