
-22-. scoring when they had the balX while the D.H.S. forwards were full of fire right to the end, ISAM; Boyd, Groom, Bazley, Rook, Balcomb, Robinson, Mark, ' liunro. Lee A, Rosenberg, Hamlyn, P, Lee, Chaplin, Coutts, Ballard, • - ' PAST Ys fRESENT. 20th May. 'ffon 17 - 10, Home. Before the Old Boys had time to settle dom Groom was twice across the line, the one the result of a quick break,ly . Bazley and the other a long solo run, Bazley narrowly missed converting each time. The backs were constantly on the move and Balcomb scored a fighting try in the comer (9-0), Walter Balcomb and Chick defended splendidly at centre while the Old Boys forwards were always in the thick of things with Christie M.prominent in defence-. Before half time Rook slipped through and scored for Bazley to convert (li-O), Back swung the ball once again and Bazley ms hauled back inches from the line, but the . ball was out again and Groom scored far out (l7-0),-. - -With a'-re-arranged team the Old Boys attacked strongly and after a neat movement Pearce dived over far out for Foss to convert with a splendid kick (17-5), By now it was raining heavily and conditions under foot were veiy treacherous. Once again the Old Boys vrere in full cry. Rock mis-kicked, Pearce gathered and was over _ for Foss to add the major points again (17-10), A ding-dong struggle ensued now right to the end, both sides.,in turn at tacking, but the defence on both sides held out. PAST: G, Griffinj Fossj W, Balcomb; Chick; Pearce; Winship; Gilliat; Irving; R, Theunissen; Howarth; L, Smith, M, Christie; Weston; A, Raw; A, Christie, HIESEHT: Putterill; Groom; Bazley; Rock; Balcomb; Robinson; Mark; Mimro; A,Lee; Rosenberg; Boyd; Hamlyn; Chaplin; P, Lee; French. vs frAHEERERS U.-20. ;..>i 24th May. f , Home;,.^ ^ WON 20-5.